hick-up w/pathology 3 mo's out

Some things that make you go hunh ?  Received an e-mail from my ENT office  today for results on labs.  I thought what ?  As I haven't had anything done since last Dec.  So I opened it up, and found out they had re-done my path on that beniegn tumor that was removed in the right lung.  They had received that tumor profile I had done at an outside lab....and the tumor board had questions on if the path had been done properly.  Well...now their saying mets of adcc to lungs.  3 months later....really guys ?  I should be more angry, or fearful, or something.  But I'm not, almost scares me that I'm not.  So what now ?  Don't know.  Not many tx's out there that are successful.  One foot in front of the oher.  Can I say this really sucks ?  It does !  Katie


  • VivianLee5689
    VivianLee5689 Member Posts: 546
    So sorry

    I am so sorry to hear you would get such news and not even know that the were coming.  I am anxious to hear what your treatment team plans to do and how you are doing.  Keep us posted and I am praying for you.

  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member


    Wow, I am so sorry you had to hear that news in an email. I understand your anger or lack there of - you know to save your energy for the good fights... one smart girl. We are here with you, I hope you see my foot prints too.. I hope you get the attention now that they understand more, and I will tuck you in my pocket..

    Prayers and love headed your way..


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    I think with the confusion of is it or isn't it... I would ask for another lab analysis....


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    To me, this whole thing seems suspect....like are they looking at yours or somebody elses?  The fact that it's three months out, and NOW they say something makes me wonder if the lab hasn't made an error.  I'm hoping that is the case.  And they sent an email, instead of calling....WTH on that too!!

    Katie, you know we'll all keep you tucked through all the next one foots in front of the others....we here for ya....and yeah, we will all join you in the "this really sucks"....every part of it.


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    katie, like the others i'm so

    katie, like the others i'm so sorry to hear this.  and to receive such info in an email where u can't even ask questions is very unprofessional.  i will keep you in my pocket and my prayers.  hang it there and let us know when u get 2 talk 2 the doctor.

    God bless,


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    katie, like the others i'm so

    katie, like the others i'm so sorry to hear this.  and to receive such info in an email where u can't even ask questions is very unprofessional.  i will keep you in my pocket and my prayers.  hang it there and let us know when u get 2 talk 2 the doctor.

    God bless,


    All I can say is I read this and thought "I BELIEVE"!!!

    I will not give up or give in....I'm going to pray this is an error!!!  Hang in there Katie!

    Whispered that prayer as I hit submit!!!!!!



  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    put a call in

    I first sent a very specific ... wth... e-mail back at them.  Also put a call in to have my ENT himself call me.  I know with adcc, pathology isn't that hard to see.....histology is very specific for it.  (tissue type)  But saying this with past pathology I had to stomp my foot to get it done right.  So until I see it in black and white in a written report I am taking it one step at a time.  I should have demanded this after the lung re-sect....but I'm so tired of doing the footwork, when it should just be done for us.  And I was soooo scared, and confused.  So, wow now they have a report from an outside lab, on DNA....for future reference that may or may not help me and they zap me with this.  Lots of explaining on their part...and probably will be not very happy with my response to this.  Prove it, and make sure the folks sending the e-mails via mychart.....have checked to see if a phone call should maybe be first.   Thanks for the support.....Katie

  • peggylulu
    peggylulu Member Posts: 375

    I would call the office and ask to speak to the ENT ! I can't believe any Doctor would send anyone a message like that by email ! Maybe someone in the office sent it to the wrong email address but still !!

    Hopeing and praying that it was a mistake


  • NoDuck
    NoDuck Member Posts: 134

    Prayers and some answers for Sweet Katie please!

    Hang in there girlfriend.


  • rachel12yrsuv
    rachel12yrsuv Member Posts: 435

    put a call in

    I first sent a very specific ... wth... e-mail back at them.  Also put a call in to have my ENT himself call me.  I know with adcc, pathology isn't that hard to see.....histology is very specific for it.  (tissue type)  But saying this with past pathology I had to stomp my foot to get it done right.  So until I see it in black and white in a written report I am taking it one step at a time.  I should have demanded this after the lung re-sect....but I'm so tired of doing the footwork, when it should just be done for us.  And I was soooo scared, and confused.  So, wow now they have a report from an outside lab, on DNA....for future reference that may or may not help me and they zap me with this.  Lots of explaining on their part...and probably will be not very happy with my response to this.  Prove it, and make sure the folks sending the e-mails via mychart.....have checked to see if a phone call should maybe be first.   Thanks for the support.....Katie

    There is a really good


    There is a really good chance this was a mistake. Take a deep breath and wait till you talk to ENT, first how dare they redo a test and not inform you of the concern, and if they were that concern they could have definitely had that response in less then 3 months, I had surgery at 7 in the morning and @ 2am the next they woke me to tell me finding from pathology and that was 12 yrs ago, science isn't supposed to go backwardMy prayers and positive thoughts are with you, plenty of room in pocket jump right in!

    God Bless,

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    WAY more than a hick-up!



    I am sorry they are screwing with your brain.  Nobody should be getting an email from their ENT like that.


    I hope when the smoke clears you will be ok.



  • VanessaSLO
    VanessaSLO Member Posts: 283
    I can't believe it!!!

    Katie, nobody should receive info like that by e-mail! And, three months later??? I really hope everything will be ok, and praying for you on a daily basis!! Sending you a lot of positive and calming energy!!