Back to chemo...



  • lulu1010
    lulu1010 Member Posts: 367
    Karen and Alnik

    I too am so sorry you have to do all this again. Even if you are not sick it seems to take over your life. But it will only be a short while and you two will be back on top again. Pamper yourself and hopefully you will be able to have a nice summer in spite of the chemo. And hopefully they will find a cure or better med before you need it again! Wishing you the best!


  • Rosamond M
    Rosamond M Member Posts: 86 Member
    Good Luck!

    I have Peritoneal Cancer but our treatment is exactly the same as that for Ovarian. My thoughts are with you as you face this new round of chemo. I have just finished my 6 rounds of chemo and surgery treatment. It is great if you can remain positive but it must be a worrying time for you. I know you will find comfort in the support you have received  from the other members. Special good wishes coming your way.   

  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    Dear Karen... you can SO do this!

    Needless to say, I wish you didn't have to "chemo" again, but you can do this. We'll be here with you and this time you know what to expect so it's not the scary unknown. If there is anything I can do... just holler!

                                                                                      ((((HUGS))))  Maria