Burning during radiation treatments?



  • Wendy Joy
    Wendy Joy Member Posts: 51
    I used organic coconut oil. 

    I used organic coconut oil.  I didn't burn at all just looked a little tan (in fact almost a year later I still have faint tan lines around my left breast).  You can get the coconut oil at Trader Joe's and it smells so good that I still use it and all over my body! 

  • jlharris
    jlharris Member Posts: 47
    Wendy Joy said:

    I used organic coconut oil. 

    I used organic coconut oil.  I didn't burn at all just looked a little tan (in fact almost a year later I still have faint tan lines around my left breast).  You can get the coconut oil at Trader Joe's and it smells so good that I still use it and all over my body! 

    Did you use the


    Did you use the coconut oil before treatment or just after?


  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    jlharris said:

    Did you use the


    Did you use the coconut oil before treatment or just after?


    Talk to your Dr!

    Talk to your Dr!  Different Drs have different ideas but I have never heard of a Dr who said to 'slather down' with creams/oils before rads.  As it was explained to me, very simplistically, is that anything on the area being radiated will only 'fry' the area.

  • June Bugs
    June Bugs Member Posts: 167
    Rague said:

    Talk to your Dr!

    Talk to your Dr!  Different Drs have different ideas but I have never heard of a Dr who said to 'slather down' with creams/oils before rads.  As it was explained to me, very simplistically, is that anything on the area being radiated will only 'fry' the area.

    I never heard of the coconut

    I never heard of the coconut oil, but, my own rads onco said I could have used Aloe, but, it has to be the pure 100%.  I bought it at the drug store.  I think someone else posted about it for you too.

    How are you doing today Candi?   Any worse?  Tired?


  • Candi Cane
    Candi Cane Member Posts: 159
    Kylez said:

    Welcome Candi Cane!  For the

    Welcome Candi Cane!  For the first few weeks, I had nothing, but, kept using a lot of my creams.  Then I started turning a little pink, but, noticed the tenderness first.  I didn't burn, but, got very close to it.  My skin healed up really fast afterwords and is beautiful now, looks better than before as it looks and feels like baby skin now.

    Good luck Candi and keep posting.  I hope we can all help you.

    Hugs, Kylez

    p.s. I was one of the ones that got really tired too.  Rads exhausted me too.

    You give me hope Kylez.  I am

    You give me hope Kylez.  I am so sore, so pink and so tired.  So glad to have the weekend off with no treatment.

    Thank you!

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    June Bugs said:

    I never heard of the coconut

    I never heard of the coconut oil, but, my own rads onco said I could have used Aloe, but, it has to be the pure 100%.  I bought it at the drug store.  I think someone else posted about it for you too.

    How are you doing today Candi?   Any worse?  Tired?


    Cocoa Butter

    I've never used coconut oil but have used  coco butter ('straight', not mixed in cream) with great results for reducing scarring.  Used on myself, Hubby and Sons along with many horses once the open skin is closed.  I succeeded in destroying the skin and messing up circulation in an area on the outside of right leg in a riding that was probably 12" X  5".  Once it was finally 'healed' I started using cocoa butter on it.  I can see the difference in texture of skin over it but very few others ever notice it.  Hubby is very accident prone so I'm always patching him up and it has been great once the wound is closed.  For open wounds I usually use Cut Heal powder (veternary).  It Cut Heal doesn't work then I resort to a very old remedy - turpentine and honey.   Not to forget Betadine and hydrogen peroxide for cleaning.

    No I am  not one who does not believe in modern medicine - I definately do (I wouldn't be alive today without it)  - But the over abuse of antibiotic is part of why 'germs' are becoming so aggressive so I will try to handle with 'old' remedies first.  They don't work then is the time to hit it as hard as possible with modern meds.  

    Winyan - The Power Within


  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Rague said:

    Cocoa Butter

    I've never used coconut oil but have used  coco butter ('straight', not mixed in cream) with great results for reducing scarring.  Used on myself, Hubby and Sons along with many horses once the open skin is closed.  I succeeded in destroying the skin and messing up circulation in an area on the outside of right leg in a riding that was probably 12" X  5".  Once it was finally 'healed' I started using cocoa butter on it.  I can see the difference in texture of skin over it but very few others ever notice it.  Hubby is very accident prone so I'm always patching him up and it has been great once the wound is closed.  For open wounds I usually use Cut Heal powder (veternary).  It Cut Heal doesn't work then I resort to a very old remedy - turpentine and honey.   Not to forget Betadine and hydrogen peroxide for cleaning.

    No I am  not one who does not believe in modern medicine - I definately do (I wouldn't be alive today without it)  - But the over abuse of antibiotic is part of why 'germs' are becoming so aggressive so I will try to handle with 'old' remedies first.  They don't work then is the time to hit it as hard as possible with modern meds.  

