Recently Diagnosed Renal Mass...
my dr recommened open
everyone is different and ask your doctor all the questions you need. my dr recommended open partial for several reasons he wanted to actually look at my kidney...the slightest abnormalty and he would remove the whole kidney. He also claimed that after removing the top part (upper pole) of my kidney the pathologist would do a frozen section and look for any abnormal cells in the surrounding tissue...which also could lead to removal of the whole kidney. He felt that although recovery time would be longer, it is the most effective. However that being said if your dr says its ok for you to go laparascopic and you are comfortable with that then go for it! good luck!!!!
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familial kidney cancerdhs1963 said:Two thoughts
First, has anyone else in your immediate family had kidney cancer (parents, grandparents, siblings). If so, there are studies on familial kidney cancer that may be of help. I mention this because you are young.
Second, your GP is wrong. His wrong advice could have killed you. Kind of like, when my father was diagnosed with kidney cancer, and knowing my grandfather died of it, I asked my internist if I should be screened. He told me that it is an environmental disease and I should not be at risk. I am now part of the NIH familial kidney cancer research project.
my father had kidney cancer .... my dr told me to make sure I tell my siblings to have an ultrasound or scan done of their kidneys
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Goatfoxhd said:Punching a goat?
No story about punching a goat is too long..........
First I need to tell those who do not know that Chuck is a Auto Mechanic... We live in the Country..The neighbor had a goat who had a baby.. then was killed so the Baby Goat did not realize it was a goat it was raised with dogs... Somehow it got very attached to Chuck.. and would watch for him to come home and come over to visit...which was fine even cute when it was little and did not realize it was a it got older it developed Goat like charcteristics it did not have when it was smaller.. on one memorable occassion it followed our insurance adjuster up on the roof via the ladder when he was inspecting for hail damage...trying to explain to him NO we did not have a goat was fun I have to tell you....It continued the pattern of coming to visit for a bit and then it started playfully attacking people when they came to visit.. which for me was a no no.. Chuck however had a slightly different take.. and just asked the neighbor to keep the goat home when we had company...He has a freind that has a 45,000 dollar car Chuck is the only one allowed to look at it.. one day he brought the car over for Chuck to check out...Goats climb on things it's what they do... well Chuck was under the hood and heard the goat jump on the car... Being a guy his first reaction was to rear back and punch the goat... the goat being a goat put it's head down.. and his horn went in between Chuck's stunned the goat.. but it was okay...once again being a guy Chuck taped his fingers together and went about his business...and about a month later wa la a hand that looks like something off of thing in the Fantastic 4's and a diagnoses of Gangreen...the lesson everyone took from this??? NEVER PUNCH A GOAT!!! The neighbor finally decided that the goat needed to live somewhere else....and hopefully Chuck learned a valuable lesson...But as I said he's a guy lol....
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Goats...foxhd said:OMG!
A professor at Auburn University is giving a seminar on the supernatural. Getting a feel for his students, he asks "How many of you believe in ghosts?" About 80% of his students raise their hands.
"That's a good start I suppose. Those of you who believe in ghosts, how many have actually seen a ghost?" About 30 students raise their hands.
"That's good. I'm really glad you're taking this seriously. Ok, has anyone here ever talked to a ghost?" About a dozen students raise their hands.
"That's a great response. Has anyone ever touched a ghost?" Two students raise their hands. "That's fantastic. But let me ask you one last question... have any of you ever made love to a ghost?"
One student in the back raises his hand. The professor is astonished. He removes his glasses, takes a step back, and says, "Son, in all the years I've been giving this lecture, no one has ever actually claimed to have slept with a ghost. Why don't you come up here and tell us about it."
The redneck student replies with a nod and a grin, and makes his way up to the podium. The professor says, "Well, tell us what it's like to have sex with a ghost."
The student replies, "Ghost? Oh... I thought you said 'goats'!"
