Hey guys

Billie67 Member Posts: 898
Sorry I've been absent for a while, phew it's been crazy! All is good on the health front so that's good, it's just life in general that has me so busy. I'm a Pre School teacher and for a whileni was so busy with getting everything ready for our Mother's Day Tea and then my older son is a senior in High School and with graduation coming up and all those festivities...yikes! He also plays baseball and they made playoffs so that was crazy. Dare I say that I'm happy that they ended up losing?? Anyway, he also plays ice hockey and we just finished up a Memorial Day Tournament tonight. Let's not forget about getting fitted for his tux for prom, dress shoe shopping and all the other Prom must do's. I also have a 12 year old who for medical reasons is home schooled and we are nearing the end of our school year so we are scrambling to finish up. I also celebrated with my husband, our 20th anniversary last week! I can hardly breathe I've been so busy. I'm happy though because this time last year was not so good. I barely got out of bed to see my son off for prom and didn't get to go to hardly any baseball games and zero hockey games....stupid cancer!!!
So I celebrate being so busy. I just wanted to explain why I've been away for a couple/few weeks. Oh and I have a confession....I've also acquired a new addiction....it's true, I'm addicted to the oh so fun but frustrating game of Candy Crush!
I've missed chatting with you all and as things calm down I will try and get back on here regularly...I miss my CSN family.
My love to you all,


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    good excuse


    You have been busy and an addiction too.  Well, you have missed more than I can tell you, but more importantly “how is the dog”.

    Maybe Skiffin will have to make-up our own H&N game?

    So glad you are having fun, how is the taster?


  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    CivilMatt said:

    good excuse


    You have been busy and an addiction too.  Well, you have missed more than I can tell you, but more importantly “how is the dog”.

    Maybe Skiffin will have to make-up our own H&N game?

    So glad you are having fun, how is the taster?


    First off, the dog is amazing!!! I love my curly little man. I feel so bad because he and I are buddies and with me being so busy I feel like he's sad
    :-( I try to give him lots of extra TLC

    Oh you should try Candy Crush! I'm pretty sure it's cheaper than crack but I bet it's equally addictive! I'm sure any game John would come up with would be just as fun :-)

    My taster....well it's about the same, I'd say 85-90% there are things that I used to really enjoy and no longer do. Some of those things are probably better off not being in my normal consumption I guess like coke, oh I used to love coke! Now it literally tastes horrible to me! And now I crave sweets like cookies, cakes, pies and I never had a sweet tooth before. It's so strange and those who haven't been thru what we've been thru have no clue. I thi kits funny when people say "oh I know just what you're talking about....I have a cold right now and I can't taste anything!" haha I have to laugh about that.

    How are you doing?
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    Billie67 said:

    First off, the dog is amazing!!! I love my curly little man. I feel so bad because he and I are buddies and with me being so busy I feel like he's sad
    :-( I try to give him lots of extra TLC

    Oh you should try Candy Crush! I'm pretty sure it's cheaper than crack but I bet it's equally addictive! I'm sure any game John would come up with would be just as fun :-)

    My taster....well it's about the same, I'd say 85-90% there are things that I used to really enjoy and no longer do. Some of those things are probably better off not being in my normal consumption I guess like coke, oh I used to love coke! Now it literally tastes horrible to me! And now I crave sweets like cookies, cakes, pies and I never had a sweet tooth before. It's so strange and those who haven't been thru what we've been thru have no clue. I thi kits funny when people say "oh I know just what you're talking about....I have a cold right now and I can't taste anything!" haha I have to laugh about that.

    How are you doing?

    curly little man needs loving too


    You have a (new) sweet tooth and an addiction to Candy Crush, I think I taste a theme here.

    I have a cold and can’t taste anything is an oldie but a goodie.  I once put a can of  Crisco Shortening on my parents dining table and said “this is what food feels and tastes like to me”.  The only people who truly get it are the folks here at H&N central.

    I am doing fine, I sleep exceptionally well, I am still using Xylimelts, I taste a little bit of all flavors, but ice-cream is pretty much a no-show.


  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    curly little man needs loving too


    You have a (new) sweet tooth and an addiction to Candy Crush, I think I taste a theme here.