    Winyan - The Power Within


    It is no wonder that you're

    It is no wonder that you're tired Candi when you think about all that has happened.  You got diagnosed, then surgery, a battery of tests and now radiation.

    Radiation alone will wear you down, the driving to and from and the rads themselves.  That's why I was so blessed to have my husband or friends drive me every day.  Couldn't have done it without them.

    What creams do you have?  Be sure and use Biafine and lots of Aquaphor.  Aquaphor is for babies, so, it is really gentle on your skin.

    Rest, drink lots of water, use your creams, and, never rub your skin, just let the water and soap run over it.

    Keep posting and have a good weekend,


  • TexasCharlie
    TexasCharlie Member Posts: 76
    Candi, I am getting pink and

    Candi, I am getting pink and burned too now, but, I am using my creams and they help a lot. Also you can apply fresh brewed green tea to the area and it helps too. You can spray it on and them let it dry or apply with a damp cloth.

    The creams I use are Elta (OTC) and Triamcinalone (prescription).

    God Bless and take care


  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member

    You give me hope Kylez.  I am

    You give me hope Kylez.  I am so sore, so pink and so tired.  So glad to have the weekend off with no treatment.

    Thank you!

    I am glad you have the

    I am glad you have the weekend off too Candi.  Try to rest a lot if you can as you need your strength.  Does your rads onco see you weekly?   Check your skin?


  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Rague said:

    I do not take multi-vitamins

    I do not take multi-vitamins and was told not to take any during chemo and rads. I was, however, given permission to take my Vit. D. from both chemo and rads Drs as both were during fall and winter and I fight SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Even with using my light box, daily during fall/winter/spring, and am outdoors more during summer than inside I still have to suppliment with D year round (more in winter than summer but still have to take it year around ). So it is imparative for my mental health I was told to take it at very high levels.  I was also given permission to take my Super B. I had to start taking mega doses of potassium about 1/2 way through 12 Taxol to keep potassium levels up to close to norm. So had permission for it also- still have to 3+ yrs later. Was told definately no anti-oxidant suppliments, but was told to use all the fresh (not dried) garlic I wanted to in cooking which was good as I use a LOT of garlic and onion in my cooking. I was also told not to worry about using a little soy sauce when we occasionally went to asian restaurants.

    I was told no aluminum based deodrants during chemo. I had also heard that yers ago as some studies in England had shown a relationship between aluminum and Altzheimers.

    Winyan - The Power Within


    I took vitamins before rads

    I took vitamins before rads and was also told to not take any during rads.  You don't want anything to plump up and make stronger any cells, especially the cancer cells.


  • Wendy Joy
    Wendy Joy Member Posts: 51
    jlharris said:

    Did you use the


    Did you use the coconut oil before treatment or just after?


    I used it after treatments

    I used it after treatments only. 

  • June Bugs
    June Bugs Member Posts: 167
    Noel said:

    I am glad you have the

    I am glad you have the weekend off too Candi.  Try to rest a lot if you can as you need your strength.  Does your rads onco see you weekly?   Check your skin?


    Candi, I just finished my

    Candi, I just finished my treatments and you will too, soon I hope.  Hang in there.  You aren't burnt yet, are you? 

    Hugs, June

  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    Rague said:

    Fatigue DOES NOT hit everyone during rads!
    Exhaustion/Fatigue does not hit everyone doing rads! I felt better EVERY day while doing rads. 12 weekly Taxol had me dealing with complete/utter exhaustion/fatigue. I started rads a week after last Taxol and only felt better EVERY day. By the time I was done with rads I was very close to being back to 'myself' energy wise. As I have said - after rads I burned very bad but I never experienced fatigue during those healing months.

    There is no one set of 'rules' that ALL of our bodies follow (or that we follow.).

    Winyan - The Power Within


    Fatigue is exatly what I had

    Fatigue is exatly what I had during rads.  Absolutely exhausted!  It took awhile after rads to get my energy back, but, it did come back.  I slept a lot and napped like some of the others did.  You have to take care of yourself Candi.

    Hugs, Noel

  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    jlharris said:

    Why can't use use


    Why can't use use regular deodorant during rad treatment? My rad doctor has not said anything to me about that. I have completed only three treatments. Would it be advisable to use deodorant after treatment? I will check with the tech tomorrow.


    Jharris, what did your doctor

    Jharris, what did your doctor say? 

    Sue :)

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    Radiation After Lumpectomy

    This is my first time to post. I was diagnosed on March 26 and had a lumpectomy and  I, too, just had my 12th radiation treatment today of 33.  My skin is getting dark, not pink yet, except underneath my left breast.  There is some burning sensation on the underneath area.  Applying Aquaphor as I was told. Have not been able to make myself go braless when I am at work.  Afraid if irritation gets worse, I will have no choice.  Does anyone have a suggestion or what you did when it gets too sore to wear your bra, but still look professional at work?.   Also, today was the first day that I felt the first signs of fatigue. Came home from treatment and slept 2 hours!!!.  Is this normal to have the fatigue this early on.? I thought that side effect happend much later on.