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GoatsAprilandChuck said:Goat
First I need to tell those who do not know that Chuck is a Auto Mechanic... We live in the Country..The neighbor had a goat who had a baby.. then was killed so the Baby Goat did not realize it was a goat it was raised with dogs... Somehow it got very attached to Chuck.. and would watch for him to come home and come over to visit...which was fine even cute when it was little and did not realize it was a it got older it developed Goat like charcteristics it did not have when it was smaller.. on one memorable occassion it followed our insurance adjuster up on the roof via the ladder when he was inspecting for hail damage...trying to explain to him NO we did not have a goat was fun I have to tell you....It continued the pattern of coming to visit for a bit and then it started playfully attacking people when they came to visit.. which for me was a no no.. Chuck however had a slightly different take.. and just asked the neighbor to keep the goat home when we had company...He has a freind that has a 45,000 dollar car Chuck is the only one allowed to look at it.. one day he brought the car over for Chuck to check out...Goats climb on things it's what they do... well Chuck was under the hood and heard the goat jump on the car... Being a guy his first reaction was to rear back and punch the goat... the goat being a goat put it's head down.. and his horn went in between Chuck's stunned the goat.. but it was okay...once again being a guy Chuck taped his fingers together and went about his business...and about a month later wa la a hand that looks like something off of thing in the Fantastic 4's and a diagnoses of Gangreen...the lesson everyone took from this??? NEVER PUNCH A GOAT!!! The neighbor finally decided that the goat needed to live somewhere else....and hopefully Chuck learned a valuable lesson...But as I said he's a guy lol....
Three things lol Chuck says Never had sex with a goat lol...and no he was not drinking(would have been a great excuse for punching the dang thing though lol)and to the women.. I am supposed to tell you he did Wash his fingers before he wrapped them and used peroxide he told me at the time.. when I was trying to get him to go to the hospital...
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Glad I asked.augello55 said:my dr recommened open
everyone is different and ask your doctor all the questions you need. my dr recommended open partial for several reasons he wanted to actually look at my kidney...the slightest abnormalty and he would remove the whole kidney. He also claimed that after removing the top part (upper pole) of my kidney the pathologist would do a frozen section and look for any abnormal cells in the surrounding tissue...which also could lead to removal of the whole kidney. He felt that although recovery time would be longer, it is the most effective. However that being said if your dr says its ok for you to go laparascopic and you are comfortable with that then go for it! good luck!!!!
goats. pretty funny. but trumped by Gary. Keeping your sense of humor through all this is a very desirable trait. Such a big part of doing well.
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For the record...AprilandChuck said:Goats
Three things lol Chuck says Never had sex with a goat lol...and no he was not drinking(would have been a great excuse for punching the dang thing though lol)and to the women.. I am supposed to tell you he did Wash his fingers before he wrapped them and used peroxide he told me at the time.. when I was trying to get him to go to the hospital...
I didn't believe Clinton either...goats name wasn't Monica by chance?
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Not Much News...
Unfortunately, there isn't much news. I did go to MUSC on Monday, but the disc provided by the radiologist who conducted the CT scan failed to operate. Consequently, the meeting was more of a meet and greet (disheartening after a 2 hour drive).
The doctor did state that their approach is more in line with the American Urological Association approach. IE: Their preference is nephron sparing surgery (laparascopic or open depending on location) if at all possible. If nephron sparing surgery isn't an option, then most likely they would use a laparascopic approach to remove the kidney.
His plan is to review the images, share them with a panel of urologists to formulate a consensus on the best option in my case, and then schedule the operation.
They conducted pre-operative lab work (chest x-ray and blood test), which came back "normal".
I went back to the imaging clinic on Tuesday and requested they send another copy of the images, and I also requested another copy which I sent personally via express mail on yesterday. I just spoke with the nurse who stated that they first received the copy from the imaging clinic yesterday, and it failed as well. The copy I sent was just received this morning and hasn't been tested yet.
I am getting pretty pissed - I opened the original disc and the disc that I sent via express mail with no problems at all, and I tried it on various machines to be sure.
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discsddantzler said:Not Much News...
Unfortunately, there isn't much news. I did go to MUSC on Monday, but the disc provided by the radiologist who conducted the CT scan failed to operate. Consequently, the meeting was more of a meet and greet (disheartening after a 2 hour drive).
The doctor did state that their approach is more in line with the American Urological Association approach. IE: Their preference is nephron sparing surgery (laparascopic or open depending on location) if at all possible. If nephron sparing surgery isn't an option, then most likely they would use a laparascopic approach to remove the kidney.
His plan is to review the images, share them with a panel of urologists to formulate a consensus on the best option in my case, and then schedule the operation.
They conducted pre-operative lab work (chest x-ray and blood test), which came back "normal".
