Diappearing Adam's Apple -- Where did that neck come from???



Starting to have mild lympdeamia on the neck...any thoughts? Does it eventually find its way further south instead of in the neck region....thanks!




  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member


    Lymphedema does eventually subside with time, although it will always be an issue.  I still experience mild lymphedema at times, three years out.  I notice it mostly in the mornings. Stretching and massage help a lot.

    (A really smart-assed response to your 'further south' question came immediately to mind...  but I restrained myself.)


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Turkey Neck

    Hi Jon,

    I just started experiencing mild lympdeamia in the last 2 weeks. It's a bit uncomfortable. especially in the mornings. Not much I can do right now but I have a custom made support I can wear and massage therapy can help aleviate the swelling (it just looks goofy as hell!). My understanding is that three months out of Tx is a good time to start the massage therapy. I'll be bringing it up with my RO next appt.

    At least for now, mine is relegated to an extra chin that wobbles when I gobble ~lol~ The rest of my neck is fine.



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    it is a good day to have a neck


    You really need to get in the queue for the lymphedema neck massage, it feels great and insurance usually covers a few appointments.

    The Superthread covers it well as does MarineE5 (I believe).  For me it comes and goes, I find myself massaging my neck all the time.  Some people even have their caregiver to give the massage (I’ve never asked).

    H&N keeps on giving.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    it is a good day to have a neck


    You really need to get in the queue for the lymphedema neck massage, it feels great and insurance usually covers a few appointments.

    The Superthread covers it well as does MarineE5 (I believe).  For me it comes and goes, I find myself massaging my neck all the time.  Some people even have their caregiver to give the massage (I’ve never asked).

    H&N keeps on giving.



    I found the neck massage therapy very helpful. 

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Hey Jon !

    As other's have mentioned the massaging does help.  And if it gets to be a really big issue get yourself into a specialist that handles lymphedema PT.  Mine is somewhat better after 18 months.  After my surgery on both sides of the neck (resects) it got pretty bad even up into the cheek area.  I still have my gobbler effect going on, but heck....we all have been through worse hunh ?  Best of luck, and hope it resolves quickly.  Katie 

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Gobble Gobble...

    I do believe you are becoming the newest member (bumping T), of the Turkey Neck Club.... Perfectly abi-normal...., once you get a little L'Hermett's stinging down your spine, legs and arms, you'll be pretty much a full fledged member.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Gobble Gobble...

    I do believe you are becoming the newest member (bumping T), of the Turkey Neck Club.... Perfectly abi-normal...., once you get a little L'Hermett's stinging down your spine, legs and arms, you'll be pretty much a full fledged member.



    Ahhh... I heard it mentioned a while back... I couldn't remember the name but yep... I got that goin' on... not bad by any means but distracting for sure. 

    The lymphedema is a PITA though.... being numb and feeling like my neck is inflated is weird indeed. Would the L'Hermett's cause nerve pain sensitivity in your arms? It's as if my skin is on fire and it hurts to just touch... 


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    fishmanpa said:


    Ahhh... I heard it mentioned a while back... I couldn't remember the name but yep... I got that goin' on... not bad by any means but distracting for sure. 

    The lymphedema is a PITA though.... being numb and feeling like my neck is inflated is weird indeed. Would the L'Hermett's cause nerve pain sensitivity in your arms? It's as if my skin is on fire and it hurts to just touch... 


    Electric Tingles...

    Usually more of an electric shock sensation... Mostly if you bend your head forward, touching your chin to your chest.

    A mild shock sensation that runs down your spine, through your arms and legs sometimes...

    Although I doubt it's shingles, someone on here recently did have a bout with those... Definitely not something I'd prefer..
