The Politics of Kidney Cancer

As far as I know kidney cancer is a strictly nonpartisan equal opportunity disease, but you wouldn't know it from reading various websites of the Kidney Cancer Association (KCA). While the organization does much good work they post virtually every day to articles from The Heritage Foundation or Forbes or other right leaning anti Obama publications.
The Kidney Cancer Association is not one of those murky 501(C) (4) organizations that claim nonprofit status as "social interest" organizations as opposed to political organizations. Despite all the news of late, contributions to such groups are not tax deductible and the only real advantage in securing such status is the ability to conceal the identities of your donors. The KCA on the other hand is an old fashioned 501(C) (3), and all gifts are deductible. They have to play by more specific and well established rules.
I remember seeing Michael Jordan being interviewed one day and he was asked why he wasn’t involved in politics and he said “Republicans buy sneakers too”. I am not a strongly political person, but not only do I think the KCA is playing recklessly with the Tax Code, I think their conduct is bad for business and accordingly bad for us.
My issues with KCA
While I tend to agree with your appraisal, were they refused any access to anything on their site until I paid a fee!
I'm sure Denise Richards' heart is in the right place, but I do question the organization's ethics from time to time.
I avoid politics in here as much as possible because it can only divide us. The deck is aleady stacked and I really like everyone here! I like to keep it that way.
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You need only to look to the Komen FoundationMDCinSC said:My issues with KCA
While I tend to agree with your appraisal, were they refused any access to anything on their site until I paid a fee!
I'm sure Denise Richards' heart is in the right place, but I do question the organization's ethics from time to time.
I avoid politics in here as much as possible because it can only divide us. The deck is aleady stacked and I really like everyone here! I like to keep it that way.
Look what happened to the Komen foundation when they tried to play right wing politics. The problem with the Kidney Cancer Association lining up this way is that they can not be an advocate for the uninsured and underinsured who have Kidney Cancer and can not get coverage for their care until the affordable care act takes effect.
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I searched the Kidney Cancer Association website for improper political views, At first I did not find any until I realized thet 8 of 10 persons they thanked for sposoring their website developement were pharmasuitacal companies, Need I say more for an unbiased position of the Kidney Cancer Association.
Certainly these new drugs have done much good as far as kidney cancer but for me I would want to learn more about Kidney Cancer than just what the drug companies want me to know about Kidney Cancer. It sounds to me that the drug companies do not like Obamacare and are using the Heritage foundation to communicate with the Kidney Cancer foundation. If I am right my comments will be deleted in no time.
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Alasicemantoo said:Politics
I searched the Kidney Cancer Association website for improper political views, At first I did not find any until I realized thet 8 of 10 persons they thanked for sposoring their website developement were pharmasuitacal companies, Need I say more for an unbiased position of the Kidney Cancer Association.
Certainly these new drugs have done much good as far as kidney cancer but for me I would want to learn more about Kidney Cancer than just what the drug companies want me to know about Kidney Cancer. It sounds to me that the drug companies do not like Obamacare and are using the Heritage foundation to communicate with the Kidney Cancer foundation. If I am right my comments will be deleted in no time.
I'm dismayed.
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PoliticsI am alive said:Alas
I'm dismayed.
If that happens, iceman, at least plenty of us will have seen what you've said and can draw our own conclusions if anyone attempts to interfere in your rights of free speech!
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There is no free speach on the boardTexas_wedge said:Politics
If that happens, iceman, at least plenty of us will have seen what you've said and can draw our own conclusions if anyone attempts to interfere in your rights of free speech!
The First Amendment says the "Government". If I run a bulletin board, I can decide what goes up, for the most part. The exceptions beeing I can not, for example, but indtructions on how to make a bomb.
As for the KCA, I had not noticed that about them. I am glad you pointed that out. I was thinking of organzing a fundraiser for RCC R & D, and KCA seemed a logical recipient. Now, they are not. But I am a NE liberal.
