Appt with surgeon tomorrow....
Da Vincipauley13 said:Thanks for all the info.
Thanks for all the info. Others i have talked to about the da vinci has also said recovery time was shorter than open, but they also had gynecological surgeries vs urological. Da Vinci is big around here now so alot are doing just that.
I think you will be amazed at how easy it is on the body. I don't know if you have experienced regular sugery but you will be up and about within 24 hours after this op.
Are you on nights, or just up early?. It is only just after 11 am here in France.
Djinnie x
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I work midnights. I do sleepDjinnie said:Da Vinci
I think you will be amazed at how easy it is on the body. I don't know if you have experienced regular sugery but you will be up and about within 24 hours after this op.
Are you on nights, or just up early?. It is only just after 11 am here in France.
Djinnie x
I work midnights. I do sleep studies. When i come back after surgery i will be doing secretary works so then i will be on days. i had a endometrial ablasion and a tubal ligation feb 2012 and i was up walking that day, next day i was home alone doing everything on my own. So maybe with just a little more recovery time i will be just fine. that wasnt a big abdominal surgery, but i was cut at my umbilicus and my abdomen was brused for a few weeks due to the cutting of the muscle (so my doc said). So maybe this will be similar. I actually had surgery on a wednesday and went back to work on the following Monday.
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Early datepauley13 said:Thanks for all the info.
Thanks for all the info. Others i have talked to about the da vinci has also said recovery time was shorter than open, but they also had gynecological surgeries vs urological. Da Vinci is big around here now so alot are doing just that.
Count another vote for the early date - I'd take it without a moment's hesitation.
You are young, fit, you have a tiny tumor and the op will be laparoscopic (why can almost no-one spell this correctly?!) - you shouldn't have any problems at all - even with the travelling two weeks later - just take all the sensible steps to make the journey as comfortable as possible.
All the stres and anxiety of having this hanging over your Family until September is a much less attractive prospect.
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i can only comment on my ownpauley13 said:Thanks Sue. I am really
Thanks Sue. I am really worried about the pain and traveling...being post op 12 days and traveling, whats some thoughts on that?
i can only comment on my own experience, even after major surgery (I had a midline incision of about 30cm, my tumour being 20 cms) I left hospital after 7 days without needing any pain relief - I guess I must have been extremely lucky. I had the staples removed 10 days after surgery and did not need to see the surgeon for another 4 weeks after that. If I had had the opportunity I would have jumped at the chance of a holiday!
I guess it all depends on mode of travel and your intentions when you get there. Hopefully you will only be required to lay around enjoying the sunshine and be spoiled by your family.
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I know I could not have traveled 13 days post oppauley13 said:So I had my appt today with
So I had my appt today with the dr. he explained to me all about surgery, how long i will be under, how long i will be in hospital, and all kinds of other details that i cant remember....but i need some advise from everyone on what to do next. first available is July 1 (i am scheduled that day), however i have my kids to think about, a vacation already booked and paid for July 13-21. they think as long as i take it easy i will be fine on vacation...13 days post op?? As long as i just lay around, which all our plans are is to lay on the beach for a week. BUT if i want to wait till after vacation, i cant get in until Sept, he will be on a 6 week vacation. Would you guys wait it out or get it over with and let the healing begin??
I have a hand assisstent radical nephrectomy. I ended up canceling a vacation 2 months post op because I did not think I could do it. It is major surgery. You need to let your body heal. with that said, I had complications (wound got infected...). I am still in pain one year out. Optionally, you could have the surgery right after the vacation. It will be the last time you feel good for a while. RCC is usually not that agressive, and three weeks should not matter.
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Im sorry you had a roughdhs1963 said:I know I could not have traveled 13 days post op
I have a hand assisstent radical nephrectomy. I ended up canceling a vacation 2 months post op because I did not think I could do it. It is major surgery. You need to let your body heal. with that said, I had complications (wound got infected...). I am still in pain one year out. Optionally, you could have the surgery right after the vacation. It will be the last time you feel good for a while. RCC is usually not that agressive, and three weeks should not matter.
Im sorry you had a rough time. i was given a choice of July 1st or mid September for surgery. I am afraid i will in pain but then again i am afraid of driving everyone insane waiting for September
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Sept would be tough to waitpauley13 said:Im sorry you had a rough
Im sorry you had a rough time. i was given a choice of July 1st or mid September for surgery. I am afraid i will in pain but then again i am afraid of driving everyone insane waiting for September
I know, though. The car ride will be tough. You will need to stop a lot. Three weeks, I could see delaying the surgery. Thee months, no. Can you cancle the vacation if you are not up to the trip? For example, on the 10th of July you realize things are not going well? It also depends what you are doing...I was planning on flying cross countyr then driving the oregon coast. About 2 weeks before the trip, I realzied that it would be a really bad idea. On the other hand, 6 weeks after my lung sugery (removing a met), I did a solo trip to florida for spring training. everyone and eveery sugery is different.
good luck.
