Hosting Vivian



  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    Skiffin16 said:

    CSN H&N Map
    Here you go..., a map to where most of us call home...;

    CSN ~ Where In The World Are You...


    Just because I'm curious, what is the significance of the different colored pins on the map. Most of them seem to be blue and some are pink so at first I figured male or female but then I noticed a few other colors.
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    pull the cord



    Don’t forget “Big Ole Oregon”.  Like Kari, our house is always under some kind of construction, but we have a finished backyard and nice summer weather.


    So it is settled, you will parachute in sometime this summer.  I will give you our number so you can give us a heads-up call just before you land.


    Always Welcome Here,



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Billie67 said:

    Just because I'm curious, what is the significance of the different colored pins on the map. Most of them seem to be blue and some are pink so at first I figured male or female but then I noticed a few other colors.


    LOL, actually it started off that way, but then I threw a few special symbols in for certain people... Then I just started mixing the colors up a bit.

    Other than that no significance...


  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    Skiffin16 said:


    LOL, actually it started off that way, but then I threw a few special symbols in for certain people... Then I just started mixing the colors up a bit.

    Other than that no significance...


    Cool....just so you favorite color is purple haha
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Billie67 said:

    Cool....just so you favorite color is purple haha

    Sooo Ummmm

    You know, you are one of those "special" persons that have a different icon..., you wanting me to change it to a purple one, LOL...

    If you double click that map (in your area), it will expand it...

  • Pumakitty
    Pumakitty Member Posts: 652
    Hi Vivian

    You are welcome to come visit me.  It is crazy at my house right at this moment.  Dad is home form rehab and needs 24/7 care.  We have home health calling and coming in every day and I am trying to work.  But you are welcome any time. 



  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Pumakitty said:

    Hi Vivian

    You are welcome to come visit me.  It is crazy at my house right at this moment.  Dad is home form rehab and needs 24/7 care.  We have home health calling and coming in every day and I am trying to work.  But you are welcome any time. 




    Yep, that's about it for STL but we could do it together as I have never been. Maybe we should all pack a bag and go to North Dakota, according to John's map, it looks like a worry free state.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    hwt said:


    Yep, that's about it for STL but we could do it together as I have never been. Maybe we should all pack a bag and go to North Dakota, according to John's map, it looks like a worry free state.

    I'm not on the map...

    Cry  I'd have to take up pin space with Stacey and Gib...(and since I'm writing, I might mention they are both great people....very humorous duo).


  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695

    I am ashamed to admit that our house is so run down that we did not even invite my step-daughter in. We met in a hotel. Our house is just too sloopy. Just Purely Ashamed.

  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    Skiffin16 said:

    Sooo Ummmm

    You know, you are one of those "special" persons that have a different icon..., you wanting me to change it to a purple one, LOL...

    If you double click that map (in your area), it will expand it...

    I'm the sailboat?! I love it!
  • sassysrice
    sassysrice Member Posts: 117
    How about Cape Cod

    Vivian you are so welcome to come and have a rest and some fun on Olde Cape Cod. I know it's a long way from Kentuky, but the Cape has some great beaches and the great whites should be back soon.

    You will always have friends and support here. We all care about each other and we understand the "melt down" times. We all have them.

    Hang in there and remember David is watching out for you.

    Hugs and love Sue

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member

    Vivian, I know how you feel. My family and friends don't seem to understand either, other than my sister Rita who lost the love of her life to lung cancer after a short time married. I have always been able to call her and cry, laugh, what ever any time of day or night. She had a stroke on Easter and I have missed being able to talk with her. I understand the anxirty on the drive, my step daughter has the same problem and I have had to drive her several times. If Jim, my Husband was not still battling the beast I would come drive you to Florida. My husband is from Corbin, Kentucky and we live in Daytona Beach area so we are used to the drive. I pray for your church and pastor. How can you have a memorial for some one and not invite the family. Unbelievable. I get a pain in my heart when I think about your loss. My the Lord hold you close.


  • staceya
    staceya Member Posts: 720

    I'm not on the map...

    Cry  I'd have to take up pin space with Stacey and Gib...(and since I'm writing, I might mention they are both great people....very humorous duo).


    Hello pin mate!

    Usually I am a pin-head. But I am happy to be a pin mate with you and Gib.

    Do you have skype-ability? I have a 2001 (you read that correctly) dell, so I am guessing no.

    Vivian, would love to see you, you could visit us both, and then head West. I wonder if you visited us all, your longest drive wouldn't be that long.

    PS..John if we all are sharinga pin, can we be a special one?

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    staceya said:

    Hello pin mate!

    Usually I am a pin-head. But I am happy to be a pin mate with you and Gib.

    Do you have skype-ability? I have a 2001 (you read that correctly) dell, so I am guessing no.

    Vivian, would love to see you, you could visit us both, and then head West. I wonder if you visited us all, your longest drive wouldn't be that long.

    PS..John if we all are sharinga pin, can we be a special one?


    Great idea..., never thought about the few instances where several are in the same area...

    I need to work on the map... It only shows a specific number of pins... Once you go over, they don't show up, even if they're on the list.