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American Cancer Societydhs1963 said:There is no free speach on the board
The First Amendment says the "Government". If I run a bulletin board, I can decide what goes up, for the most part. The exceptions beeing I can not, for example, but indtructions on how to make a bomb.
As for the KCA, I had not noticed that about them. I am glad you pointed that out. I was thinking of organzing a fundraiser for RCC R & D, and KCA seemed a logical recipient. Now, they are not. But I am a NE liberal.
This board and site is maintained by the American Cancer Society. I have no agruement with them other then they might want to invest a few dollars and make a clean break from their 1990's era web technology. It's a great resourse.
The KCA especially on their facebook site takes hard positions against the Affordable Care Act day in and day out. I agree that politics is a real dangerous subject. It's devisive in tthe extreme these days although it's importance to our lives on most issues is sometimes questionable. Having cancer with you guys almost reminds me of being abroad and hanging out with Americans. You talk about raking leaves or shoveling snow or a cold beer at the ballpark. No one giives a damn about poliitcal news and the things that are important are very different.
Maybe those nuns in the early 1960's just instilled too much guilt in me. I am alive only because I was able to make some money and buy great health insurence. I have the finest Doctors in the nation and didn't even have a problem consulting with Robert Motzer. I know fully well this is why I am alive today. I don't want to be part of an organization that believes only those in my postion are entitled to such care. I just don't.
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Do unto others...
Amen Don. I, too, would not be alive today if I did not have the wherewithal to pay for an excellant private insurance plan. People in my family are not as fortunate and I worry about them. My brother in particular is one pink slip away from devastation should anyone in his family of four get cancer before he'd able to line up another job. That just shouldn't be.
Did your nuns have thick Irish brogues? Mine did.
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broguesI am alive said:Do unto others...
Amen Don. I, too, would not be alive today if I did not have the wherewithal to pay for an excellant private insurance plan. People in my family are not as fortunate and I worry about them. My brother in particular is one pink slip away from devastation should anyone in his family of four get cancer before he'd able to line up another job. That just shouldn't be.
Did your nuns have thick Irish brogues? Mine did.
Amazingly they had thcker brogues that those found in Ireland. I haven't firgured that one out yet.
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Watch out what you wish for..DonMiller said:brogues
Amazingly they had thcker brogues that those found in Ireland. I haven't firgured that one out yet.
A saying.. "Watch out what you wish for".. may apply in this case. If you look at NHC implementations around the world you will likely find there is no Utopia. (It sounds like Spain may have a better system). There will be winners and losers. From what I have read, the new system here is set up to help the many and give less help to the few. This sounds great until you are one of the few. WE are part of the few... Just read postings here from people in other countries.. life saving drugs that they do not have because they cost too much.. or limits on how long they can get some drugs.. the Actuary's are in play. Yes it IS all about the money..
So, although it may be "fair" overall.. those people with what is considered a life ending disease may not or will not get the chance to extend our lives beyond the 5 year expectancy. unless we have the means to pay, or additional insurance.
Please correct me if I am wrong. Also my comments are NOT directed towards any political party.. I thnk all politicians are equally bad in some ways.. But go read up on the gazillion pages in the new plan...
Be Well All..!
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Just saying...GSRon said:Watch out what you wish for..
A saying.. "Watch out what you wish for".. may apply in this case. If you look at NHC implementations around the world you will likely find there is no Utopia. (It sounds like Spain may have a better system). There will be winners and losers. From what I have read, the new system here is set up to help the many and give less help to the few. This sounds great until you are one of the few. WE are part of the few... Just read postings here from people in other countries.. life saving drugs that they do not have because they cost too much.. or limits on how long they can get some drugs.. the Actuary's are in play. Yes it IS all about the money..
So, although it may be "fair" overall.. those people with what is considered a life ending disease may not or will not get the chance to extend our lives beyond the 5 year expectancy. unless we have the means to pay, or additional insurance.
