told me two years to live



  • Pink Rose
    Pink Rose Member Posts: 493

    One day off from radiation

    My radiation doctor said not to do it for the one day. He said he has to stay on top of it.The cancer is called Angiosarcoma it keeps coming back about every three months. It's radiation cancer from the radiation I took five years ago for the breast cancer then. Since August of 2012 I have had the four surgery's my last was February fifteenth. I can't have anymore surgery in that area. He said he knows it hurts but is trying to blast any cancer left in any blood cells in that area. I hope it works then at least I may have the two year's. I  thank everyone for there prayers and hugs. I pray for all my cancer friends and others with other cancers and illnesses. I look at houses on line and pretend there mine and how I would arrange them, it keeps my mind occupies for a while from things. I hope everyone has a better day. Hugs and prayers for all

    I am glad that your radiation

    I am glad that your radiation oncologist is stopping the rads for at least one day, but from what you wrote, I would think you'd need longer than one day.  I know I am not a doctor, but, your skin needs some healing.  I hope he delays them longer for you.

    I am so sorry about your cancer and I understand that your doctor needs to continually treat you, but, burning someone to the point to where you're raw and your skin is falling off is just not right to me.

    I will continue to pray for you and think positive thoughts.

    Hugs, Rose

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member



    My radiologist gave me a prescription for Silver Sulfadiazine cream. I used it for the first time last night. My skin is so burnt it is peeling off, and then it is very  raw. I  have  two more weeks to go, I may have to do scans after that, then off to my lung doctor and getting cataracts taking off . He can only do one eye. I had a stroke behind one eye ,so he won't mess with it. Getting the cataracts off one eye will help me see some. My grandson comes in my room to say hello and that he loves me. I want to take him out to eat or do something with him. I told him soon as I get a little strength we would do something together  We have him on weekends, he has been a good boy. I hate when I  feel so weak that I can only lay in my bed. I  just feel so weak and I hurt in my chest area and under my arm. When I went in his office and he said I only had a few months to a year, maybe two at the most really floored me. I   didn't know what to say after all the surgery's and being drained of fluid all the time. I was hoping for good news. I pray for everyone going through rough times with cancer and other illnesses. Thank you for responding. I hope you and your family are doing ok. I wish I would hit the lottery I would buy a house and a food truck lol dreaming again. We probably all would like that. My sons would have their business.  My sons had to help out with there dad who also had cancer and a bad heart . He died suddenly with a main stem stroke.  He had no insurance nor do . I we couldn't get insurance because of medical issues I pray for everyone battling cancer that they win, Thank you for caring. Thank you
    Hoping and praying your skin

    Hoping and praying your skin is doing better. 


    Hugs, Jan

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    Hoping and praying your skin

    Hoping and praying your skin is doing better. 


    Hugs, Jan

    How are you doing with rads

    How are you doing with rads now?  Did you get more than one day off? 


  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    Alexis F said:

    How are you doing with rads

    How are you doing with rads now?  Did you get more than one day off? 


    Hope you're doing better

    between the cream and the time off, I'm hoping you're getting some relief.  Having a cancer that is difficult to "fix" must be very emotionally as well as physically draining.

    I understand your worry about your sons.  Hopefully, they will find work and create independent lives soon.  

    I hope we can provide support for you.  I'm sending some prayers for you and yours,


  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    I feel the same as Ritzy

    I feel the same way as Ritzy.As soon as I saw the post I wondered how can doctors tell us how long we have to live.Many people survive  years later after being told they have months to live.It's speculation. No one every knows how long.Not even doctors.

    I know how you feel about your sons.I have 3 and 2 are married.One lives with us parttime and also his girlfriend.I worry about all three making it later in life.We started years ago putting money back for retirement.I think we're set but still a worry.I tell my sons to start putting in for retirement.Even if's it's $100 a month and then increase it later.We haven't missed what My husband has saved and I had a inheritance from my aunt. We've left it where it is but when my husband retires we have to dip into it. 

