Food for Thought...

Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
edited June 2013 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

OK, back by popular demand..., LOL.

I know there are many here that only dream of the food they used to eat..., many in various stages of taste and saliva recovery.

I was there with you a while back..., recording every food channel out there, slobbering imaginary drool... A sip of water with every bite of tasteless food, and that water tasting more like sweat than refreshing.

After a few months I could barely form sticky glue for spit, that I'd have to scrape out of my mouth because I couldn't spit it out, LOL.

But little by little, months go by, and after nearly two years I completely regained all taste and nearly all saliva, just a little dry at night.

So what am I getting at.....


Low Boil

That one day down the road, more than likely you too will again enjoy the things you love...even with a load of Old Bay Seasoning kicking up the spice enough to make your nose run and you eyes water...

Best ~ John


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    OMG....I want some of that!!!

    Doesn't matter that I'm eating now days, that looks absolutely scrumptious!  10 months ago that pic would have put me over the was about the begining of August that I got hooked on the Food Channel, and everything you had said about imaginary drool came to pass.  My now imaginary drool is now supplemented with a tad of the real thing.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    looks good, tastes good


    It is almost time for Frogmore stew (Low boil, different name, same Old Bay Seasoning).  Except, I throw in a few pounds of scallops, my Mom loves them.

    I just returned from DQ, the Oreo Blizzard was mediocre, but I’ll try again in a month.

    Most everything is starting to taste again, some not much, others great (dare I say).

    Keep cooking on,


  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    looks yummy


    I think you've covered all the major food groups.


  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member

    A lack of saliva has NEVER hindered me from eating this kind of stuff! I'm staring at the photo now, imagining saliva... imagining drool... I think it's working!

    Thank you for sharing!


  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    looks good, tastes good


    It is almost time for Frogmore stew (Low boil, different name, same Old Bay Seasoning).  Except, I throw in a few pounds of scallops, my Mom loves them.

    I just returned from DQ, the Oreo Blizzard was mediocre, but I’ll try again in a month.

    Most everything is starting to taste again, some not much, others great (dare I say).

    Keep cooking on,


    Margarita - nope!


    I haven't tried an Oreo Blizzard yet. Maybe today.

    Got all bold and thought I'd try a margarita with my little taco last night... nope. Had to leave it melting on the table.  No sweet taste at all, and the lemon flavor faded after about two sips. Ended up with a glass of cold, bitter slush.


  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    Good Job John!

    Whohoooooo you're doing great.

    I'm getting there (ate a chicken fried steak with tons of cream gravy) the other night.  Officially 4 months out.  Can't even get close to spicey though.  


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839


    That looks amazing!!  Enjoy every single bite of it! 

  • Roar
    Roar Member Posts: 269 Member
    Thumbs up

    Congrats! Looks delicious - you put a lot of time and effort into this forum- although you never post problems ( that i have seen) and are always supportive of people,  you too need an Ada Boy every once in a while. So Ada Boy John - keep up the good work. Hope you have many more enjoyable meals to come. 

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Roar said:

    Thumbs up

    Congrats! Looks delicious - you put a lot of time and effort into this forum- although you never post problems ( that i have seen) and are always supportive of people,  you too need an Ada Boy every once in a while. So Ada Boy John - keep up the good work. Hope you have many more enjoyable meals to come. 


    My way of giving back....

    I don't really have any problems..., LOL..., though a few might disagree once in awhile... But eventually my Abi-Normal sense of humor and personality win, and I draw them to the dark side, bawahahaha..., LOL.

    I was actually a few months out of Tx by the time I found this site, so I had went through many of the gifts of treatment by then...

    But I can share my experiences and the knowledge I have gained from the many here, and unfortunately a few no longer here..


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913


    I hope you're sharing that with your wife and not eating it all yourself!....LOL

    Looks very yummy. Kreg and I have been talking about lobster for quite some time now...your seafood platter makes me want to get started on that.

    Actually we have plans in the next week to have a fish fry (Perch) in the GARAGE as I am making my kitchen off limits for frying fish...LOL. Can't wait mouth waters just thinking of that too.



  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Glad you can enjoy your

    Glad you can enjoy your favorites again! 

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Now you're talking!

    Growing up in S Jersey, a feast like that was not uncommon when it was the season. I don't miss much about living there but I sure do miss the food (You can't get good seafood or cheesesteaks in the Shenandoah Valley). 

    In the 1st full week of treatment, before I started to feel bad, we happened to come across a seafood restaurant called "Moe's Seafood". I looked it up and it turns out it's one of the best seafood places in Baltimore/Maryland. So one day after treatment, we went there for a meal. They served dishes like that. Unfortunately, March is not the best time of year. However, the crab cake I got was about 6" round, 6" high and loaded with meat :) Marcia couldn't finish hers. 

