chicaroo44 Member Posts: 18

i obviously do not know how the forum works.  i can never find my post (forum topics) and when i do very rarely do i see anyone has posted to my questions.   i was diagnosed apr 15, 2013,  orignially we thought both breast were idc with triple positives...  we found out the left breast was triple negative and the right breast was triple poistive.  is there anyone else out there with this diagnoises.  the doctor has decided my cocktail is going to be carboplatin and docetaxel with herceptin.  (6 infusions, every 3 weeks) then when im done with that i will do herceptin (6 infusions, every 3 weeks).  then hes putting me on tamoxifen for 10 years.  anyone else on this regiman?  im a 44 year old mother with tested positive for the brca1.   the triple negaitve is indicative to the brca 1 .  the triple positive was a blow.  im not sure how this happens. 


  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Welcome, Chicaroo.  I am so

    Welcome, Chicaroo.  I am so sorry for your diagnoses. Your situation is different than mine, so I can't really comment on your treatment plan.  I am guessing that chemo will start soon for you.  Will you have radiation as well?  Just keep fighting. xoxoxo Lynn

  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
    Above the title in each post,

    Above the title in each post, written in blue, it says "Add to favorites | Manage your favorites." If you want a particular post to be a favorite, click add to favorites. If you want to see  your list of favorites, click Manage Your Favorites and it takes you to all the posts that you have selected. You can click on the name of the posting you want and it will bring you to it. This way you can keep track of any posts that you would like to keep track of. It is much easier and less time consuming than scrolling back through pages from the past.

    Or you can scroll back through the discussion boards by clicking the numbers at the bottom of the page  or the arrow. 

    I looked up severeal of your posts and you do have a good number of people responding to you. You have been getting between 10 and 20 some people responding. I thnk that is a very good turn out.

    On, there is a forum called Mixed Type Breast Cancer . It is totally devoted to women more than one type of breast cancer. Go to,  In the upper right hand corner is the link to Create an Account, written in white (although you don't have to join just to browse like here, but you can not post and have private messages unless you are a member). Create your account. Then tap the Discussion Boards in white at the upper right hand side of the screen.

    There are several ways to look up forums, All Topics presents the Name of the overall forum and the most recent post beneathe. Active Topics, includes the topics with the most recent post. They can be from any forum. Beneathe the blue panel of choices on the left hand side, there is a white box. Click on that box and it will give you a shortened version of the main forums. Select one and hit the arrow to the left.


    I hope this helps.

  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    lynn1950 said:

    Welcome, Chicaroo.  I am so

    Welcome, Chicaroo.  I am so sorry for your diagnoses. Your situation is different than mine, so I can't really comment on your treatment plan.  I am guessing that chemo will start soon for you.  Will you have radiation as well?  Just keep fighting. xoxoxo Lynn

    Like Lynn, your situation is

    Like Lynn, your situation is different than mine too.  Just wanting to wish you good luck.

    Hugs, Angie

  • coco2008
    coco2008 Member Posts: 418

    Above the title in each post,

    Above the title in each post, written in blue, it says "Add to favorites | Manage your favorites." If you want a particular post to be a favorite, click add to favorites. If you want to see  your list of favorites, click Manage Your Favorites and it takes you to all the posts that you have selected. You can click on the name of the posting you want and it will bring you to it. This way you can keep track of any posts that you would like to keep track of. It is much easier and less time consuming than scrolling back through pages from the past.

    Or you can scroll back through the discussion boards by clicking the numbers at the bottom of the page  or the arrow. 

    I looked up severeal of your posts and you do have a good number of people responding to you. You have been getting between 10 and 20 some people responding. I thnk that is a very good turn out.

    On, there is a forum called Mixed Type Breast Cancer . It is totally devoted to women more than one type of breast cancer. Go to,  In the upper right hand corner is the link to Create an Account, written in white (although you don't have to join just to browse like here, but you can not post and have private messages unless you are a member). Create your account. Then tap the Discussion Boards in white at the upper right hand side of the screen.

    There are several ways to look up forums, All Topics presents the Name of the overall forum and the most recent post beneathe. Active Topics, includes the topics with the most recent post. They can be from any forum. Beneathe the blue panel of choices on the left hand side, there is a white box. Click on that box and it will give you a shortened version of the main forums. Select one and hit the arrow to the left.


    I hope this helps.

    This is not the same type of

    This is not the same type of BC that I have.  Have you tried Susan Love's Breast Book?  It covers many diffent types of BC.  In fact it explains every thing from normal breast growth to different types of CA, sizes of CA, possiblle treatments and side effects, and so much more.

    You can find it on Amazon and if you have a kindle you can purchase it on Kindle for a bit less than physical book form.

    Hope this helps you.


  • Gavinsgrandma
    Gavinsgrandma Member Posts: 18

    Hi, I to am new to this B/C Dx and this site and it is a little hard to navigate,so the advice is helpful! I was just wondering if B/L mastectomy was just not an option? It just seems like a lot of drug based therapy(of which I know nothing about). Please keep posting, it is so helpful to read everyone's post's daily.


  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I am so very sorry that you

    I am so very sorry that you are going through this.  You must be in shock (I would be) and what a confusing diagnosis!

    You have discordant breast cancer.  Typically, the discordance is between the primary tumor and the metastatic tumor.  For example, My original tumor was estrogen +, progesterone + (her2? because they did not test for it in 1987).

    Recently, I was diagnosed with liver mets that is estrogen and progesterone negative and her2neu +. 

    This situation is becoming more "common" as more biopsies are done to make sure recurrences haven't changed from the primary tumor and, if they have, the best way to treat them.

    Your case is unique as I believe you have a primary IDC in each breast and they are discordant?  I would ask your oncologist more questions about your situation.  There is also nothing wrong with a second opinion.  Although I have had the same onc for 26 years, I have gotten many second opinions along the way.  My onc always wants to hear what is said and listens carefully and gratefully to another opinion.

    It may be that we will become more aware of situations like yours as more testing is done.

    I know this is a blow but don't give up.  My Stage 3 cancer was considered a poor prognosis in 1987 (large tumor, 4 nodes), but here I am 26 years later.  I am still fighting but I am doing ok.

    Big hugs and prayers.  Please let us know how you are doing!