    I have a cold and can’t taste anything is an oldie but a goodie.  I once put a can of  Crisco Shortening on my parents dining table and said “this is what food feels and tastes like to me”.  The only people who truly get it are the folks here at H&N central.

    I am doing fine, I sleep exceptionally well, I am still using Xylimelts, I taste a little bit of all flavors, but ice-cream is pretty much a no-show.


    I'm Tired Now


    You wore me out just reading how busy you have been. Good grief, girl! Sit down a minute & breathe. No, really, it's great that you have the energy to accomplish all that. My "kids" are fourteen years apart, so when I partially finished raising my daughter, my son came along, & then when my son was barely old enough, my grandson was born, so I feel like I've been taking care of someone my whole life.  LOL  I wouldn't have changed it for anything.

    Anyway, it's nice to see you back. I'm still mostly lurking. So many "newbies" here & on the Colon board. I just feel so bad for all.

    Take care,



  • rachel12yrsuv
    rachel12yrsuv Member Posts: 435
    Hey Billie,
    miss you too but

    Hey Billie,

    miss you too but happy that your busy with normal happy life!  I have the same new addiction i tried to a oid it but i gave in to peer pressure and now have been suck on level 65 for weeks, when you get there or if you have been there you'll understand as i continue to struggle to eat more food i could careless about ever eating CJOCOLATE  again! Lol

    take care sweetie we all love you!


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Happy be-lated anniversary !

    Hello Billie !

    It's wonderful to hear things are going so well for you !  I hope you two had a wonderful anniversary celebration, and sounds like life is spinning very quickly.  Your post made me smile and reminds me that life after dx's and tx's is very possible and good !  Hugs sent !  Katie

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    I'm new here, but..

    it's so great to hear how many exciting things you've had going on!  Your life sounds like how mine was last year at this time :)  Prom, graduation and we also homeschool a younger one, and we just celebrated our 22nd anniversary!!   

    Congrats on all of all you were able to enjoy this year! :)


    And oh my goodness...Candy Crush...I'm on level 65 and don't think I'll EVER get past it! 

  • yensid683
    yensid683 Member Posts: 349
    Billie, I know what you mean

    I've been busy too and was thinking about how different Memorial Day 2013 was from Memorial Day 2012/

    A year ago I was missing all of my hair, had my first 5 rads, survived a round of induction chemo, had a feeding tube, had the start of the nasty sore throat, couldn't stand sweets, (metalic after taste) and generally felt like crap.

    I got to play golf yesterday, I walked all 18 but instead of carrying my clubs like I used to, I used a push cart.  The score was nothing to write home about but I got to play all 18!  I wore a wide brimmed hat and used a good sunblock and no sunburn!  I was sore afterwards, some of the long disused muscles said "hello" but not in a nice way, especially this morning.

    I can eat most anything but like you some tried and true favorites are just not there anymore, Coke (Classic Coke) is just too tough to stand.  I find that anything tart or sour is just intolerable. Lemon Heads candy too, sour and tart are just too hard to do right now. hopefully as saliva comes back I'll be able to do sour again.

    Sweet/salty are what I crave, I was actually able to eat a jelly bean not long ago and NOT have to have any extra water.  I know only those of us who've been through this can ever appreciate something that seems so insignificant as that.  Perhaps saliva and taste will come all the way back for us.

    I'm glad that your life is resuming its normal shape.

    Want to read a couple of good books about dogs?  W. Bruce Cameron wrote "A Dog's Purpose" and the sequel, "A Dog's Journey".  Only a true dog lover can appreciate them, they're written from the dog's perspective.


    Congrats on normal!

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Billie the Girl..

    You being busy and living life is a good thing....

    Congrats and always best wishes... ~ John

  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    Skiffin16 said:

    Billie the Girl..

    You being busy and living life is a good thing....

    Congrats and always best wishes... ~ John

    Everyone for all the nice responses. I hope you all know that in no way am I ungrateful for the business. I love it and welcome it, I honestly think it's how I function best.

    So it seems like many of us have the same taste likes and dislikes these days. I too do not like anything sour! I crave sweet and salty and my once favorite French Vanilla ice-cream is "yucky" oh well, there are still plenty of things to try :-)
    Matt, I love the Crisco analogy! I could never describe to people but that is perfect! I kept telling people that my food tasted the way wet newspaper or wet cardboard smelled. I would tell them that it felt like I was eating broken glass....ugh I don't miss that and I pray for all of our friends going thru it now.

