everything is still stable !

Hey everyone,

Contacted the Masonic, everything is fine.  They got a bit excited with my tumor profile, hasn't changed anything.  I had given the students (being a teaching hospital I attend) permission to use any and all info. about me to study.  Somehow when they pulled my charts and info., it made it seem as if there was new issues.  Still in stable disease.  Yes they are rechecking the paths (ect) to do papers on this rare dx.  So now until Mays scans I'm doing fine and still kicking it !   Katie 


  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member
    So Happy!


    So glad to hear your good news.. I am so sorry you had to be scared, and so glad you made that call. You were so right the other day when you told someone else.. you have to be your own advocate.. and I am so glad you are good one!

    Dancing for you!


  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    Stable is good

    Kate, good news as your disease remains stable, I'm happy for you.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Stable is good

    Kate, good news as your disease remains stable, I'm happy for you.



    Glad to hear. Prayers for more good news come May.

  • peggylulu
    peggylulu Member Posts: 375
    So happy

    for you  that you are still ok ! Thanks for posting , I had been wondering about you !


  • rachel12yrsuv
    rachel12yrsuv Member Posts: 435
    Thank God! What a


    Thank God! What a blurb though, jeez!

    Celebrate their mistake anyway!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member



    Good news, thank you for the great update.



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    All I can say is YES YES YES!!!

     for you.  I felt a wave of relief, I can't tell ya how much.  You have been SO good for me during the last many months, I couldn't stand anything bad happening in your life.  As for them...what a bunch a yahoos....sending their news out in an email, leaving you hanging like that.   That frys my butt.


  • VanessaSLO
    VanessaSLO Member Posts: 283
    Such a relief!

    Oh, Katie, this sure was a emotional rollercoaste!! But thank God everything turned to be ok! I'm sooo happy.Like Phrannie said, you were also very supportive to me too. Your kind and warm words always made me feel like you're trully hugging me - it felt so warm. So I got pretty much worried when they e-mailed you like that!

    Take care and keep on kicking it!!!

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    Good News......but wth ???

    GEEEZ, Katie

    Glad it is status quo....not happy they put you thru the extra anguish.  

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    katie, so happy about ur

    katie, so happy about ur wonderful news!!  sorry u had to go thru hell first but now u can calm down.  lets hope that never happens again to u or anyone else.  take care.

    God bless,


  • VivianLee5689
    VivianLee5689 Member Posts: 546

    katie, so happy about ur

    katie, so happy about ur wonderful news!!  sorry u had to go thru hell first but now u can calm down.  lets hope that never happens again to u or anyone else.  take care.

    God bless,


    Great news Katie

    Hi Katie, It was great to read this post.  I am glad you are in stable disease I was worried about you.

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    Great news Katie

    Hi Katie, It was great to read this post.  I am glad you are in stable disease I was worried about you.

    Yippee-Ki-Yi & Yeah!!!!

    I believe!!!!!! 

    Wonderful news Katie ...so to make sure I am correct....the prevoius post about c in the lungs WAS a mistake?  Correct?  All is still normal (normal being no change for the worse or better, just stable)

    Happy for you (and thanking the Lord too)