I went back to the imaging clinic on Tuesday and requested they send another copy of the images, and I also requested another copy which I sent personally via express mail on yesterday. I just spoke with the nurse who stated that they first received the copy from the imaging clinic yesterday, and it failed as well. The copy I sent was just received this morning and hasn't been tested yet.
I am getting pretty pissed - I opened the original disc and the disc that I sent via express mail with no problems at all, and I tried it on various machines to be sure.
I had had some problems with my disc copies also when being sent to another hospital. I was told that sometimes they load real slow. But also was able to see them on my computer. And I don't know how to do anything except stick it in the slot. I ended up hand delivering mine as I knew it was good. Regarding blood in urine, That was my first clue and it was pouring out. Pain was soon to follow due to what was diagnosed as a thrombus in the renal vein. That was how I was admited. Looking back, it was probably tumor invasion. Now all this occured the evening that I had told my wife hours earlier that I was feeling almost 30 years younger due to my weight training and running. Go figure.
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My 2 Cents
HI computer has been trying to die again,,,I guess I better figure out how to use Windows 8 on the new laptop I got for Christmas...I hate to repeat myself but you are new so I will give you the short version. In Dec 2002 I had a large mass in my left Kidney. I live in wider suburbs of Washington, DC and am lucky to have access to wonderful cutting edge Medicine. On Dec 18, 2002 I was the first patient to have my kidney (left) removed laproscopically at Washington Hospital Center in DC and I would definitely opt for that in your case if possible. But you have options now that I didn't have back then and since your tumors are on the small side you may be lucky to just have a partial removal of an area of kidney instead of the entire kidney. In Dec 2012 I was diagnosed with 2 small tumors, 2.1 cm and 2.8 cm...Once again I went to WAshington Hospital Center in DC. Since I only had one kidney I was extremely lucky to be able to have a partial nephrectomy on my right kidney...I had the surgery on FEb 8, 2013 and got out of the hospital on Feb 9, 2013. They take enough tissue around the tumor to be sure they got it all. All of my tumors were encapsulated so once they were removed I was cancer free both times. The most important thing here is conscientous fllow up with an oncologist after surgery. I was sent by my PCP to Endocrinologist because with both cancer incidents I had the horrible sweats that most of us know about. I did a 24 hour Urine and actually saw the endo this AM...everything is perfect with 6/8ths of a kidney that I have left and by the time the month had gone by the sweats have decreased to one or two a week from 3-4 a day as my kidney has healed. You are also lucky to live in an area with excellent access to good, new cutting edge procedures...I would like to call you Primary Dr and scream at him for ignoring the blood in your Urine...luckily the most common kidney cancer is slow growing but it has such general symptoms that can be passed off as something else so easily blood in the Urine should never be ignored by a physician...You have come to the right place...there are so many knowledgeable people here and so much support and compassion they will get you through this. I have been blessed twice and I am going to do my best to bring the signs and symptoms of this cancer to the public and maybe work on some of the older Doc's too...Best of Luck to you...will be reading to see how it goes and sending out good energy and prayers for you and your family.
Wow, this is a pretty short post for me ,LOL
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@dhsdhs1963 said:Two thoughts
First, has anyone else in your immediate family had kidney cancer (parents, grandparents, siblings). If so, there are studies on familial kidney cancer that may be of help. I mention this because you are young.
Second, your GP is wrong. His wrong advice could have killed you. Kind of like, when my father was diagnosed with kidney cancer, and knowing my grandfather died of it, I asked my internist if I should be screened. He told me that it is an environmental disease and I should not be at risk. I am now part of the NIH familial kidney cancer research project.
Is the NIH research project taking any new patients...My paternal Grandma had Kidney Cancer and so did a guy who is in her direct line genealogically...Since I have had it twice now I am concerned for my children and grandchildren because of my line but also my husband's. His mother passed away Sept 2012...she was 90 and she had Kidney cancer but the Drs said that old age would kill her before the cancer. That is what happened by she did have it..her sister lived next door so my husband who is one of 12 kids grew up with his 10 cousins. In 2006 one of his younger male cousins got dx with Kidney Cancer and died the day after Christmas 2006. As I said his mother and cousin's mother are my kids have it comeing from both sides...just curious about the project..since I live in So. Maryland and NIH isn't that far away...
