Ear Ache after completion of Radidation Treatment

I am almost ten weeks out and have started experiencing an ear ache on the side that recieved the most radidation.  Anyone else experienced this....


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Not Uncommon....

    A lot of people have ear pain after rads...

    Normally it's caused by wax buildup or blockage... You can either have your ENT check you out, or perhaps try some of the ear wax removal products first...



  • meaganb
    meaganb Member Posts: 244 Member
    Did you have ear pain before

    Did you have ear pain before treatment? I had a constant ear ache because the tumor had invaded a nerve. After surgery the pain disappeared. Rads caused it to return because they were focused on that same area. It tesolved itself after a few weeks. If you didn't have pain before then I second what John said!

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    meaganb said:

    Did you have ear pain before

    Did you have ear pain before treatment? I had a constant ear ache because the tumor had invaded a nerve. After surgery the pain disappeared. Rads caused it to return because they were focused on that same area. It tesolved itself after a few weeks. If you didn't have pain before then I second what John said!


    I had an earache that resolved itself. Been awhile ago, I recall it causing me concern because I was never one to have earaches. One of the docs looked in there and said it was a little inflamed and that was pretty much that. It eventually went away on its own. Now ringing, that's another story. still have that every morning when I wake up. It goes away after about a half hour so just something I've taken in stride.

    Hope yours is nothing.

  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Yes....here too.

    Yes, loved one has had that from time to time. Usually doesn't last for a long time when it does come on...couple days or so. He is almost 6 months out from tx.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    The Ear Wax Museum

    Ahhh yes... about a month after treatment, while I didn't experience much ear pain, I did experience muffled hearing which terrified me (side effect of Cisplatin is hearing loss) until a ball of wax large enough to sculpt a bust came out of my ear! (same side as the tumors and heavy rads). A ear wax removal kit resolved the issue.


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    ear pain and ringing..

    I've had ear pain and ringing in my ear even before rads.  It actually has gotten better the more radiation I get.  Isn't it strange how everyone is effected so differently?  I hope your ear feels better! 

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Looks like it's pretty common...

    I've had intermittent ear aches since I finished treatment, also....scared me at first but the Dr.'s weren't concerned at all.  I've had ringing in my ears since before treatment.....think the Cisplatin took up where the tumor let off.....

    LOL @ T.....the mental picture of your bust sized ball of wax cracked me up.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Another coomon problem with age, but Cisplatin does or can add to it....

    I have had ringing, crickets chirping in my ears for years, way before Cisplatin....

    I'm sure all of the guns and artillery didn't help that much either...


  • watchtower
    watchtower Member Posts: 10 Member

    My guy is going on 5 months post treatment for cancer that started on a left tonsil. It spread to his glands and back of throat but all that is left of the treatment that he can't get relief from is excruciating ear pain. We have gone to emergency, where they said his ear was infected. Started Prednisone and antibiotic. Did not help. Went to see primary said his ears looked good. Refered to pain management almost 2 months out but even narcotic pain reliever don't work. He is now in process of step 2 for a tmj block. They did do some scans and MRI but nothing seems to be out of ordinary perhaps ear nerve damaged in treatment. However just in case somebody needs some hope we are being told patients with almost identical problems have seen almost total relief. I hope this is it

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 467 Member

    last active 3-1/2 years ago...You really should start your own Thread, Watchtower.