    Hoping everyone is able to tolerate the radiation with  minimum of discomfort.

    Rads = Fatigue, plain and

    Rads = Fatigue, plain and simple.  It's good that you came home and slept.  Do that whenever you need to. 

    Wishing all of you good luck.


  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Rague said:

    Cocoa Butter

    I've never used coconut oil but have used  coco butter ('straight', not mixed in cream) with great results for reducing scarring.  Used on myself, Hubby and Sons along with many horses once the open skin is closed.  I succeeded in destroying the skin and messing up circulation in an area on the outside of right leg in a riding that was probably 12" X  5".  Once it was finally 'healed' I started using cocoa butter on it.  I can see the difference in texture of skin over it but very few others ever notice it.  Hubby is very accident prone so I'm always patching him up and it has been great once the wound is closed.  For open wounds I usually use Cut Heal powder (veternary).  It Cut Heal doesn't work then I resort to a very old remedy - turpentine and honey.   Not to forget Betadine and hydrogen peroxide for cleaning.

    No I am  not one who does not believe in modern medicine - I definately do (I wouldn't be alive today without it)  - But the over abuse of antibiotic is part of why 'germs' are becoming so aggressive so I will try to handle with 'old' remedies first.  They don't work then is the time to hit it as hard as possible with modern meds.  

    Winyan - The Power Within


    I remember very well how

    I remember very well how pink, tender and sore I got while having rads.  It isn't easy Candi, but, aren't you about half way done?  If so, focus on the end of rads and how great it will be to finally be done. 

    I say pretty much what everyone else says, get lots of rest, keep lots of your creams on, drink lots of liquids, especially water, never rub your skin, keep that area always covered in the sun and make sure your doctor is looking at your skin weekly, if not daily.

    I want to wish all of you that are doing rads the best of luck.  I hope that we can help you by some useful tips or info.


  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    Candi, I am getting pink and

    Candi, I am getting pink and burned too now, but, I am using my creams and they help a lot. Also you can apply fresh brewed green tea to the area and it helps too. You can spray it on and them let it dry or apply with a damp cloth.

    The creams I use are Elta (OTC) and Triamcinalone (prescription).

    God Bless and take care


    I didn't know you were taking

    I didn't know you were taking rads too Charlie.  I hope you don't get any worse.  How many more do you have?  And, I've never heard of the green tea.  Glad it helps.

    Sue :)

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    DebbyM said:

    Yes, I was so tired that I

    Yes, I was so tired that I found myself having to take naps.  I had never taken naps before, but due to rads, I just had to.  I found myself just dragging after a few weeks.

    I also started going to bed earlier as I am a night owl and like to stay up late, but, I just couldn't keep my eyes open. 

    Someone had suggested exercising and I did find that an evening walk with my husband seemed to help with my energy level.  It sounds strange, but for me, that helped somewhat.

    Do whatever your body tells you to do.  If you are exhausted, then take naps, get to bed earlier, just whatever you need to.

    I am wishing you all good luck with rads!

    Hugs, Debby

    I took lots and lots of naps

    I took lots and lots of naps during rads.  lol  It really helped with all of the fatigue from the treatments.


  • Watercolor
    Watercolor Member Posts: 47 Member
    Everyone reacts differently

    Everyone reacts differently to treatments.  Ten+ years ago I was diagnosed with DCIS.  Lumpectomy, full course of rad treatments, five years of Tamoxifen.  I am fine today and no worse for wear.  Far as rads go, my skin got only pink and dry after app. 33 treatments.  Not sore at all.  My rad onc recommended Fruit of the Earth 100% aloe vera gel (fote.com).  I applied four times per day.  Started with it few days before rads.  He also recommended either Basis or Ivory soap.  In any case, NO products containing alcohol.  Many skin products do contain it.  I did so well with rads that he said there was no need for me to come back for 2-week post rads check-up.  

  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    That's great that they did

    That's great that they did that for you TexasCharlie.  I wish they would have for me.  They told me some and gave me some pamphlets, but, it seems there is still so much to know.

    I've always tanned great, so, I was hoping I would get through this without burning.  Crossing my fingers that I won't burn, or if I do, that it won't be so bad.

    I will keep watching for your updates TexasCharlie.  I hope you do great with radiation and thank you.


    Rads are hard Candi. 

    Rads are hard Candi.  Unfortunately, if it is part of our treatment, we have to do them.  I really pray that you won't burn and you might not.  Many of us got as close as you can get probably, but, didn't.  Creams are what you need to keep on your skin!  That is so important.  Aquaphor, put that stuff on, as much as you can to keep your skin in good shape.  Biafine is great too.

    And REST!