First PSA Test since Post/Op

My surgery date wa Nov. 27, 2012, The Doctor ran my first PSA (Blood was taken last Wednesday) today is Jan. 09, 2013

The Office jast called with the results, PSA 0.23, I will get the paper copy in the mail, and I will get back with

Any further details


  • Samsungtech1
    Samsungtech1 Member Posts: 351
    Limited data

    You do not say what your PSA, or Gleason score was, but that is low.  Hopefully everything turned out ok.



  • laserlight
    laserlight Member Posts: 165

    Limited data

    You do not say what your PSA, or Gleason score was, but that is low.  Hopefully everything turned out ok.




    It takes time to establish a base line on PSA test. Right now there is still psa moving around in your system. This is going to take awhile to settle.  What you need to do is watch and start to chart your visits and tests.

    You really need 6 months to a year of data after surgery to see where you are at. Now my question is are you having the Free or ultra sensetive psa test ran???

    I had the surgery in feb of 2011, my psa came in ok at the start and I am still watching it. My doctor has me had me a 6 to 8 week rotation up until august of last year.

    What you need to see is the psa moving down over time, but watch out for the doubling effect, if this happens then the doctor might want to follow up with additional treatment

    I just had visit with prostate cancer onocologist and he also confirmed this.

    Hang in there glad to see you are doing ok


  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member

    With a successful surgery your PSA should have no reading (a reading of <0.1) at all. Did your doctor schedule a face to face with you? If not, make one and ask the questions about their plans on next step...It appears that you had adequate time for a proper PSA reading after surgery but you never know…

    All the best

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    bdhilton said:


    With a successful surgery your PSA should have no reading (a reading of <0.1) at all. Did your doctor schedule a face to face with you? If not, make one and ask the questions about their plans on next step...It appears that you had adequate time for a proper PSA reading after surgery but you never know…

    All the best



    If I recall it proper, your PSA before surgery was 4.1 (Gs 3+4,7; pT2c) and after the surgery you had the first test done on Dec 11, (15 days after surgery). The latest test was done on Jan 2 2013.

    My question is if the result of 0.23 ng/ml, you posted, refers to the first test on Dec 11, and that you are still waiting for the results of the latest test?

    The fact is that PSAs above 0.2 at the 6 weeks point after prostatectomy are indicative of/for possible presence of prostatic cells still alive producing PSA. Our bodies take approximately 15 days to clear the blood from circulating dead cells and any antigen “glued” to proteins gradually disappear in time but usually not longer than two months.

    Traditionally doctors get a test two weeks after surgery to confirm success and then wait one month to verify any prognosis (in both ways; down or upper).

    I hope that the PSA turns out to be low at remission levels of lower than 0.06 ng/ml, and keeps that level forever.

    As commented by Kurt above, it is too early to consider failure, but one wants to see that remission level achieved, for peace of mind. Too early to worry about the results.

     I hope you recover the soonest from the operation and wish you an END to your PCa case.


    It may be premature but I want to celebrate for the success of your surgery.



  • Georgews
    Georgews Member Posts: 5

    When first diagnosed in 2000 my PSA was about 17.  After op and radiation went down to about 4 and then to around 1 till 2010.  Then srated climbing to 8 early 2012.  Then went onto hormone treatement (3 montly) and it dropped to 0.8 at 3 months and now down to about 0.1 - almost unreadable.  So at 2.3, as long as it is going down I don't think you have anything to worry about.  If it suddenlystarts climbing fairyly stteply then get something done quickly.

  • beacon723
    beacon723 Member Posts: 15
    I just got "Paper" report of PSA post/op

    I guess I've now learned to wait for paper conformation.

    The news is even better then what I thought I heard over the phone

    My blood was drawn 01/02/2013, reported out on 01/04/2013

    PSA <0.03

    Pre/op PSA was 4.6, Gleason 3+4=7, T1c

    Biopsie showed 3 out of 12 Adenocarcinoma, Left lateral apex 1mm (10% and PIN)

    Left lateral Mid 2mm (20%)

    Left lateral Base 0.5mm (1% and PIN)

    No perineural invasion or extension into extraprostatic fat

    The remaining samples were Benign prostatic tissue

    after surgery Pathology was Proate size 40g, 5.5 x 4.2 x 2.8 cm.

    Gleason 3+4=7, Tumor quantification approximately 20% of the prostate gland involved by carcinoma

    Pathologic stage: pT2c, pNX, pMX

    High grade PIN noted

    Surgery was Nov. 27, 2012

    my next PSA and doctor visit will be in three months.


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    beacon723 said:

    I just got "Paper" report of PSA post/op

    I guess I've now learned to wait for paper conformation.

    The news is even better then what I thought I heard over the phone

    My blood was drawn 01/02/2013, reported out on 01/04/2013

    PSA <0.03

    Pre/op PSA was 4.6, Gleason 3+4=7, T1c

    Biopsie showed 3 out of 12 Adenocarcinoma, Left lateral apex 1mm (10% and PIN)

    Left lateral Mid 2mm (20%)

    Left lateral Base 0.5mm (1% and PIN)

    No perineural invasion or extension into extraprostatic fat

    The remaining samples were Benign prostatic tissue

    after surgery Pathology was Proate size 40g, 5.5 x 4.2 x 2.8 cm.

    Gleason 3+4=7, Tumor quantification approximately 20% of the prostate gland involved by carcinoma

    Pathologic stage: pT2c, pNX, pMX

    High grade PIN noted

    Surgery was Nov. 27, 2012

    my next PSA and doctor visit will be in three months.



    Congratulations for your RP success.

    I wish you continuous low levels of remission.

    Let's celebrate with a good Portuguese red wine.


  • beacon723
    beacon723 Member Posts: 15
    Last PSA

    I am happy to report my last PSA test (Blood taken 04/05/2013)

    PSA <0.03  unchanged, the same result as 01/09/2013

    Wishing everyone Good Health



  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    beacon723 said:

    Last PSA

    I am happy to report my last PSA test (Blood taken 04/05/2013)

    PSA <0.03  unchanged, the same result as 01/09/2013

    Wishing everyone Good Health




    I love Zeros.

    Congratulations. Let them come again and again.



  • shipjim
    shipjim Member Posts: 137 Member
    beacon723 said:

    Last PSA

    I am happy to report my last PSA test (Blood taken 04/05/2013)

    PSA <0.03  unchanged, the same result as 01/09/2013

    Wishing everyone Good Health



    Good report

    After 6 years I'm less than .o1.  They won't report 0 it's a cya thing.