Please correct me if I am wrong. Also my comments are NOT directed towards any political party.. I thnk all politicians are equally bad in some ways.. But go read up on the gazillion pages in the new plan...
Be Well All..!
I think the vast majority of americans would agree on the need for universal healthcare, I also think that a mojority don't believe Obamacare is the right approach to the problem. There seems to be no one on the planet that truly knows the impact and cost associated with "Affordable" Healthcare and there is a lot of illinformed propaganda from opponents being touted as facts. From personal experience I can tell you this, while using it as an excuse for major double digit increases in premiums on one hand, the insurance companies claim no one knows what it will be in the end because they receive more regulations from the government daily. My own belief is that we will have universal and affordable healthcare when our elected officials are forced to be the first to sign up and jump in the pool with the rest of us.
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Healthcaregarym said:Just saying...
I think the vast majority of americans would agree on the need for universal healthcare, I also think that a mojority don't believe Obamacare is the right approach to the problem. There seems to be no one on the planet that truly knows the impact and cost associated with "Affordable" Healthcare and there is a lot of illinformed propaganda from opponents being touted as facts. From personal experience I can tell you this, while using it as an excuse for major double digit increases in premiums on one hand, the insurance companies claim no one knows what it will be in the end because they receive more regulations from the government daily. My own belief is that we will have universal and affordable healthcare when our elected officials are forced to be the first to sign up and jump in the pool with the rest of us.
"My own belief is that we will have universal and affordable healthcare when our elected officials are forced to be the first to sign up and jump in the pool with the rest of us."
Couldn't agree more, Gary!
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Amen!garym said:Just saying...
I think the vast majority of americans would agree on the need for universal healthcare, I also think that a mojority don't believe Obamacare is the right approach to the problem. There seems to be no one on the planet that truly knows the impact and cost associated with "Affordable" Healthcare and there is a lot of illinformed propaganda from opponents being touted as facts. From personal experience I can tell you this, while using it as an excuse for major double digit increases in premiums on one hand, the insurance companies claim no one knows what it will be in the end because they receive more regulations from the government daily. My own belief is that we will have universal and affordable healthcare when our elected officials are forced to be the first to sign up and jump in the pool with the rest of us.
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I agree that we should stay out of Politics. Unfortunately as pointed out by the first post herein the Kidney Cancer Association has choosen as one of its friends the far right Heritage Foundation and have thereby choosen a one sided friend in the political debate rather than remaining nuetral in the political differences we all share. I believe that if we are to support the Kidney Cancer Association that it should be above politics. It clearly has choosen itself not to be above politics and as such I would not support it.
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The revolution is overrated
The Affordable Healthcare Act is quite conservative - its conservative roots go back to Romey's lauded Massachusetts plan. I don't expect a whole lot to change. Most people will continue to obtain health insurance from their employers. Those who can afford independent gold standard policies will continue to buy them. Yes, all people will be REQUIRED to get health insurance. But they need car insurance to drive a car. Why shouldn't they be required to have health insurance? For some people who earn next to nothing, paying for that insurance could be a bite. But my guess is they will manage. Will companies charge more for insurance? According to recent news reports some insurance rates have started to go down, not up. We just have to see how it shakes out. But people like us, who have cancer, will no longer be denied coverage if there is a gap between insurance policies. That's HUGE.
But I worry, too, about the possibility of impersonal boards getting empowered to make life and death decisions based on economic concerns and statistics skewed toward "median" averages (we know all about them!). Will the day come when people like us, with metastatic cancer, be denied drugs or procedures that could prolong our life only because we are, say, over 60 with high blood pressure? I can't see Americans going along with that. Too many are aging, facing health crisises of their own and used to being vocal. But I guess we're all holding our breath on that one. I think the healthcare plan will evolve over time, probably in ways we're not even imaginIng. Let's hope for the better. The thing is, we have to keep paying attention and most folks I know are sick to death of politics - both sides - and don't want to hear about any of it any more. At least until 2016. Hope I'm around to enjoy the melee.
