LOUSWIFT Member Posts: 371 Member
edited May 2013 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Hi Everyone it's been a while since my last post. This coming week I get a CEA and and CT/scan to see if I live or die. My onc did the RFA on me about three months ago in which colon cancer apparently had waited nearly two years to lach onto my liver from my prior two bouts with colon cancer. I have decided if it is bad news and the cancer has returned to my liver I will not fight anymore. I've had enough surgeries the Folfox damaged my liver giving me cirrhosis. i'm now a type 2 diabetic possibly because my liver is pumping out glucose more than I need. The ascites which was out of control two years ago caused me to have a double hernia and that surgery is just a barrel of fun. My onc called the liver RFA curative but I have learned never trust a doctor with good or bad news. i know my odds are very bad once you get liver cancer so i'm expecting nothing good. On the good news front I have a grand son being born around June and although it has been very hard to fight cancer it was worth it because I did I see the birth of three grand daughters and soon a grand son. My bucket list is getting empty since we recently sold our home and are building a condo . MY wife couldn't keep up our house alone not that I've been much help. My daughter having the Baby is struggling through hard financial times due to military furloughs and her husband is losing $600 a  check with a day off very week. Thanks Obama can't wait for Obamacare to thin those of us with cancer out of the herd so-to-speak. My daughter the teacher recently divorced with a six year old and thanks to our Gov. Snyder cuts in teachers benefits and salaries she should qualify for food stamps next year if she gets to keep her job which gets pinked slipped all the time. She has a Master's and for five years teaches disabled kids to read and is remarkable at it. She may be forced to leave the profession she loves. So as I said taking care of my wife and daughters are still in my bucket list and my time may be short. I am headed to Texas to live with my daughter for about six weeks and then returning to rent until our condo is done. Thus we have a double move from our house to stroage then from storage to our condo.

Sorry I said this would be quick. Just wanted to thank all my friends here and those who have given me a lot of support when I needed it and better advice than any doctor has done. I'll be without a computer for at least 3-4 months so no more reading here or posting. Take Care all best of health



  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Hi Lou. You have mentioned in

    Hi Lou. You have mentioned in th past and on this thread that you are tired of fighting or ready to stop. It sounds like you have a beautiful family. Keep fighting for you daughters and for you grandkids. I am sure your future grandson would love to know his grandfather.

  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    A lot going on

    I pray you get some good news...you deserve it. Your family is very special and the decisions we have to make are so unfair..hang tuff if possible. You have so much going on. Praying for you and family. Jeff

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Thank you for the update.  It sounds like you have some positive things going on, especially with the new grandbaby being born and the ones that you have seen and been there for.  Sometimes a change in a location can help also.  I'm already experiencing cuts in my medical care due to Obamacare so know exactly what you are talking about, my meds have cut down and the treatment I'd received in the past is no longer available, even if I'm paying for it out of pocket - they won't let me.  Take your kids, grandkids and cherish every moment you have with them.  You can only make that decision if you want to carry on, but it sounds to me that once you look into your life and what you have been given, you can't help but to see the positive.  It also sounds like your wife is willing to build a new condo with you, so that has to be encouraging.  When we get older and the children leave the home we are left with the "empty nest" syndrome and a huge house can become overwhelming.  I'm glad you are moving forward that way.  Just wishing you the best and thanking you for the update.


  • k44454445
    k44454445 Member Posts: 494

    i will be praying for good news for you.  take care

