Cisplatin v. Centuxmab

I am recentlydiagnosed tonsil/BOT SCC primary with secondary lymph nodes of side neck,stager IVaI I have the chance to participate in a clinical study, RTOG 1016 testing centuxmab v. Cisplatin. Has anyone participated already, and if show what were results?

Thanks for anyinsight provided,



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    treatment options



    Welcome to the H&N forum, sorry you are traveling this road.

    Centuxmab or Erbitux is what I took when I asked my chemo onc why Erbitux over traditional chemo drugs she said she had good results with treating cancer presented like mine was using Erbitux.  I did not question her further, but I do wonder.  Anyway, so far so good at 14 months post treatments.  Your doctors are going to hit the cancer with everything they got and you should come out the other side cancer free.

    For lots of information you may wish to check out the Superthread which is the top post in our forum.



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Hi and welcome Jerry....

    sorry we have to meet here Smile.  All I can tell you is what I'd do.  Cisplatin is very effective, along with radiation in eradicating the cancer cells.  If this is your first bout with HNC, then I'd stay away from clinical trials, and stick to the proven stuff.  It'd be an entirely different story if this is a reoccurance, or they were saying this is a last ditch effort to save your life....It just seems highly risky doing a clinical trial the first time around.


    EDIT:  I had no idea that Centuxmab was Erbitux....I thought you were trying something new on the block.  There are several folks here who have had Erbitux....I didn't realize they were still doing clinical trials on I'll take everything back, and let you talk to the folks who have had Erbitux. Embarassed  sorry.

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    Hi JerryNG,

    Welcome to CSN. You have come to a great place to get real world experiences from survivors and caretakers. With respect to RTOG 1106,  Phase III Trial of Radiotherapy Plus Cetuximab Versus Chemoradiotherapy in HPV-Associated Oropharynx Cancer, you can find the full trial as submitted here:

    The primary objective of this trial is to determine if reduced side effects result using Cetuximab vs Cisplatin while still maintaining survivorship rates. It is all achieving better QOL (Qualtiy of Life) outcomes using Erbitux.

    Platinum based agents such as Cisplatin and Carboplatin are proven to offer the best outcomes when combined with radiation therapy. But there are more side effects, both short term and long term with them and this trial is trying to see if the same cancer killing results can achieved and create less issues.

    The results of this trail are yet to be determined but you may find something published if you look through that link fully. I did not see any on first pass.

    Read the full report and ask good questions to you and your doctor. Bottom line is do you trade proven standard of care over potential for less long term side effects using Cetuximab.

    Good luck. don

  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    We share a disease


    I am/was BOT/SCC/HPV+/N2C (lymph engaged on both sides) stage IV.  I went through Induction Chemo (Cisplatin, Docetaxel and 5-fu) and 6 weeks of IMRT radiation.  I am now 14 weeks out of treatment and my PET scan 2 weeks ago showed NED (no evidence of disease). My Chemo was not a fun journey but it was not nearly the trial that radiation was.  I was told, as many others that have our type of disease, that this protocol (or one very similar that uses Cisplatin) poduces a 98+ success rate.  To be truthful, I don't think I'm that much of a gambler to bet on a therapy MIGHT lessen my odds.  But that's me.  You have to find your path.  BTW, I also had Eributux in between the time of the end of chemo and into about week 2 of RADS.  

    I wish you good luck and a long life.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Welcome Jerry...

    Like a few others here, I had the TPF regime'...

    STGIII Tonsils primary, and like you a lymphnode on the same side for me as a secondary. Nine weeks (three week cycles) Cisplatin, Taxotere and 5FU, then seven weeks of concurrent weekly Carboplatin and 35 daily rads...

    I can't offer anything on your study, but treatment in general is rough, but one that is very doable, and with some very good results.



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    donfoo said:


    Hi JerryNG,

    Welcome to CSN. You have come to a great place to get real world experiences from survivors and caretakers. With respect to RTOG 1106,  Phase III Trial of Radiotherapy Plus Cetuximab Versus Chemoradiotherapy in HPV-Associated Oropharynx Cancer, you can find the full trial as submitted here:

    The primary objective of this trial is to determine if reduced side effects result using Cetuximab vs Cisplatin while still maintaining survivorship rates. It is all achieving better QOL (Qualtiy of Life) outcomes using Erbitux.

    Platinum based agents such as Cisplatin and Carboplatin are proven to offer the best outcomes when combined with radiation therapy. But there are more side effects, both short term and long term with them and this trial is trying to see if the same cancer killing results can achieved and create less issues.

    The results of this trail are yet to be determined but you may find something published if you look through that link fully. I did not see any on first pass.

