Teeth problems after radiation treatment

I have been reading on line about teeth pulling after radiation treatments and am scared to death about what I am reading!.  I am 40 months out of radiation treatments. One of my teeth is now at the point of needing to be extracted. Prior to the radiation treatments I requested that I have my teeth pulled  knowing that there would be issues later on as I have had trouble with my teeth all my life. The Dr's informed me that it would be better to have my own teeth. 

My issue is that other people I know who have the same problem informed me that medicare and the suppliment I have will not cover HBO or Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. I am on a fixed income and cannot afford this treatment but need it to get my tooth pulled. Does anyone have any information that will help me.

I will be contacting my oncologist in the morning to find out what can be done and what my radiation levels were. Any information would be greatly appreciated.



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member


    Welcome to the H&N forum, you skipped over all the side effects and gone straight to teeth.

    I don’t have any information about teeth, from what I’ve been reading I am just waiting for them to fall out, but so far so good at 14 months post.

    I do have information about one thing; you look like a real cool cat. I am glad to see you have your sun protection.

    Good luck on the teeth (or tooth) it is defiantly the most popular subject going.


  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Hi Miklosk

    Welcome to the group. Hopefully someone here will have an answer for you.  I am shocked that medicare and your supplement will not pay for hyperbaric treatments. It is my understanding that if your cancer-treating physician places the order for hyperbaric treatments, then your insurance should cover it.  As your oncologist what he can do for you.  Good luck. Insurance sucks.

    Oh, and my radiation oncologist told me that I would not need hyperbaric treatments if I ever needed an extraction - I received 68.4 GY both sides of jaw.  My ENT strenuously disagrees with her, and has stated that if I ever do need an extraction, HE will prescribe it for me. Radiation oncologist said all I should need would be a lengthy course of antibiotics to prevent infection while slow healing takes place.

    So far, just two crowns since end of treatment, and had no trouble with them.



  • metro22
    metro22 Member Posts: 16
    upper or lower

    I had gone to a Cancer specialist in dental care to consult - but the surgeon who pulled  15 of my teeth  last week had told me that in his experience after 2-3 years the upper jaw often can have enough blood flow that has returned to not caue a problem while the lower jaw is slower to add blood supply. Maybe you can find a university in your are that has such a cancer dental support - I went here  UMKC

  • miklosk
    miklosk Member Posts: 2
    CivilMatt said:



    Welcome to the H&N forum, you skipped over all the side effects and gone straight to teeth.

    I don’t have any information about teeth, from what I’ve been reading I am just waiting for them to fall out, but so far so good at 14 months post.

    I do have information about one thing; you look like a real cool cat. I am glad to see you have your sun protection.

    Good luck on the teeth (or tooth) it is defiantly the most popular subject going.



    Thanks so much for getting back to me so fast. I skipped over the other side effects as they are just not as life threatening as the teeth problem for me. I am still suffering from fatique, thyroid issues and dry mouth all which are being addressed through medication and dietary changes. 

    I am a solar person and need the sun to keep me warm and energized. I do however wear 100 on my neck when in the sun and wear something to protect my head. I am also an avid motorcyclist and now wear the dreaded full face helmet which I hate but safety first. 

    Thanks again


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Possibly Unwarrated Concern - For Now...


    Like mentioned, a lot depends upon if the tooth you mention is upper or lower...

    Lower being more prone to problems due to possible infection, healing and recovery.. But even that is not a given...

    I seem to remember more than a few here that have lower teeth extracted with no issues, and without HBO, etc...

    I'd first approach it with a dentist very familiar with H&N Cancer Treatment involving radiation. I would presume they can determine if the added procedures are warranted...



  • hlrowe
    hlrowe Member Posts: 80
    Not necessary for extractions

    I don't believe hyperbaric treatments are necessary for an extraction per my periodontist and rad onc. If you want an implant then you would need to get the O2 treatments before and after.