    To all my fellow Candy Crushers, some of you mentioned that you are stuck in the 60 levels....wow you are my heroes! I'm stuck on 37 and I always end up with 1 stinkin jelly and only 1 move left and it's never a productive move!

    I hope you are all well.
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Hi Billie...

    Yes, you were missed....but it appears you were completely justified.  I got tired reading it all, can't imagine DOING it all.

    I got addicted to Candy Crush, too....but finally broke the habit after spending 2 weeks on one level (I got stuck at level 96....I never did figure out a strategy for playing.....just kept at it and poof suddenly I won the level and finally moved on)....I refuse to buy any of the helpers (caught myself buying stuff on Cityville, and was shocked when I added it up....)...

    Very happy to see you have returned.


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    Billie67 said:

    Everyone for all the nice responses. I hope you all know that in no way am I ungrateful for the business. I love it and welcome it, I honestly think it's how I function best.

    So it seems like many of us have the same taste likes and dislikes these days. I too do not like anything sour! I crave sweet and salty and my once favorite French Vanilla ice-cream is "yucky" oh well, there are still plenty of things to try :-)
    Matt, I love the Crisco analogy! I could never describe to people but that is perfect! I kept telling people that my food tasted the way wet newspaper or wet cardboard smelled. I would tell them that it felt like I was eating broken glass....ugh I don't miss that and I pray for all of our friends going thru it now.

    To all my fellow Candy Crushers, some of you mentioned that you are stuck in the 60 levels....wow you are my heroes! I'm stuck on 37 and I always end up with 1 stinkin jelly and only 1 move left and it's never a productive move!

    I hope you are all well.

    Hi Billie

    A busy life after cancer is a great thing. In the survivor mode sometimes 24 just ain't enough hours. I can't help you with the Candy Crush thing but if you use pretzels to dip your ice cream out of the bowl it does help you to get back on track with ice cream. Vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, and pretzels (all mixed together) was an addiction for me before cancer. I just couldn't get my taste back for it after cancer treatments but I told my Radiologist I practiced three times a week. So now instead of crushed and put in the ice cream I use the pretzels to dip and eat. Practice does make perfect.

    Come to think of it, while practicing eating ice cream I did crush some peanut M&M's in with the ice cream but not to any level.


    Enjoy the day


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Hi Billie...

    Yes, you were missed....but it appears you were completely justified.  I got tired reading it all, can't imagine DOING it all.

    I got addicted to Candy Crush, too....but finally broke the habit after spending 2 weeks on one level (I got stuck at level 96....I never did figure out a strategy for playing.....just kept at it and poof suddenly I won the level and finally moved on)....I refuse to buy any of the helpers (caught myself buying stuff on Cityville, and was shocked when I added it up....)...

    Very happy to see you have returned.



    Your post is an inspiration to many that life returns to some normalcy. I think I slept most of Memorial weekend away last year, this year I was at the lake and had 25 or so people over for a taco party. Not sure if it was the weight loss or just state of mind but I truly feel more energetic than I used to. I even went for a walk with my husband this morning before coming to work. He put on weight and is uncomfortable after eating everything I thought I wanted but then couldn't eat. I've recently convinced him to throw it away. To those early in this journey, know that things really can and do get better.


  • VivianLee5689
    VivianLee5689 Member Posts: 546
    hwt said:


    Your post is an inspiration to many that life returns to some normalcy. I think I slept most of Memorial weekend away last year, this year I was at the lake and had 25 or so people over for a taco party. Not sure if it was the weight loss or just state of mind but I truly feel more energetic than I used to. I even went for a walk with my husband this morning before coming to work. He put on weight and is uncomfortable after eating everything I thought I wanted but then couldn't eat. I've recently convinced him to throw it away. To those early in this journey, know that things really can and do get better.


    Glad to hear from you


    I have been away as well, but was glad to see you had posted recently.  If you want my cell phone number pm me and I would be glad to share.  I have missed talking to you.  I had my daughter graduate college and my son graduate high school last week so it was busy for me as well.