    Read the full report and ask good questions to you and your doctor. Bottom line is do you trade proven standard of care over potential for less long term side effects using Cetuximab.

    Good luck. don

    Erbitux rash deluxe


    Check out Tim6003 expressions page if you want to see some kick-a _ _ side effects from Erbitux.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    Erbitux rash deluxe


    Check out Tim6003 expressions page if you want to see some kick-a _ _ side effects from Erbitux.



    hi matt,

    i saw those before and what a mess. the rash is a known side effect and mentioned in the trial paper as well but a number of the other side effects are reduced that on balance that is the push for deescalation in HPV+ etiology cases. don

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    donfoo said:


    hi matt,

    i saw those before and what a mess. the rash is a known side effect and mentioned in the trial paper as well but a number of the other side effects are reduced that on balance that is the push for deescalation in HPV+ etiology cases. don

    hpv+, hmmm, you get Erbitux


    And I am hpv+, the fun never stops


  • jtl
    jtl Member Posts: 456

    This trial is for HPV+ people and as I recall there was some concern if the positive people (like myself) would benefit as much from Erbitux vs Cisplation.  I chose Erbitux and had very few side effects and the ones I had were very short lived. The reason for my choice was a concern about the long term effects of Cisplatin, long term being several years out.  The Bonner trial put Erbitux and Cisplatin on a pretty equal playing field but it did not consider HPV.  I for one am pleased to see more trials for the current drugs and hopefully there will even be some better ones in the not too distant future.  I know there are some newer biologicals like Erbitux but it takes the FDA forever to approve anything. I am now 19 months and counting since the end of my treatment and still NED.  Good luck to all of you.


  • JerryNG
    JerryNG Member Posts: 6
    Thanks everyone for the

    Thanks everyone for the feedbac. It will be a tough choice. Meeting with my RO tomorrow to discuss. She is the lead on the study for kaiser no. Calif.

    Guess I was hoping to hear more success stories on treatment with centuxmab. Have been advised by some on this site and a few others.

    Thanks again,


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    JerryNG said:

    Thanks everyone for the

    Thanks everyone for the feedbac. It will be a tough choice. Meeting with my RO tomorrow to discuss. She is the lead on the study for kaiser no. Calif.

    Guess I was hoping to hear more success stories on treatment with centuxmab. Have been advised by some on this site and a few others.

    Thanks again,


    Hi Jerry..

    We spoke by pm already, but just to put my results on the thread for newbies or those aksing the same questions.

    I was Base of Tongue, one lymph node, HPV+ stage III.

    My treatment was Erbitux and radiation only.


    I am 16 months out from last radiation and so to date all my scans have been NED.  My only side affect currently is dry mouth,and I don't know if this is realted to the Erbitux or not, elbow pain??  My elbows give me some serious fits...but I do not want to say it is due to the Erbitux....but jimmney they never hurt before ..had some hip pain too right after treatment, but gone now.  The elbow pain started up a few months ago, so almost 12 months out of treatment.

    Full disclosure:  I spend an enormous amount of time out in the woods hunting and cutting wood :)


  • JerryNG
    JerryNG Member Posts: 6
    Start tomorrow

    So I start tomorrow, or actually later today. I drew the cisplatin arm of the study. Will be treated with 2 doses of cisplatin with 6 weeks of daily radiation (twice on Fridays)

    Thinking positive thoughts. Anxious to finally get the treatment going.

  • JerryNG
    JerryNG Member Posts: 6
    2nd day

    So far no real side effects from the treatment. A little queasy, but not nauseas. They have me on Emend, Zofran, and Dexamethason (steroid) for the nausea. Seems to be working.  Woke up with slight taste difference, water specifically now has metallic taste. 

    Does that go away as days pass from the chemo treatment ?

  • Fire34
    Fire34 Member Posts: 365
    Clincal Trial Here


     I was in a phase III trial at the U of Chicago. As you mentioned it was versus cisplatin. My arm of the clinical trial consisted of 8 weeks on induction chemo with Erbitux/Taxol & Carboplatin. During this 18 weeks I had weekly Erbitux. After my chemo I went inpatient for 5 alternating weeks. While inpatient I again had the weekly Erbitux, but also had 120 hrs of 5FU and daily Hydroxyurea along with twice daily radiation

    I was one of the unlucky ones and had more side effects than you can shake a stick at. I believe I was home maybe a total of a week out of the 18. Not to scare you though. My rash was a bummer and the uusual side effects of H & N treatment. Currently coming up on 4 years post, water is still my best friend

    Wishes & Prayers on whichever choice you make