    I told Marcia that we'll go back the end of the summer and do it up right!... Just like that! 


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member



    I hope you're sharing that with your wife and not eating it all yourself!....LOL

    Looks very yummy. Kreg and I have been talking about lobster for quite some time now...your seafood platter makes me want to get started on that.

    Actually we have plans in the next week to have a fish fry (Perch) in the GARAGE as I am making my kitchen off limits for frying fish...LOL. Can't wait mouth waters just thinking of that too.



    Fresh Fish...

    Fresh fish doesn't smell....

    Shelley's platter was bigger....bawahahaha...

    Actually that is what was left from what her and I ate..., mmmm left overs.


  • George_Baltimore
    George_Baltimore Member Posts: 303
    fishmanpa said:

    Now you're talking!

    Growing up in S Jersey, a feast like that was not uncommon when it was the season. I don't miss much about living there but I sure do miss the food (You can't get good seafood or cheesesteaks in the Shenandoah Valley). 

    In the 1st full week of treatment, before I started to feel bad, we happened to come across a seafood restaurant called "Moe's Seafood". I looked it up and it turns out it's one of the best seafood places in Baltimore/Maryland. So one day after treatment, we went there for a meal. They served dishes like that. Unfortunately, March is not the best time of year. However, the crab cake I got was about 6" round, 6" high and loaded with meat :) Marcia couldn't finish hers. 

    I told Marcia that we'll go back the end of the summer and do it up right!... Just like that! 


    GASP!!! T, tell me it ain't so!!!

    You found a place in Baltimore that BOILS crabs instead of steaming them???  LOL, that's sacreligious!!!

  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
    Making a great point

    That picture of a low boil could easily have been a large burger, a thick steak, or any other food that might seem to be gone for good from the diet of current HNC patients.  You will likely get a good part of your old diet and taste back, but probably not all of it--and it's going to take some time, so don't get worried, or depressed like I did.  I loved really spicey food before cancer, and even competed in chili and salsa competitions.  The hotter the better.  When I first progressed to solid foods KETCHUP was too spicey for me!  Eventually my tolerance level for spicey foods got higher, but it's still no way near what it used to be.  My wife now serves as my "canary" for spicey foods.  She always tastes spicey foods first and then let's me know if I can tolerate it.

    About 3-4 months after I could eat soild food, but not taste much of it, I got depressed thinking that so many of my favorite foods would be gone out of my life for good.  But after a lot of patience and trial-and-error, I options and my outlook got a lot better.  So, bring on that Low Boil--I can't eat everything in it, but there's plenty in there for me to enjoy--as long as John didn't put too much Old Bay in it.Tongue Out



  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member

    GASP!!! T, tell me it ain't so!!!

    You found a place in Baltimore that BOILS crabs instead of steaming them???  LOL, that's sacreligious!!!

    Steamed vs Boiled


    Mo's steams their crabs and seafood. I've had them both ways and found that when boiling, the Old Bay gets in there under the shells and into the meat a little more. Personally. I prefer steamed. As far as the spice? That remains to be seen. I'm still taking most of my nutrition through the PEG but eating 1-2 small meals a day now. I know my mouth isn't ready for anything spicy yet but we'll see where I'm at in a couple of months ;)~


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Lucky dog. Jim still has no

    Lucky dog. Jim still has no taste or saliva two years post. He still brings the fish home for me though. Right now it is flounder stocking the freezer. That picture makes me want some low country shrimp boil.


  • Greg53
    Greg53 Member Posts: 849
    jim and i said:

    Lucky dog. Jim still has no

    Lucky dog. Jim still has no taste or saliva two years post. He still brings the fish home for me though. Right now it is flounder stocking the freezer. That picture makes me want some low country shrimp boil.




    Looks excllent! Ummmmmm!  Not as good as my crappie and trout that I fried up today though...................



    uhhh, nevermind - I was too hungry






  • Moayediberg
    Moayediberg Member Posts: 4
    fishmanpa said:

    Steamed vs Boiled


    Mo's steams their crabs and seafood. I've had them both ways and found that when boiling, the Old Bay gets in there under the shells and into the meat a little more. Personally. I prefer steamed. As far as the spice? That remains to be seen. I'm still taking most of my nutrition through the PEG but eating 1-2 small meals a day now. I know my mouth isn't ready for anything spicy yet but we'll see where I'm at in a couple of months ;)~


    Steered vs boiled

    Hi George, I saw your post that you are still getting mostly on you nutrition from the the tube.  I am 6 weeks out and still taking one meal, and then drinking 2 two meals, but it is all the same formula.  I am trying gage my progress.....



  • Roar
    Roar Member Posts: 269 Member
    My recent conquest