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The blood in my urine wasfoxhd said:discs
I had had some problems with my disc copies also when being sent to another hospital. I was told that sometimes they load real slow. But also was able to see them on my computer. And I don't know how to do anything except stick it in the slot. I ended up hand delivering mine as I knew it was good. Regarding blood in urine, That was my first clue and it was pouring out. Pain was soon to follow due to what was diagnosed as a thrombus in the renal vein. That was how I was admited. Looking back, it was probably tumor invasion. Now all this occured the evening that I had told my wife hours earlier that I was feeling almost 30 years younger due to my weight training and running. Go figure.
The blood in my urine was quite severe as well, but it only lasted about a week. What's weird is that it started out bright red, and as that week progressed there were huge clots as the blood seemingly dried up. Then, the symptom simply disappeared and I went back to life as normal, that is until I saw just a few random clots which inspired the CT scan, and now I am here. I feel lucky that I had the symptom and that the tumor was found so small.
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Thanks for sharing your storyroaddr23 said:My 2 Cents
HI computer has been trying to die again,,,I guess I better figure out how to use Windows 8 on the new laptop I got for Christmas...I hate to repeat myself but you are new so I will give you the short version. In Dec 2002 I had a large mass in my left Kidney. I live in wider suburbs of Washington, DC and am lucky to have access to wonderful cutting edge Medicine. On Dec 18, 2002 I was the first patient to have my kidney (left) removed laproscopically at Washington Hospital Center in DC and I would definitely opt for that in your case if possible. But you have options now that I didn't have back then and since your tumors are on the small side you may be lucky to just have a partial removal of an area of kidney instead of the entire kidney. In Dec 2012 I was diagnosed with 2 small tumors, 2.1 cm and 2.8 cm...Once again I went to WAshington Hospital Center in DC. Since I only had one kidney I was extremely lucky to be able to have a partial nephrectomy on my right kidney...I had the surgery on FEb 8, 2013 and got out of the hospital on Feb 9, 2013. They take enough tissue around the tumor to be sure they got it all. All of my tumors were encapsulated so once they were removed I was cancer free both times. The most important thing here is conscientous fllow up with an oncologist after surgery. I was sent by my PCP to Endocrinologist because with both cancer incidents I had the horrible sweats that most of us know about. I did a 24 hour Urine and actually saw the endo this AM...everything is perfect with 6/8ths of a kidney that I have left and by the time the month had gone by the sweats have decreased to one or two a week from 3-4 a day as my kidney has healed. You are also lucky to live in an area with excellent access to good, new cutting edge procedures...I would like to call you Primary Dr and scream at him for ignoring the blood in your Urine...luckily the most common kidney cancer is slow growing but it has such general symptoms that can be passed off as something else so easily blood in the Urine should never be ignored by a physician...You have come to the right place...there are so many knowledgeable people here and so much support and compassion they will get you through this. I have been blessed twice and I am going to do my best to bring the signs and symptoms of this cancer to the public and maybe work on some of the older Doc's too...Best of Luck to you...will be reading to see how it goes and sending out good energy and prayers for you and your family.
Wow, this is a pretty short post for me ,LOL
Thanks for sharing your story and for the encouragement. I feel blessed to have had symptoms and found this tumor so early.
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Another update...ddantzler said:Not Much News...
Unfortunately, there isn't much news. I did go to MUSC on Monday, but the disc provided by the radiologist who conducted the CT scan failed to operate. Consequently, the meeting was more of a meet and greet (disheartening after a 2 hour drive).
The doctor did state that their approach is more in line with the American Urological Association approach. IE: Their preference is nephron sparing surgery (laparascopic or open depending on location) if at all possible. If nephron sparing surgery isn't an option, then most likely they would use a laparascopic approach to remove the kidney.
His plan is to review the images, share them with a panel of urologists to formulate a consensus on the best option in my case, and then schedule the operation.
They conducted pre-operative lab work (chest x-ray and blood test), which came back "normal".
I went back to the imaging clinic on Tuesday and requested they send another copy of the images, and I also requested another copy which I sent personally via express mail on yesterday. I just spoke with the nurse who stated that they first received the copy from the imaging clinic yesterday, and it failed as well. The copy I sent was just received this morning and hasn't been tested yet.