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Decisionpauley13 said:I work midnights. I do sleep
I work midnights. I do sleep studies. When i come back after surgery i will be doing secretary works so then i will be on days. i had a endometrial ablasion and a tubal ligation feb 2012 and i was up walking that day, next day i was home alone doing everything on my own. So maybe with just a little more recovery time i will be just fine. that wasnt a big abdominal surgery, but i was cut at my umbilicus and my abdomen was brused for a few weeks due to the cutting of the muscle (so my doc said). So maybe this will be similar. I actually had surgery on a wednesday and went back to work on the following Monday.
How long do you have to make a decision on the date?
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Agree...Texas_wedge said:Early date
Count another vote for the early date - I'd take it without a moment's hesitation.
You are young, fit, you have a tiny tumor and the op will be laparoscopic (why can almost no-one spell this correctly?!) - you shouldn't have any problems at all - even with the travelling two weeks later - just take all the sensible steps to make the journey as comfortable as possible.
All the stres and anxiety of having this hanging over your Family until September is a much less attractive prospect.
Get it out and celebrate at the beach. I had a motorcycle crash, 6 broken ribs, punctured lung, fractured scapula, and a severe concussion, CT in the ER found my tumor. Four weeks later I had a lap. rad. nephrectomy, five days after that they made an 8" incision and went into my chest through the broken ribs to repair damage from the crash, two weeks later I was back at work (desk job) and would not have passed on a trip to the beach except it was December and Michigan beaches were white with snow. Will you be sore, probably, but you won't be lying there thinking about cancer, you'll be showing off your scars and telling everyone "Can you believe it, 2 weeks ago I "HAD" cancer!".
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VacationTexas_wedge said:Early date
Count another vote for the early date - I'd take it without a moment's hesitation.
You are young, fit, you have a tiny tumor and the op will be laparoscopic (why can almost no-one spell this correctly?!) - you shouldn't have any problems at all - even with the travelling two weeks later - just take all the sensible steps to make the journey as comfortable as possible.
All the stres and anxiety of having this hanging over your Family until September is a much less attractive prospect.
My thoughts were towards cancelling your vacation not putting off the sugery. Hopefully My comments were wrong and you will be able to enjoy the vacation.
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I vote early surgeryTexas_wedge said:Early date
Count another vote for the early date - I'd take it without a moment's hesitation.
You are young, fit, you have a tiny tumor and the op will be laparoscopic (why can almost no-one spell this correctly?!) - you shouldn't have any problems at all - even with the travelling two weeks later - just take all the sensible steps to make the journey as comfortable as possible.
All the stres and anxiety of having this hanging over your Family until September is a much less attractive prospect.
My surgery was a hand assisted laparoscopic radical left nephrectomy. We went on a 1 week vacation 13 days post-op. I would say that as long as you aren't planning a Disney trip or horseback riding or something else strenuous you will probably be fine. For me the hardest parts were the drive (~4hrs, but it wasn't horrible) and sleeping. I took pain meds at night just to help me sleep b/c I couldn't get comfortable. Honestly I think going on vacation, relaxing and soaking up some sun as opposed to sitting in my house, helped me recover faster!
Just make sure you are comfortable with whatever you decide.
Note** I didn't drive, my husband did! (I'm on my iPad and I can't go in and change "drive" to "car trip" for some reason..)
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I'm with Texas Wedge on thisTexas_wedge said:Early date
Count another vote for the early date - I'd take it without a moment's hesitation.
You are young, fit, you have a tiny tumor and the op will be laparoscopic (why can almost no-one spell this correctly?!) - you shouldn't have any problems at all - even with the travelling two weeks later - just take all the sensible steps to make the journey as comfortable as possible.
All the stres and anxiety of having this hanging over your Family until September is a much less attractive prospect.
I'm with Texas Wedge on this one!
Get it out, over and done. At two weeks with a hand assist laparascopic I was driving, albeit not far. I substituted in a class for a four hour stint. Was I tired? Yes! Was I sore? Occasionaly.
I would say, using Icemantoo's logic, that roller coasters are OUT! So would be scuba diving, sky diving, alligator wrestling, mountain climbing, panning for gold in the Yukon, and a number of other heavily physical options.
If we are talking about beach time, hotel time, being lazy and taking the opportunities for numerous breaks and naps and letting your partner take primary rsponsibility for the kiddos, then get the surgery and get that vile thing out of you. Then take the vacation and let others take the lead in everything except you resting and enjoying the trip!
Send me a post card!
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I'm with Texas Wedge on thisMDCinSC said:I'm with Texas Wedge on this
I'm with Texas Wedge on this one!
Get it out, over and done. At two weeks with a hand assist laparascopic I was driving, albeit not far. I substituted in a class for a four hour stint. Was I tired? Yes! Was I sore? Occasionaly.
I would say, using Icemantoo's logic, that roller coasters are OUT! So would be scuba diving, sky diving, alligator wrestling, mountain climbing, panning for gold in the Yukon, and a number of other heavily physical options.
If we are talking about beach time, hotel time, being lazy and taking the opportunities for numerous breaks and naps and letting your partner take primary rsponsibility for the kiddos, then get the surgery and get that vile thing out of you. Then take the vacation and let others take the lead in everything except you resting and enjoying the trip!
