I need help finding answers about abnormal bleeding with abnormal pap! Please help me

In 2008 I went in for a pap smear and it ended up being abnormal being ASCUS.  I was only 18 at that time so I did not really worry much about it.  I went back in 2010 to get another pap and it ended up being abnormal still.  I waited a couple of months and went back to get another one.  Eventually they transferred me out to a specialist. They did a colposcopy/biospy on me and I think found CIN 1 in 2011. The doctor brushed it away like it was not anything so I didn't go back till march 2013.  I had a pap in march 2013 and it was still abnormal ASCUS with no signs of hpv.  All of my paps tested negative for HPV. I'm not sure about the first one because I never went back to finish it.  But during March I wanted another colposcopy because I feel like my body was changing.  The doctor did not do one on me because she said my pap only showed ASCUS and to come back in 6 months.  So with that being said I will have to go back in Sep 2013. 

I been really worried because in Apri,l I had some spotting before my actual period.  (I've always had regular periods my whole life).  In May I spotted for 2 days only and never got my period.  I thought maybe I was pregnant but I was not.  This month I spotted early and had a regular period but I am still bleeding on and off for the past 13 (including 5 days my regular period days).  During my regular period I had 2 or 3 blood clots that were larger then a quarter. Most of the extra days that I am bleeding is just light pink on the toilet paper but there are 2 or 3 days where I would just randomly bleed, bleed.  It does not last the whole day it comes and go.  I am so worried because I have been reading online and they said it can be cervical cancer.  I know it does not sound right because I have ASCUS with no hpv but maybe the doctors missed something? I have an appoint for a pap this wednesday and I am worried to death. I have also engaged in anal and oral sex too. I've notice that there seem to be a skin tag around my anal opening that was not there before, so I'm pretty sure it is something.   I'm afraid of getting cancer in all 3 area. Gob be with me.


Has anyone ever went through what I did, can you please give me so guidance? Thank you for reading.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,524 Member
    Lots of things in the World Wide Web

    Melissa, if you don't feel your doctor is listening to you than you may want to find a gynecologist who listens and will talk with you.  I think you have to LOVE your doctor because then you have faith that they are taking the best care of you possible.  What you are experiencing may be normal or it might not. 

    No doubt you have read lots of information on the internet, there is a lot out there, I admit to not even knowing what ASCUS is until I found one of many things here:


    Your doctor may / may not be right, but I was happiest with a gynecologist I could talk openly with.

  • teg
    teg Member Posts: 13 Member
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    Melissa, I definitely agree with NTFC. It is unfortunate that you have to deal with your current situation, but you should have some comfort and confidence in the physician treating you. If you can network with friends or doctors that you trust, find another gyno to get you taken care of. Best wishes.


  • teg
    teg Member Posts: 13 Member
    Find Answers

    I clicked once, but my post cam up twice.