  • ljoy
    ljoy Member Posts: 94
    Tooth Extraction

    Why does the tooth need to be pulled? In my case, four years after treatment my right lower jaw tooth became loose. So I went to the dentist and the x-ray showed dead bone under the tooth. That is osteoradionucrosis from radiation treatment. In this case you must have HBO to restore capillary circulation or it won't heal after  the extraction. Also the dead bone needs to be removed down to bleeding bone. I had Medicare as a supplement to my wifes insurance  and all my HBO treatments were paid as a medical expense not dental.

    It is important that your doctors are famiiar with post radiation treatment problems. I was fortlunate to have an oral surgeon who was very knowleglable in head and neck treatment for cancer.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    hlrowe said:

    Not necessary for extractions

    I don't believe hyperbaric treatments are necessary for an extraction per my periodontist and rad onc. If you want an implant then you would need to get the O2 treatments before and after.

    There Are No Givens...

    An extraction can warrant going through HBO, but not always...

    It's not a given you will, nor won't need HBO for healing with an extraction..


  • Rick2924
    Rick2924 Member Posts: 23
    miklosk said:


    Thanks so much for getting back to me so fast. I skipped over the other side effects as they are just not as life threatening as the teeth problem for me. I am still suffering from fatique, thyroid issues and dry mouth all which are being addressed through medication and dietary changes. 

    I am a solar person and need the sun to keep me warm and energized. I do however wear 100 on my neck when in the sun and wear something to protect my head. I am also an avid motorcyclist and now wear the dreaded full face helmet which I hate but safety first. 

    Thanks again




    I have had two teeth extracted on separate occaisions after my radiation treatment. One due to a cracked root and the other because it was in the way after a buccal flap was used to close exposed bone after a surgery. In both cases my doctors at MD Anderson orderd HBO treatments. 35 before the extraction and 10 after. I had 70 Gy to the mandible involved. Other than being bored out of my mind during 2 different sessions of 45 HBO treatments, I had no major problems and healed well. My insurance was through United Healthcare and there was no issue regarding coverage. Best of luck and don't neglect your teeth. Keep up with the flouride.


  • denistd
    denistd Member Posts: 597
    ljoy said:

    Tooth Extraction

    Why does the tooth need to be pulled? In my case, four years after treatment my right lower jaw tooth became loose. So I went to the dentist and the x-ray showed dead bone under the tooth. That is osteoradionucrosis from radiation treatment. In this case you must have HBO to restore capillary circulation or it won't heal after  the extraction. Also the dead bone needs to be removed down to bleeding bone. I had Medicare as a supplement to my wifes insurance  and all my HBO treatments were paid as a medical expense not dental.

    It is important that your doctors are famiiar with post radiation treatment problems. I was fortlunate to have an oral surgeon who was very knowleglable in head and neck treatment for cancer.

    Teeth extraction

    I had 17 teeth taken out 30 months out from treatment. Medicare paid for the whole kit and kaboodle including the HBO treatments. I would strongly recommend the HBO, if nothing ever happens after how do you know if the HBO was worth it. If you vave non0-healing issues and the jaw starts to go bad, was that bexause you did not have the HBO, kind of like was paying for car insurance all your life and not having to use it worth it? Denis

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    I had to have four teeth yanked (bottom front) due to radiation. Three of them broke off before I finished HBO post extractions. Two Dentists and the Oral Surgeon all said keep the rest and definitely sit through the boring HBO. I stressed that in the event one or more teeth went bad in the future I didn’t want to go through HBO again and both dentists felt the rest of my teeth will be fine. Like others have said your insurance needs to know that it is medically necessary in order for them to cover the HBO. I healed really well after having them pulled on the day Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast.

    Now I gots me some new toofers and I look normal again. However I will never ever act normal.


  • Sheilarhc
    Sheilarhc Member Posts: 46

     Did 20 dives of HBO prior to extraction and 10 dives after.  A few doctors have told me I will never have to have HBO again and others that have said if I need more extractions or implants I would only have to do 10 dives after surgery.  I’m not sure I’m buyin what they’re selling but I’m glad I did it.  Better to be safe than sorry…..even if it’s them most boring two hours of your life. 

