Surgery to remove mass in colon

ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
Can you give me any advice on this surgery.What side effects are they.How long to heal.Am I going to be able to eat normal foods?Dr, will remove piece of colon with mass.he will do la oscopy if possible.


  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    Sending Good Thoughts!

    First, we are sending our thoughts and prayers for a positive surgery!


    I would plan on beig in the hospital for 7-8 days.  The Docs all told me 3-4 but most people are there for 7 to 8 days. The first couple of days is painful, and you will have a pain management system, USE IT!  You will be on your feet the first day, barely.  Day two is walking to the bathroom and to the hall.  Day three you will be walking the hallways. Day three  or four is food again!   Yeah! (That was a happy day!)  It will be soft foods, but noe the less, food.  


    If you do office work, maybe 3-4 weeks off of work. If your work is physical, then 2-4 months off of work. 


    The pain will go away after a month.  you will be back to normal in 6-8 weeks. 


    Keep up the good fight!  Let us know how the surgery goes!

    Best ALways,  mike

  • Maxiecat
    Maxiecat Member Posts: 544 Member
    I was in for 4

    I was in for 4 would have been 3 but I needed 2 units of blood.  I was able to eat on day 3.  I walked on day 2.  Most of the time I was hooked up to those leg compression things that they use to help prevent clots.  By the time I got to day 5 out from surgery I could navigate the stairs and the pain meds that they gave me did the trick.  II was almost back to my old self by the end of 2 weeks from surgery...we went to the beach on vacation.   I got a little tired walking around and I tried to take it easy by not lifting things and taking it slow walking on the beach.  I stayed out of the surf because I did not want to risk getting knocked down.  I was able to eat normally by that fact one night we had all you can eat crabs!  I ate my fair share of them!


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    All of us respond to surgery differently. 

    I was in the hospital 5 days. I didn't need much meds, just three spurts of Morphine. 

    I was walking the first day, and by the fifth day the nurses were commenting on how well I was doing. 

    Being home in my own bed, WONDERFUL. I healed really quickly, with no problems. 

    That was my surgery expeireince. All was well. I was very happy to get rid of my tumour. 

    Keep positive. There will be times when you succumb to the fear, but try your best to keep that in check. When push comes to shove, we really don't know whats going to happen to us. So be as positive as you can.  My boys keep me happy with their odd sense of humour. 

    Blessings to you as you take on this journey. 


  • Deena11
    Deena11 Member Posts: 199 Member

    I was in the hospital for 6 days.  I used the morphine pump several times the first day and on the second day, I realized I wasn't reacting well to the morphine.  I was like a zombie and couldn't get up the whole first day.  The second day I stopped using the morphine pump and all pain medication so by the second afternoon, I was able to get out of bed with the help of the nurse.  Every day, I walked a little more until I was able to walk by myself the last two days.  I was relieved to get the mass taken out.

    It took me a couple of weeks to recover but the pain was tolerable.

    Best wishes to you!

  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Deena11 said:


    I was in the hospital for 6 days.  I used the morphine pump several times the first day and on the second day, I realized I wasn't reacting well to the morphine.  I was like a zombie and couldn't get up the whole first day.  The second day I stopped using the morphine pump and all pain medication so by the second afternoon, I was able to get out of bed with the help of the nurse.  Every day, I walked a little more until I was able to walk by myself the last two days.  I was relieved to get the mass taken out.

    It took me a couple of weeks to recover but the pain was tolerable.

    Best wishes to you!

    Hi,thanks for your reply.Was your mass Cancer?I am Praying this isn,t.thanks again.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    You know my story.....

    BUT that is an extreme.

    I commented on your other thread....but I thought I would add:


    As far as your pain....I know that my pain was caused from the skelatal reaction to my tumor...and as I walked differently from the growing mass, I messed up my lumbar region...

    You never know what is related to what, IMHO....take care of the mass first, then see if the pain lessens...


    Hugs, Kathi

  • Deena11
    Deena11 Member Posts: 199 Member
    Mine was

    My mass was cancer but they were able to tell me that before I even had the surgery.  I was going in to get the resection because I had cancer. 