I am getting pretty pissed - I opened the original disc and the disc that I sent via express mail with no problems at all, and I tried it on various machines to be sure.
Wow, a lot to report today:
The doctor's office called me this morning at 7:00 AM, to say that they were able to review the disc, and that the doctor had reviewed my situation and shared it with a team who agreed that the best approach for me would be retrioperitoneal laparoscopic radical nephrectomy. Due to the tumor location, near the the renal vein and artery, nephron sparing surgery will not be possible in my situation.
I traveled back to the hospital today for final pre-operative work and signing of release forms.
I will have the procedure on Tuesday, April 16. I was told that if all goes as planned, I will be released from the hospital the following day, though there is a possibility of staying until Wednesday if there is severe pain or complications that arise during the procedure. The surgery will be conducted under general anesthesia.
Pathology results should be provided within 5 days, and I'll have a follow-up appointment 2 weeks post-op in order to detail a surveillance routine, which will likely be periodic CT scans for the next 5 years or so, with intervals based on the pathology.
You all have all been a major help and a great support system! Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I go through the procedure. I'll be online to let you know how it goes post-operative.
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You will be in my thoughts D.ddantzler said:Thanks for sharing your story
Thanks for sharing your story and for the encouragement. I feel blessed to have had symptoms and found this tumor so early.
You will be in my thoughts D. I go under the knife May 1st and can't wait.
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Another updateddantzler said:Another update...
Wow, a lot to report today:
The doctor's office called me this morning at 7:00 AM, to say that they were able to review the disc, and that the doctor had reviewed my situation and shared it with a team who agreed that the best approach for me would be retrioperitoneal laparoscopic radical nephrectomy. Due to the tumor location, near the the renal vein and artery, nephron sparing surgery will not be possible in my situation.
I traveled back to the hospital today for final pre-operative work and signing of release forms.
I will have the procedure on Tuesday, April 16. I was told that if all goes as planned, I will be released from the hospital the following day, though there is a possibility of staying until Wednesday if there is severe pain or complications that arise during the procedure. The surgery will be conducted under general anesthesia.
Pathology results should be provided within 5 days, and I'll have a follow-up appointment 2 weeks post-op in order to detail a surveillance routine, which will likely be periodic CT scans for the next 5 years or so, with intervals based on the pathology.
You all have all been a major help and a great support system! Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I go through the procedure. I'll be online to let you know how it goes post-operative.
"I will have the procedure on Tuesday, April 16. I was told that if all goes as planned, I will be released from the hospital the following day, though there is a possibility of staying until Wednesday if there is severe pain or complications that arise during the procedure. The surgery will be conducted under general anesthesia."
Where I am, Wednesday is the day after Tuesday!
The very idea of the op not being under a general makes the blood run cold.
It sounds as if you have things well set up for success but, young and fit though you are, don't depend on getting out so rapidly - it's major surgery, even when laparoscopic. If you haven't already, it will be worth reading a bit about how long it takes to resume normal activities so that you don't overdo it too soon and set your recovery back.
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You'll do wellcran1 said:You will be in my thoughts D.
You will be in my thoughts D. I go under the knife May 1st and can't wait.
Having 2 kidneys is over rated. Be very patient recovering. As Gary will reiterate, drink plenty of water and walk. I was jogging and golfing in a month. May not be recommended for everyone though.
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about the goat and the Vet at Auburnfoxhd said:You'll do well
Having 2 kidneys is over rated. Be very patient recovering. As Gary will reiterate, drink plenty of water and walk. I was jogging and golfing in a month. May not be recommended for everyone though.
I doubt if the prof was my brother, who was head of Vet Radiology for years. He does know the difference between a goat and a ghost. I'll ask him if he's heard the joke.
War Eagle!!
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Post-operation update...
I had the laparascopic radical nephrectomy on Tuesday, and everything went well. I went home on Tuesday and am in the recovery process. Still taking pain medicine and looking forward to hearing from the doctor regarding the pathology. I will let you know when I hear something.
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Glad to hear everything wentddantzler said:Post-operation update...
I had the laparascopic radical nephrectomy on Tuesday, and everything went well. I went home on Tuesday and am in the recovery process. Still taking pain medicine and looking forward to hearing from the doctor regarding the pathology. I will let you know when I hear something.
Glad to hear everything went well. I'll be going under the knife in 10 days. Best of luck D.
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