
Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

I've got a birthday coming up and just was wondering if you find that another birthday to celebrate is better and much more significant than before your diagnosis.  Mine always seems to land on the week of Father's Day so everyone gets together for that and because my birthday might be two days before, the day is for the dads.  I'm ok with that as we've got a big family and separate birthday gathering for me and then a Father's Day gathering is just way way too much for everyone - even for me Laughing.  Sometimes, I've felt the longer I'm here the more people don't even realize what I've been through.  But just your opinion, are your birthday's after diagnosis more special?



  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member

    I am of an age where we don't celebrate it any more.  When the family members make their calls and ask if I feel any older, I tell them it is just another day.

    However, in my own heart and mind, I am greatful to be around to celebrate another.  I have been fortunate to have "celebrated" 4 since diagnosis and surgery.

    Wishing all here, many many more!

    Marie who loves kitties

  • AnnLouise
    AnnLouise Member Posts: 276 Member

    My birthdays after diagnosis are very special and I don't even mind getting older.....actually it is a good thing! 


    Kim.... I hope your Birthday is happy and meaningful.....~Ann

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Hi Kim

    I welcome each Birthday with open arms. I don't make a big deal out of them but whenever I hear someone complain or worry about getting older, I tell them that I worry about not getting older! Whether anyone else remembers isn't that important to me but it's always nice to hear a mention.

    Of course, all of us will be waiting for your big day to wish you a Happy Birthday!

  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    I was diagnosed a few weeks before my 55th birthday

    One of the consultants I met with "gave me" 5 years at the most, which meant I wouldn't see my 60th birthday.  Fortunately, I found other doctors who understood my cancer better, and were able to treat it successfully (at least so far).  Last May, I celebrated my 60th birthday.  I was in France, enjoying life with my husband. I finally got to throw the "monkey" off my back - I had made it through 5 years and I was healthy.  My birthdays are celebrations of life.  And yes, it does mean more to me than before my diagnosis.  (61 is coming up on Monday!)

    Oh, and I sent a post-card from France to "Dr. Doom" to let him know how wrong he was, that thanks to his wonderful colleagues, I was doing great.  (He's a doctor at the cancer center I use, but he's not my dr.)




  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member

    My children have made a big deal out of them lately.  Just had my resection before my 79th. Daughter sent me to Vegas meeting 2 sons and 2 grandsons for my 80th.  Daughter comming next weekend for my 81st.   Being NEDFor more than 2 years , don;t think they(birthdays) are anything special any more.  Since I made it past 80, I could make it to 90. LOL

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    My birthday was yesterday...

    and I feel VERY lucky to be here to celebrate another one.  I will never in a million years complain about wrinkles, grey hairs, or any of the other cosmetic aspects of aging.  I'm just happy to be around.

    We spent the weekend at a beach cabin.  Getting to play Clue with my kids, while drinking a gin and tonic and listening to Billie Holiday on the hi-fi, was pretty spectacular.  I'm not a huge fan of big parties, this for me was the prefect amount of "celebration".

    And in case I forget when the time comes, happy birthday in advance,  Annabelle!

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Happy Birthday to all who are celebrating

    I haven't had a  birthday since diagnosis, but I can tell you that I watch every leaf emerge, every bird nesting, the clouds, the sunshine, my herb garden.  

    I want to celebrate everything. 

    My Birthday is at Christmas. I never got much attention when I was young, but if I have to plan it myself (I know I won't), I'm going to have arear 55th Birthday in December.

    And PhilliG, I love what you said ' I tell them that I worry about NOT getting older! '

  • AnnLouise
    AnnLouise Member Posts: 276 Member

    My birthday was yesterday...

    and I feel VERY lucky to be here to celebrate another one.  I will never in a million years complain about wrinkles, grey hairs, or any of the other cosmetic aspects of aging.  I'm just happy to be around.

    We spent the weekend at a beach cabin.  Getting to play Clue with my kids, while drinking a gin and tonic and listening to Billie Holiday on the hi-fi, was pretty spectacular.  I'm not a huge fan of big parties, this for me was the prefect amount of "celebration".

    And in case I forget when the time comes, happy birthday in advance,  Annabelle!

    Happy belated Birthday, Ann

    Sounds like the perfect celebration....~ Ann

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    My birthday was yesterday...

    and I feel VERY lucky to be here to celebrate another one.  I will never in a million years complain about wrinkles, grey hairs, or any of the other cosmetic aspects of aging.  I'm just happy to be around.

    We spent the weekend at a beach cabin.  Getting to play Clue with my kids, while drinking a gin and tonic and listening to Billie Holiday on the hi-fi, was pretty spectacular.  I'm not a huge fan of big parties, this for me was the prefect amount of "celebration".

    And in case I forget when the time comes, happy birthday in advance,  Annabelle!

    Very Happy Birthday

    Sounds like you had a very nice birthday.  I'll never complain about getting older either.  Glad that you are one year older Smile.


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Happy Birthday to all who are celebrating

    I haven't had a  birthday since diagnosis, but I can tell you that I watch every leaf emerge, every bird nesting, the clouds, the sunshine, my herb garden.  

    I want to celebrate everything. 

    My Birthday is at Christmas. I never got much attention when I was young, but if I have to plan it myself (I know I won't), I'm going to have arear 55th Birthday in December.

    And PhilliG, I love what you said ' I tell them that I worry about NOT getting older! '


    Yes you Christmas babies always got left out.  My niece and granddaughter are one day/two day after and everything was always lumped in one event.  Hoping you do it up big for your 55th.
