A Year After Treatment

NoDuck Member Posts: 134

One year ago tomorrow, Hubby started treatment for stage 3 tonsil cancer. 35 rads, 2 cisplatin (supposed to have been 3 but he was too ill for the final dose). While I prefer to look forward instead of back, I can't help but think back on this last year.

A year ago we were anxious and scared. It didn't take long for thetreatment to knock an otherwise healthy cowboy to his knees.  Three weeks into tx I changed my prayers from "please let him survive the cancer" to "please let him survive the treatment."  He did survive, he is cancer free and we are blessed with a stronger marriage and a future filled with travel plans and never taking the next day for granted.

I don't post as much as I used to but I check in most days. This place saved my sanity and possibly my marriage -- there were times when the frustration of a caregiver could only be understood by folks on this site and times when I needed to hear from someone who had been where my hubby was in treatment to understand better what he was going through.

For those of you starting the journey, we were where you are just a year ago. It may seem now to be overwhelming and will never get better. You will survive.  Come here often. The help and encouragement you get here is invaluable.

For the friends we have made over the last year, thank you. Thank you so much.

Deb (and Dale)



  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    Thank you

    for sharing your story and encouraging words.  Just last week I didn't feel like I was going to survive the treatments!  This site has been a blessing to me.


    Congrats on the one year anniversary!!  It's stories like yours that give me so much hope and happiness! 

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Hello Deb and Dale !

    I'm smiling as I read your post.  Yes that was a tough journey you two walked together.  You're right this trip can make or break a relationship.  But you two made it.  Only good things ahead, and many more yrs. together.  Hugs sent !  Katie

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Quack Quack...

    D&D, Awesome news, great report....

    Glad that all is going well....

    Best ~ John

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member

    Deb and Dale,

    It sounds like your cowboy is riding high, that is great news.

    Enjoy your life,


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Hey you guys....

    I'm so glad when we hear from you, and delighted that things are going so well.

    Deb...my man and I are going to do the same thing...start doing things we've always said we were going to do, go to places we said we were going to go... with the silly notion that we had all the time in the world to do and see them.  Well now the time has come to actually put stuff in motion. 

    I remember Dale's bad times....and some were pretty darn scary....and look at him now....Laughing 


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913

    Thank you for sharing this with us! We too are almost at one year from dx and it's been a head spinning experience. February we got a clean scan. Life is starting to get back to normal slowly for us too. As a caregiver also, I know exactly where you are coming from. It's not easy, but they need us through this journey....no one can do it alone!

    I thank God that I found this forum also. It has saved me so much sanity! I stick around because I want to give back to the Newbies coming in ....because we know what that fear really feels like.

    God is good!



  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member


    Thank you for sharing this with us! We too are almost at one year from dx and it's been a head spinning experience. February we got a clean scan. Life is starting to get back to normal slowly for us too. As a caregiver also, I know exactly where you are coming from. It's not easy, but they need us through this journey....no one can do it alone!

    I thank God that I found this forum also. It has saved me so much sanity! I stick around because I want to give back to the Newbies coming in ....because we know what that fear really feels like.

    God is good!



    Deb & Dale

    Happy travels! I am also a year post tx as of May 15th. Recently went to Florida and am headed to Nassau in about 6 weeks. Once again enjoying Lake of The Ozarks on weekends here in MO. I also share this as an inspiration to those just beginning their journey. A year ago, I could not have visualized where I am today. A year ago, I could barely get out of bed and today I have more energy than I did before my dx. Everything is not perfect but I am here and intend to enjoy all of my blessings.
