came back high risk

chicaroo44 Member Posts: 18

i recvd my results today on my mamaprint.  i see the oncologist tomorrow.  i came back high risk for reoccurance.  im beyond nervous about chemo and hormonal therapy.  prayers please


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    Sending pixie dust your
    Sending pixie dust your way..
  • coco2008
    coco2008 Member Posts: 418

    Sending pixie dust your
    Sending pixie dust your way..

    I just added you to my prayer

    I just added you to my prayer list. Sounds like you could use the pink bus.

  • Josie21
    Josie21 Member Posts: 382 Member

    High risk, low risk, no one ever knows for sure. I have wasted more time worrying about things that I have no control over. Just get through the chemo and then take one day at a time.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.  

    Many, many hugs to you,


  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Josie21 said:


    High risk, low risk, no one ever knows for sure. I have wasted more time worrying about things that I have no control over. Just get through the chemo and then take one day at a time.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.  

    Many, many hugs to you,


    AMEN - Ginny!!!

    Take a deep breathe, gather your wits  -- jot down some questions, and concerns.  Take this information with you to your next doctors/oncologist appointment.  Tape recorder would be recommended - as the conversation will shift in many directions - and you may (the majority of we - Sister in PINK, do) often don't have the opportunity of having all our concerns addressed during our first, or 2nd visit.

    Ask for Clinical data research reports on all the chemo drugs begin given to you, as well as possible side efforts and medication that can be given to you to help alleviate possible side efforts.

    Gentle hugs,

    Vicki Sam

  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    coco2008 said:

    I just added you to my prayer

    I just added you to my prayer list. Sounds like you could use the pink bus.

    Sending prayers.

    Sending prayers.

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    I have to agree

    I have to agree with Ginny.Doesn't matter if it's high risk or low risk once dx we can't be sure. I have to admit when my friend was dx 19 years ago I thought she'd never make it.Now it's been 19 years.She was Stage 3 and just had a lumpectomy. I was Stage 0 no chemo or radiaton but doesn't make me feel any more comfortable. I worry every check up and in between every check up. 

    You oncologist will talk to you.I remember being afraid of taking tamoxfin.To many side effects.When my doctor said "If you don't take it you can get cancer in another part of your body".That did it.I starting taking tamox.

    Wish you the best.


    Lynn Smith 

  • Treecy1106
    Treecy1106 Member Posts: 144 Member

    Hi Chicaroo44,

    We all have the same worry no matter what type of BC (ER Pos/ERPR Pos/Her2 Pos/ TNBC/ IFC/ etc etc. The only way to combat fear is by being proactive with your health.

    I studied while going through BC and became a certified health counselor just to help me build my immune system to a point where I feel as though my body is as good as new!

    Stay connected here....we all will be of great comfort to you.

    Stop in the chat room a lot of people are in there in the evenings so we will keep you company.



  • Treecy1106
    Treecy1106 Member Posts: 144 Member

    Hi Chicaroo44,

    We all have the same worry no matter what type of BC (ER Pos/ERPR Pos/Her2 Pos/ TNBC/ IFC/ etc etc. The only way to combat fear is by being proactive with your health.

    I studied while going through BC and became a certified health counselor just to help me build my immune system to a point where I feel as though my body is as good as new!

    Stay connected here....we all will be of great comfort to you.

    Stop in the chat room a lot of people are in there in the evenings so we will keep you company.



  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    When I was diagnosed, I was

    When I was diagnosed, I was Stage 3, IDC, estrogen +.  I was scared to death and just wanted to see my 4 year old grow up.

    My 4 year old just turned 31.  I endured chemo, mastectomy, radiation and many years of hormone therapy.

    I had a recurrence after an 18 year remission.  I am still fighting but am so very, very grateful that my treatments have extended my life.

    I am doing chemo again now and there are difficult days sometimes, but I will get through it.  I always look at side effects as a puzzle to be solved.  I ask questions and read and try and figure out what will work for me.  Be as adherent with your treatment as you can!

    That is my advice ;-).  I know you are in shock but put on your boxing gloves asap and get in there and fight!!!  I am praying and pulling for you!!!

  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member

    When I was diagnosed, I was

    When I was diagnosed, I was Stage 3, IDC, estrogen +.  I was scared to death and just wanted to see my 4 year old grow up.

    My 4 year old just turned 31.  I endured chemo, mastectomy, radiation and many years of hormone therapy.

    I had a recurrence after an 18 year remission.  I am still fighting but am so very, very grateful that my treatments have extended my life.

    I am doing chemo again now and there are difficult days sometimes, but I will get through it.  I always look at side effects as a puzzle to be solved.  I ask questions and read and try and figure out what will work for me.  Be as adherent with your treatment as you can!

    That is my advice ;-).  I know you are in shock but put on your boxing gloves asap and get in there and fight!!!  I am praying and pulling for you!!!

    I am sending you lots of

    I am sending you lots of prayers!

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    Kristin N said:

    I am sending you lots of

    I am sending you lots of prayers!

    Praying for you!

    Praying for you!

  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    I have to agree

    I have to agree with Ginny.Doesn't matter if it's high risk or low risk once dx we can't be sure. I have to admit when my friend was dx 19 years ago I thought she'd never make it.Now it's been 19 years.She was Stage 3 and just had a lumpectomy. I was Stage 0 no chemo or radiaton but doesn't make me feel any more comfortable. I worry every check up and in between every check up. 

    You oncologist will talk to you.I remember being afraid of taking tamoxfin.To many side effects.When my doctor said "If you don't take it you can get cancer in another part of your body".That did it.I starting taking tamox.

    Wish you the best.


    Lynn Smith 

    Prayers and cyber hugs!

    Prayers and cyber hugs!