  • Montana Bound
    Montana Bound Member Posts: 2
    ppurdin said:

    Hi,thanks for your reply.Was your mass Cancer?I am Praying this isn,t.thanks again.

    We all hate the unknown.  I was diagnosed with a mass as well in late February.  Had the surgery March 13th.  Turns out is was Stage 4 Cancer and I had done all the right things.  Colonostmy just 5 years prior with no poloyps so we were totally surprised.  Doctor took out 12" of the colon and I start Chemo on Monday.  Have six months worth of treatment but the PET scan came back with no spread to any other organs.  Just was in 7 of the 8 lymph nodes that they took out.


    I am not 67 and beat Prostrate Cancer 13 years ago so this one should be a breeze.  Had port put in two weeks ago and not real happey with the discomfort (I like to sleep on my right side) but I understand that will go away with time and it sure makes the Chemo much better.

    Keep your chin up, hope for the best and keep a good attitude.  We all face these thins in life you just have to go with them and deal with them as they come up.



  • Montana Bound
    Montana Bound Member Posts: 2

    We all hate the unknown.  I was diagnosed with a mass as well in late February.  Had the surgery March 13th.  Turns out is was Stage 4 Cancer and I had done all the right things.  Colonostmy just 5 years prior with no poloyps so we were totally surprised.  Doctor took out 12" of the colon and I start Chemo on Monday.  Have six months worth of treatment but the PET scan came back with no spread to any other organs.  Just was in 7 of the 8 lymph nodes that they took out.


    I am not 67 and beat Prostrate Cancer 13 years ago so this one should be a breeze.  Had port put in two weeks ago and not real happey with the discomfort (I like to sleep on my right side) but I understand that will go away with time and it sure makes the Chemo much better.

    Keep your chin up, hope for the best and keep a good attitude.  We all face these thins in life you just have to go with them and deal with them as they come up.




    Don't be afraid of the surgery.  My surgery was done on Wednesday and I was out of the hospital on Saturday.  Great to get home and have some real food and the recovery couldn't have been better.  Back at work in less than 2 weeks.  Not able to stay the whole day just from the effects of the surgery and anesthesia. 



  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Probably all depends on what they have to do as far as surgery.  Mine was a little over 4 hours and they removed my rectum and created a new one so that is a little more involved, plus they gave me an ileostomy.  Time in the hospital is also different for everyone.  My stay was 5 days and the only reason 5 is they were waiting for my ileostomy to start putting out.  Once that happened, they let me go home the next day.  As far as eating, it also depends on what you have done.  Most start out with a soft diet and gradually work other foods into your diet, but your tummy might not agree to what it did before so a lot of it is trial and error.  Let us know when your surgery date is and ask all the questions you want.  It can be overwhelming.  Hope that they are giving you something for your pain.


  • Coloncancerblows
    Coloncancerblows Member Posts: 296 Member
    I was in the hospital for 3

    I was in the hospital for 3 days.  First day on morphine which was great!  Second day I started walking.  I could eat normal again after about a week.  I work in an office and was off for 6 weeks but was almost 80% by the third week.  The surgery wasn't bad at all.  Mine ended up being cancerous so now I'm going thru the chemo.

  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    I cant believe how short some
    I cant believe how short some of these stays have been! My husband had his last tues...they just gave him real food yesterday .. took out his catheter today and he still has the drain in. They said he may be able to go home tomorrow or tuesday.

    Good luck ppurdin!
  • AnnLouise
    AnnLouise Member Posts: 276 Member
    jen2012 said:

    I cant believe how short some
    I cant believe how short some of these stays have been! My husband had his last tues...they just gave him real food yesterday .. took out his catheter today and he still has the drain in. They said he may be able to go home tomorrow or tuesday.

    Good luck ppurdin!

    Jen......Great news that your husband is doing well....

    Hope all goes well and he's home tomorrow or tues....nothing like your own house and family! Thinking of your family...~ Ann



    ppurdin......sending positive thoughts your way-~ Ann