Send me a post card!
I am sure you wll be fine. I went to a family wedding by air to the midwest 10 weeks post op from a hand assisted lap. I wasn't in any pain or anything but of course I had to act like a big man and pretend I was 100%. I think this was more a l guy type mistake and I ended up pretty exhausted. As long as you are not doing anything physicially demanding I don't think you will have any problem whatsoever. In fact I think the opposite is true. You sit around for a couple weeks watching TV and it is really boring. It can drive you nuts especially with almost everyone being nice to you and everyone else pretending to be). That kind of stuff can wear pretty thin. Family Friends Beach!
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Monday's oppauley13 said:Thanks everyone for all the
Thanks everyone for all the info you have shared....I go today for all my pre-op stuff, then Friday for a Angio, then Monday i will be in surgery to kiss this cancer good bye!!! Wish me luck!!
You're going to be fine - you won't need luck, but, of course, we all wish you the very best of it anyway and look forward to hearing a good account from you by about this time next week.
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Don't kiss it, kick its a...pauley13 said:Thanks everyone for all the
Thanks everyone for all the info you have shared....I go today for all my pre-op stuff, then Friday for a Angio, then Monday i will be in surgery to kiss this cancer good bye!!! Wish me luck!!
Hi Crystal,
I've had 5 hole-in-ones playing golf, but you should see peoples faces when I tell them the "luckiest" thing that ever happened to me was the motorcycle accident that saved my life. Truth is I don't believe much in luck, I believe everything happens for a reason and everything works together for good, that makes it easy to believe that you are going to be fine and you'll have the next 50 years or so to prove it. The next couple weeks will be a bit rough, but after that you'll have smooth sailing and soon this will all be a distant memory.
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i would get it over and done with--actually, I didpauley13 said:So I had my appt today with
So I had my appt today with the dr. he explained to me all about surgery, how long i will be under, how long i will be in hospital, and all kinds of other details that i cant remember....but i need some advise from everyone on what to do next. first available is July 1 (i am scheduled that day), however i have my kids to think about, a vacation already booked and paid for July 13-21. they think as long as i take it easy i will be fine on vacation...13 days post op?? As long as i just lay around, which all our plans are is to lay on the beach for a week. BUT if i want to wait till after vacation, i cant get in until Sept, he will be on a 6 week vacation. Would you guys wait it out or get it over with and let the healing begin??
Hi, Crystal.
I'm sorry to hear you are going through this.
I had a radical nephrectomy two and a half weeks after I got "the call."
That was the worst time of my entire life. i was so horrified that this "thing" was growing inside of me, all I could think of was getting it out of me. A friend told me about how he wanted to take an Xacto knife to an excruciatingly painful boil rather than wait to see a doc--which sounded like a very reasonable solution to my problem. Thankfully, we both waited for treatment from trained professionals.
Followed up with surgeon one week post-op. He confirmed that it was Stage II RCC and that they got it all.
Physically, I'm fine. The incision site is a little tender yet, and I'm pretty easily exhausted (100 + degrees in Abq is probably contributing to that, though).
Emotionally, I'm a disaster. I think going back to work on Monday will be good for me--I have WAY too much time right now to think about what happened over the last month.
Emotional state notwithstanding, in my case, having the surgery almost immediately was the best thing that could have happened.
God bless you, Crystal, and I'll keep you in my prayers.
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Decision Madepauley13 said:Thanks everyone for all the
Thanks everyone for all the info you have shared....I go today for all my pre-op stuff, then Friday for a Angio, then Monday i will be in surgery to kiss this cancer good bye!!! Wish me luck!!
I am so glad you decided to have the operation sooner than later. It will soon be over and you can look forward to a new beginning. We will all be thinking of you, and waiting back here to hear from you:-)
Djinnie x
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Kicking it in the keister ispauley13 said:Thanks everyone for all the
Thanks everyone for all the info you have shared....I go today for all my pre-op stuff, then Friday for a Angio, then Monday i will be in surgery to kiss this cancer good bye!!! Wish me luck!!
Kicking it in the keister is far superior to kissing it goodbye!
This thing is trying to hurt you. It is your enemy! Do it dirty!
Waiting anxiously hear back!
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You will be finegarym said:Don't kiss it, kick its a...
Hi Crystal,
I've had 5 hole-in-ones playing golf, but you should see peoples faces when I tell them the "luckiest" thing that ever happened to me was the motorcycle accident that saved my life. Truth is I don't believe much in luck, I believe everything happens for a reason and everything works together for good, that makes it easy to believe that you are going to be fine and you'll have the next 50 years or so to prove it. The next couple weeks will be a bit rough, but after that you'll have smooth sailing and soon this will all be a distant memory.
Could thought and prayers your way will be fine
I get the same reaction as Gary when I mention how blessed I was to have a badly heriated disk at L4,5. It still really hurts somedays but I am no longer mad about it at all. That damn back saved me and I also believe everything happens for a reason
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