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Kidney Cancer AssociationI am alive said:The revolution is overrated
The Affordable Healthcare Act is quite conservative - its conservative roots go back to Romey's lauded Massachusetts plan. I don't expect a whole lot to change. Most people will continue to obtain health insurance from their employers. Those who can afford independent gold standard policies will continue to buy them. Yes, all people will be REQUIRED to get health insurance. But they need car insurance to drive a car. Why shouldn't they be required to have health insurance? For some people who earn next to nothing, paying for that insurance could be a bite. But my guess is they will manage. Will companies charge more for insurance? According to recent news reports some insurance rates have started to go down, not up. We just have to see how it shakes out. But people like us, who have cancer, will no longer be denied coverage if there is a gap between insurance policies. That's HUGE.
But I worry, too, about the possibility of impersonal boards getting empowered to make life and death decisions based on economic concerns and statistics skewed toward "median" averages (we know all about them!). Will the day come when people like us, with metastatic cancer, be denied drugs or procedures that could prolong our life only because we are, say, over 60 with high blood pressure? I can't see Americans going along with that. Too many are aging, facing health crisises of their own and used to being vocal. But I guess we're all holding our breath on that one. I think the healthcare plan will evolve over time, probably in ways we're not even imaginIng. Let's hope for the better. The thing is, we have to keep paying attention and most folks I know are sick to death of politics - both sides - and don't want to hear about any of it any more. At least until 2016. Hope I'm around to enjoy the melee.
Recently I have joined 4 Facebook pages on Kidney Cancer. Two of those were sponsored by the Kidney Cancer Association and both are dominated by and/or contain many anti-Obamacare posts including some generated directly by Wm Bro the CEO of the Kidney Cancer Association and according to his Facebook page a member of a Republican Group. I was removed from both pages for offering opposing views to several of these posts. I think we should stay out of politics in our posts, but the Kidney Cancer Association believes otherwise and will remove any dissent from the facebook pages it controls.
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I may differ a bit here.......
I may differ a bit here than most of you, I for one LOVE the far right, but then again I LOVE the far left too! It is not that often that one side nor the other can run to far away from the middle before the 50% of this country that actually decides who's in power steps in and shifts their beliefs and throws those bums out of office. So let me go on the record and say I dont care if they are far left, far right, up the middle, over the top, under the bottom in the pocket of big business, in the pocket of big pharm, in the pocket of tree huggers R us or a country boy from a small town who's got this dreaded disease and fighting every day to make it one more day for his family!
We can all find fault with every organization under the sun if we chose to nit pick long enough. We can also elect to not support an organization due to their belief structure or who they throw support after. I guess I am like the person who respects the most liberal person and the most conservative person in congress because I believe in people, ALL PEOPLE, I believe we are all trying to do what we believe is right, even if we are wrong as hell. So I will support every organization I can that helps me and each of you reach the goal of our next birthday, our next graduation, our next wedding, our next holiday.
I am not trying to say anything here to make anyone feel badly, I appreciate the topic very much, or I wouldn't have chimed in. I just want this damn disease beaten at every and all cost! Cause I want to be the last generation that has to endure countless trips to my doctor, scans that scare the crap out of me and cannot take one more visit where my wife is balling her eyes out! Now if someone could light a fire under their **** and find a cure, I'm down with that!
God Bless and Great Topic!
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Politics as usualTbuck1971 said:I may differ a bit here.......
I may differ a bit here than most of you, I for one LOVE the far right, but then again I LOVE the far left too! It is not that often that one side nor the other can run to far away from the middle before the 50% of this country that actually decides who's in power steps in and shifts their beliefs and throws those bums out of office. So let me go on the record and say I dont care if they are far left, far right, up the middle, over the top, under the bottom in the pocket of big business, in the pocket of big pharm, in the pocket of tree huggers R us or a country boy from a small town who's got this dreaded disease and fighting every day to make it one more day for his family!
