One Year Ago

NoDuck Member Posts: 134


Tomorrow is the anniversary of when Hubby was first diagnosed with tonsil cancer. Seems like so long ago and seems like only yesterday at the same time.

He has had one cancer free scan, that was in October. Next appointment is Friday and we expect more scans. Scanxiety set in early. Hubby noticed a knot in his neck about six weeks ago. Not like the knot when he first found the cancer.  This is more in the muscle behind and below his ear. Neck is stiff. Hoping it is radiation scaring but still anxious.

All in all, he is continuing to make progress. Taste is coming back, as is saliva. Still needs lots of liquids when eating and sweet stuff is too sweet. He has gained 6 pounds in 3 months. Sidenite: doesn't quit seem fair. I can gain 6 pounds on a good weekend!

To all of you just starting the journey, hang in there. You can do it. To old friends, continue to heal. Prayers all around. I'll report back after the doc appointment.



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I remember when you joined.... :)

    Scanxiety is a powerful thing.... I actually have symptoms right till the scan is over and the results are in....then they magically disappear....

    I'm trying to imagine what "too sweet" would be like....I still can't taste them very good, but my sweet tooth keep hammering to give them a try....

    Can't keep an old cowboy down.....he's going to be fine, I just know it.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    agreed !


    I so agree with you on the feeling of's unbelievable to comprehend some days.  The news is good, I'm so happy a yr. is done and over with.  Scans and worry, does it ever go away ?  You mentioned muscle knots ?  I know our mind set immediately goes to the what if.....please don't go there !  Is he still doing any kind of excersises for the H/N area ?  I know if I don't I get horrid neck spasms 16 mo's out.  Keep us updated on those scans....praying for NED for him again !   Kate

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    1-year and rads ago




    Congrats on the 1-year, hasn’t it been memorable?


    Hope the scanxiety is for a clean scan.


    Show me a H&N survivor who doesn’t consume lots of water and I’ll show you 50 who do.


    Sorry about the 6 pounds Deb.




  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Quack Quack...

    Yep, upcoming scans have a way of bringing out all of those aches and pains that cause doubt and fear....

    More than likely anything going on will be residual and just the (normal) aches, pains, bumps and bruises we all seem to have the first few years post treatment...

    Congrats on the milestone..


  • HobbsDoggy
    HobbsDoggy Member Posts: 276
    Never Goes Away

    I think being anxious about scans never goes away.  There is always what if?  Still the one "advantage" of neck cancer is a high cure rate.  I totally agree how funny time is when fighting cancer.  Seems like forever then seems like it was just a day ago.  Best wishes on the scan.  Let us know how it goes we are pulling for you.