  • George_Baltimore
    George_Baltimore Member Posts: 303
    Sheilarhc said:


     Did 20 dives of HBO prior to extraction and 10 dives after.  A few doctors have told me I will never have to have HBO again and others that have said if I need more extractions or implants I would only have to do 10 dives after surgery.  I’m not sure I’m buyin what they’re selling but I’m glad I did it.  Better to be safe than sorry…..even if it’s them most boring two hours of your life. 


    I've had a total of 124 dives since 2009 and have never received a bill.  Medicare and BCBS paid the whole thing.

  • dennis318
    dennis318 Member Posts: 349 Member


    I've had a total of 124 dives since 2009 and have never received a bill.  Medicare and BCBS paid the whole thing.

    Good For You

    I had 30 HBO and was lucky that Blue Cross Shield of Michigan just started paying it that year....they cam after me for 68,000 from a credit agency after they told me it was approved, cancer and creditors don't mix......they finally paid it after a yearglad you fellow cancers people got it so quickly..take care Dennis

  • dennis318
    dennis318 Member Posts: 349 Member
    dennis318 said:

    Good For You

    I had 30 HBO and was lucky that Blue Cross Shield of Michigan just started paying it that year....they cam after me for 68,000 from a credit agency after they told me it was approved, cancer and creditors don't mix......they finally paid it after a yearglad you fellow cancers people got it so quickly..take care Dennis

    question for bad teeth from radiation?

    I have 5 teeth rotting from the tom of the gum lines and I have no  dentistry insurance, will Medicaid pay for the repairs to have them filled? Thanks Dennis, where do i check?

  • George_Baltimore
    George_Baltimore Member Posts: 303
    dennis318 said:

    question for bad teeth from radiation?

    I have 5 teeth rotting from the tom of the gum lines and I have no  dentistry insurance, will Medicaid pay for the repairs to have them filled? Thanks Dennis, where do i check?

    I don't think

    they will pay to have them "filled".  They may pay to have them pulled if the oral surgeon says it was due to radiation.  Go to an oral surgeon if you are thinking about having them yanked out.  He or she should be able to tell you whether it will be covered.

  • dellarose
    dellarose Member Posts: 4
    12 year post radiation

    Please I am in need of some info. My husband had his radiation therapy 12 years ago and had all of his upper teeth pulled about 6-7years ago without any problems and no HBO treatments (didn't even know about this:((. But now he has a lower wisdom tooth that is not impacted but is starting to decay and the oral surgeon refuses to pull it unless he gets thes HBO treatments?? My husband is in perfect health otherwise. any feed back would be greatly appreciated

    God Bless all survivors and never give up hope.

  • dellarose
    dellarose Member Posts: 4
    Skiffin16 said:

    There Are No Givens...

    An extraction can warrant going through HBO, but not always...

    It's not a given you will, nor won't need HBO for healing with an extraction..


    Hi I read your post and

    Hi I read your post and wondering did you have a tooth extracted without hbo treatments, if so what was the out come. My husband is going through this now trying to decide if he needs these treaments?? any feed back would be helpful, I am new to this board


  • dellarose
    dellarose Member Posts: 4
    hlrowe said:

    Not necessary for extractions

    I don't believe hyperbaric treatments are necessary for an extraction per my periodontist and rad onc. If you want an implant then you would need to get the O2 treatments before and after.

    Hi new to this board. Did you

    Hi new to this board. Did you or some one you know have a tooth extracted with HBO treatments and what was the out come? My husband has  to have a lower tooth pulled and is a 12 yr survivor and does not want to go to HBO treatments we are torn on what to do:((

  • dellarose
    dellarose Member Posts: 4
    metro22 said:

    upper or lower

    I had gone to a Cancer specialist in dental care to consult - but the surgeon who pulled  15 of my teeth  last week had told me that in his experience after 2-3 years the upper jaw often can have enough blood flow that has returned to not caue a problem while the lower jaw is slower to add blood supply. Maybe you can find a university in your are that has such a cancer dental support - I went here  UMKC

    lower wisdom tooth

    After reading your post it gives me a little hope. My husband had his radiation treatments 12yrs ago and now his lower wisdom tooth is decaying. The million dollar question is do we or don't we get HBO treatments for one tooth. He did have all his upper teeth removed about 5-6 yrs ago with no HBO treaments and no problems. Not sure what to do:((