We can all find fault with every organization under the sun if we chose to nit pick long enough. We can also elect to not support an organization due to their belief structure or who they throw support after. I guess I am like the person who respects the most liberal person and the most conservative person in congress because I believe in people, ALL PEOPLE, I believe we are all trying to do what we believe is right, even if we are wrong as hell. So I will support every organization I can that helps me and each of you reach the goal of our next birthday, our next graduation, our next wedding, our next holiday.
I am not trying to say anything here to make anyone feel badly, I appreciate the topic very much, or I wouldn't have chimed in. I just want this damn disease beaten at every and all cost! Cause I want to be the last generation that has to endure countless trips to my doctor, scans that scare the crap out of me and cannot take one more visit where my wife is balling her eyes out! Now if someone could light a fire under their **** and find a cure, I'm down with that!
God Bless and Great Topic!
A week ago when I was kicked off the Kidney Cancer Facebook pages they responded to me in an email to me that they were not responsible for the content of various feeds of news stories (from the Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal) and that I should respond directly to the news source. Today as the Supreme Court is about to hear arguments on a case agaist Obamacare the 3 lead articles on their Facebook page are anti-Obamacare. My Neprologist after reviewing the material from the KCA Facebook page said I Should wear being kicked off their Facebook pages as a badge of honor.
I plan to say out of politics on this and other boards and the only question is can the Kidney Cancer Association do the same.
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Wow I am totally blown awayicemantoo said:Politics as usual
A week ago when I was kicked off the Kidney Cancer Facebook pages they responded to me in an email to me that they were not responsible for the content of various feeds of news stories (from the Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal) and that I should respond directly to the news source. Today as the Supreme Court is about to hear arguments on a case agaist Obamacare the 3 lead articles on their Facebook page are anti-Obamacare. My Neprologist after reviewing the material from the KCA Facebook page said I Should wear being kicked off their Facebook pages as a badge of honor.
I plan to say out of politics on this and other boards and the only question is can the Kidney Cancer Association do the same.
Wow I am totally blown away after reading all of this! It was my husbands strong contention that the pharmaceutical companies had an agenda to keep making drugs in order to try to prolong life. He did not believe there was much interest in curing RCC or other cancers because the money wasn't in the cure. I too believed in ALL PEOPLE but think now that I was being naieve. It feels like America is losing a piece of herself when people are kicked off facebook pages because they express their viewpoint. That is scarystuff in my book! I am glad the doctor said to wear it as a badge of honor--because at least some of us are being made aware of such deceit and I think it really may be deceit. I am dismayed to say the least that KCA has that afiliation.
Has anyone explored Action Cure For Kidney Cancer as a place to put their support? I believe (hope I'm not wrong) they are a grassroots group trying to put the money in the hands of the right researchers who hope to CURE this damned awful disease that steals husbands and wives, fathers, mothers and children from their families and beats them up all up in the process. Action Cure has a visit to Washington scheduled this month to lobby for funds for research. I hope they are for ALL PEOPLE being released from the bondage that is ALL CANCER---especially RCC,
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Sir, I would buy you a beer...icemantoo said:Politics as usual
A week ago when I was kicked off the Kidney Cancer Facebook pages they responded to me in an email to me that they were not responsible for the content of various feeds of news stories (from the Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal) and that I should respond directly to the news source. Today as the Supreme Court is about to hear arguments on a case agaist Obamacare the 3 lead articles on their Facebook page are anti-Obamacare. My Neprologist after reviewing the material from the KCA Facebook page said I Should wear being kicked off their Facebook pages as a badge of honor.
I plan to say out of politics on this and other boards and the only question is can the Kidney Cancer Association do the same.
Just saying.
I appreaciate you calling out the hipocracy of KCA. I refuse to associate with them -- they claim to be unbiased, but like FOX news (not our Fox), they are "Fair and Ballenced".
-- A fellow left winger.
Now, lets get a universal single payer system so that non of us have to worry about the cost of our medical care! The unemployed from the insurance companies can be retrained to be LPN's or RN's or something.
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