Hair texture/hair cuts

desertgirl947 Member Posts: 653 Member

I am at that point where my hair has grown back in.  Because I wore short hair before (just over the ears on the sides, a little below the neck in the back, and a few inches on the top), it did not take me too long to get back to a comparable point.

How does my hair compare to before?  At this point it is definitely not as coarse, which makes it seem less thick than before; however, I seem to have thick, fine, soft hair.  While it had a bit of a wave before; now it is straighter.  The color is similar to what I had (salt & pepper), although it seems slightly darker, based on what people I know say to me -- for instance, am I using a rinse.  I do have a few minor thin spots up front -- not sure if they have been there since the re-grow began or if it's part of the process.  The way I comb/brush my hair covers those.  There seems to be growth there that looks like  what the majority of my hair looked like late last fall.  I am not yet able to determine if my hair actually is thinning (on tamoxifen).  Texture is throwing me off, I think.

I have yet to figure out how to tell my hairdresser how to cut my "new" hair.  She has been essentially going at it the same way she did; but with the changes to my hair, I think I need to do some things a bit differently.  BUT, I also do not know if this is always how my hair will be or if it is just a phase.

Anyone know if re-growth continues to change for months and months after chemo OR is this maybe how my hair now is going to be?  I finished chemo July 16, 2012.

Thanks, in advance, for any feedback.



  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Not taking chemo myself, I

    Not taking chemo myself, I can't answer your questions.  I know the others will reply to you.  It does seem like many said there hair came back completely different than before chemo. 

    Good luck with what you do with your hair.  I know you will look great!


  • desertgirl947
    desertgirl947 Member Posts: 653 Member

    Not taking chemo myself, I

    Not taking chemo myself, I can't answer your questions.  I know the others will reply to you.  It does seem like many said there hair came back completely different than before chemo. 

    Good luck with what you do with your hair.  I know you will look great!



    Thanks for the input. I am thinking that Saturday, since I don't have to go anywhere, that I will experiment with combing/brushing my hair a different way to dry after I wash it. 

    I think that my hair seems different from what it was like when I first went hatless/wigless and combed it forward.  I did get a lot of positive feedback on that style. But I am not sure my hair is quite like it was even then (Nov/Dec), which is why I need to experiment when I have some time.  

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member


    Thanks for the input. I am thinking that Saturday, since I don't have to go anywhere, that I will experiment with combing/brushing my hair a different way to dry after I wash it. 

    I think that my hair seems different from what it was like when I first went hatless/wigless and combed it forward.  I did get a lot of positive feedback on that style. But I am not sure my hair is quite like it was even then (Nov/Dec), which is why I need to experiment when I have some time.  

    Have you tried gels and

    Have you tried gels and mousse and all of that cool stuff?  I think it's a good idea to just experiment with it when you have the time. 


  • cmb1347
    cmb1347 Member Posts: 5
    Hair texture

    I finished A/C in September, had TH until January 2013 - still doing Herceptin every three weeks... my hair is growing back and is curley and really gray - I had straight hair before. Peopel have told me that they call it 'chemo hair' and could stay this way for about a year... time will tell I guess...The oncologist told me yestday that I could start using a rinse but I'm not sure what to use and how well it will work since I'm so gray... what rinse did you use and how long did it last?



  • Lynne P
    Lynne P Member Posts: 165

    Have you tried gels and

    Have you tried gels and mousse and all of that cool stuff?  I think it's a good idea to just experiment with it when you have the time. 


    Chemo hair is very real to

    Chemo hair is very real to many.  Your hair can come in curly and after months start coming in straight, if you had straight hair before.  You can also color your hair which would change the texture some too. 

    Good luck