    I wish so much for you to get better.I believe you will.I know how we feel about ourselves.Always think the worse.And you have doctors telling you things which also doesn't help.

    My friend was Stage 3 and had a lumpectomy.I worried about her makiing it having a lumpectomy but she has for over 18 years, I took her to some of her radiation treatments and she was so burnt.I remember her complaining about it and how bad it was but like she said "The Radiaton is Killing My Cancer". it will kill yours too!!!! 

    Thoughts and prayers to you and your sons.I hope more than anything they find a job soon. 

    Lynn Smith

    Lynn, you are so right!  Not

    Lynn, you are so right!  Not even doctors can tell any of us how long we have to live!  Many on here were given a time limit, and guess what, they are enjoying life to the fullest still, years later.   

    You just focus on getting through rads and living your life too! 

    Sue :)

  • dthompson
    dthompson Member Posts: 149
    Our thoughts and prayers are

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you my dear. I'm so sorry that you are going through this rough time. We are always here for you . God Bless !!



  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    So sorry
    Sorry to hear all this.My Prayers are with you.I Pray they are giving you something to put on the burns.
  • Pink Rose
    Pink Rose Member Posts: 493
    ladyg said:

    I feel so bad for you and

    I feel so bad for you and what you are going through. Do not dwell on the 2 year thing because they really don't know. What you need to do right now is concentrate on taking care of yourself. You should definitely talk to you rad onco about stopping for at least a few days. You need some time to heal before you get any worse. I sure hope they have told you about using creams to help. Aquaphor is a good one. I will keep you in my thoughts and send you some positive healing energy.



    Positive thoughts and lots of

    Positive thoughts and lots of hugs!

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    Its nice to talk when things seem so bad.

    My radiologist gave me a prescription for Silver Sulfadiazine cream. I used it for the first time last night. My skin is so burnt it is peeling off, and then it is very  raw.  It hurts in my left chest area and under my arm. He said if it was fluid build up I  couldn't have it drained now., not till after radiation. I may have to do scans I  have  two more weeks to go, I may have to do scans after that, then off to my lung doctor and getting cataracts taking off . He can only do one eye. I had a stroke behind one eye ,so he won't mess with it. Getting the cataracts off one eye will help me see some. My grandson comes in my room to say hello and that he loves me. I want to take him out to eat or do something with him. I told him soon as I get a little strength we would do something together  We have him on weekends, he has been a good boy. I hate when I  feel so weak that I can only lay in my bed. I  just feel so weak and I hurt in my chest area and under my arm. When I went in his office and he said I only had a few months to a year, maybe two at the most really floored me. I   didn't know what to say after all the surgery's and being drained of fluid all the time. I was hoping for good news. I pray for everyone going through rough times with cancer and other illnesses. Thank you for responding. I hope you and your family are doing ok. I wish I would hit the lottery I would buy a house and a food truck lol dreaming again. We probably all would like that. My sons would have their business.  My sons had to help out with there dad who also had cancer and a bad heart . He died suddenly with a main stem stroke.  He had no insurance nor do . I we couldn't get insurance because of medical issues I pray for everyone battling cancer that they win, Thank you for caring. Thank you for the hug. .

    May God watch over you and

    May God watch over you and help you through this rough time.  We all do care and we are all praying for you.

    Many hugs and prayers,


  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    dthompson said:

    Our thoughts and prayers are

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you my dear. I'm so sorry that you are going through this rough time. We are always here for you . God Bless !!



    It's hard to even know what

    It's hard to even know what to say.  Try to stay positive and focus on living.  You know we all support you.


  • Pink Rose
    Pink Rose Member Posts: 493
    ppurdin said:

    So sorry
    Sorry to hear all this.My Prayers are with you.I Pray they are giving you something to put on the burns.

    I thought you might need a

    I thought you might need a hug today.  I will be gentle as I know you're burnt from rads.

    Gentle hug, Rose