DId i say scrambled EGGS?

You bet I did with a side of custard! Don't forget 16oz of water! I just couldn't wait to share with my CSN my Great news. I feel like I just went out to breakfast with my speech therapist.

This is just one of those things we say are different after cancer...who woulda thought I would smile from ear to ear over eating a healthy portion of scrambled eggs and custard! Thank you Jesus!

Keep praying for my issue folks and I promise I will keep sending them up to the Lord for Yours!

Can't wait till NJshore post her NED news on Dan!

God Bless my friends, a very happy



  • VivianLee5689
    VivianLee5689 Member Posts: 546
    That is great

    It is great to hear you were able to eat scrambled eggs.  I know David would be excited any time he could eat anything without the use of the feeding tube.  It sounds like you are on your way to eating again.  I am happy for you.

  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member


    So happy to hear your good news! Must have been the best breakfast ever. I don't know how you've done it. I remember when I first read, nothing by mouth.. and now you are getting back in the game. So excited for you.

    Oh, scan is over, we have seen it, but hard to tell what is a hot spot and what is a problem - we are waiting for the professionals to chime in - hopefully by tomorrow! He's still cool as a cucumber - have no idea how he does that :)

    Prayers for more successes!

    Hugs, Kari


  • rachel12yrsuv
    rachel12yrsuv Member Posts: 435
    NJShore said:



    So happy to hear your good news! Must have been the best breakfast ever. I don't know how you've done it. I remember when I first read, nothing by mouth.. and now you are getting back in the game. So excited for you.

    Oh, scan is over, we have seen it, but hard to tell what is a hot spot and what is a problem - we are waiting for the professionals to chime in - hopefully by tomorrow! He's still cool as a cucumber - have no idea how he does that :)

    Prayers for more successes!

    Hugs, Kari


    Vivian and Kari,

    Vivian and Kari,

    Thanks, still only allowed at therapy, but ill take what I can! Kari and Dan it will be NED just wait yoll see! Vivian, I pray for your sanity and peace everyday. I long for the day you pick your trip and try to live again as David would.want.

    God bless you both,

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Awesome news..., at first I just thought this was some kind of yolk....susel

  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    great news

    Congrats on the big step forward, prayers it continues. 

    you might like to try half milk and half water on ice. dip gram crackers for cound of three. i love it plus you already have drink in hand. I use the quart canning jar for this. 

    thanks for sharing the fun news. 


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    WHOO HOO!!

    Sounds like an excellent breakfast to me.  Onward and upward.....you're doing better each week....


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    rachel, so glad to hear ur

    rachel, so glad to hear ur wonderful news.  its so true that cancer makes u look at everything differently.  something as simple as eggs makes us happy....lol.  keep up the good work and i'll keep up the prayers.

    God bless,


  • peggylulu
    peggylulu Member Posts: 375
    OmGosh OmGosh !

    That is wonderful and exciting news !!! I am so happy for you !! I'm betting you will be eating at home before long !!!

    Hopeing and Praying


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    peggylulu said:

    OmGosh OmGosh !

    That is wonderful and exciting news !!! I am so happy for you !! I'm betting you will be eating at home before long !!!

    Hopeing and Praying


    Great news!!!!

    I remember the first time I ate half a PB&J sandwich (more jelly than PB) and I shared it on my facebook.....after my post I could not help but get emotional when I realized via my post; 1.  I had eaten something, 2. It was that exciting to me.

    So good for you and I do have you on my nighlty prayer list and there you will remain!!!



  • rachel12yrsuv
    rachel12yrsuv Member Posts: 435
    Skiffin16 said:


    Awesome news..., at first I just thought this was some kind of yolk....susel

    Lol John! You are too
    Lol John! You are too funny!

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    things we use to take for granted !


    Oh girl you make me smile right along with you !  Yes....this is wonderful news !  You are such an inspiration, and a little ray of sunshine.....thank you for being you !  Hugs sent !  Katie

  • rachel12yrsuv
    rachel12yrsuv Member Posts: 435

    things we use to take for granted !


    Oh girl you make me smile right along with you !  Yes....this is wonderful news !  You are such an inspiration, and a little ray of sunshine.....thank you for being you !  Hugs sent !  Katie

    I just posted on your


    I just posted on your thread sweetie! Thank you for compliment, if I can bring any hope, or laughter then I am doing my job, paying back for the right to live!

    Some of us live on in Heaven, but I HAVE A LITTLE GIRL God blessed me with and thankfully He felt it equally important I should hang here awhile and help her grow up. Before your a Mom you live for yourself, after you live for them! What a blessed woman I am Katie that is why I smile. The set backs can't make me lose sight of the joy God has given me in the smile of 1 8year old girl<3

    You stay strong, that email better be a mistake or ill be your bottom kicking body guard, got it!

    Love to you and prayers already said,

  • rachel12yrsuv
    rachel12yrsuv Member Posts: 435
    Tim6003 said:

    Great news!!!!

    I remember the first time I ate half a PB&J sandwich (more jelly than PB) and I shared it on my facebook.....after my post I could not help but get emotional when I realized via my post; 1.  I had eaten something, 2. It was that exciting to me.

    So good for you and I do have you on my nighlty prayer list and there you will remain!!!



    Thank you from deep in my
    Thank you from deep in my heart the joy I feel from your responses for me: Tim,Phrannie,John,debbiejeanne, and Peggy. I think I got you all. So much more blessed that I have all of you on my side, and know that I am on yours as well!

    God bless and love to all,

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    eggs today ???? tomorrow



    Were they chicken eggs and how many?


    You seem to be improving at light speed.


    Keep getting better.




  • yensid683
    yensid683 Member Posts: 349
    oh YEAH!!!!

    I don't think that there is anything better than when you finally find that you're able to actually EAT!!!

    I know exactly how you feel, it was such an amazing moment when I was able to have real food after so much time simply swallowing liquids or pouring them into my PEG.

    I spent a lot of time watching DVD's while I was in treatment, and watched Disney's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame".  One of the earlier songs was "Out There", where Quasimodo sings about how much he'd like to be out among the regular 'normal' people.  I could so relate when it got to the part where he sang "...heedless of the gift it is to be them."

    I would watch the food shows, longing to be able to eat again.  I see tv shows, movies and just every day life where people pop something into their mouths, chewing with simple satisfaction.  I get so jealous at times, they simply don't know how lucky they are that they can eat just about anything they want whenever they want, no need to make sure they have some water to sip with it so they can actually chew it and swallow.  I am making progress, I can handle many more and different foods, still haven't been able to get to some of my favorites, but they'll come someday.

    I'm glad that you're making great progress, it won't be long before we're all eating potato chips with salsa, without need of any extra liquid!

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    yensid683 said:

    oh YEAH!!!!

    I don't think that there is anything better than when you finally find that you're able to actually EAT!!!

    I know exactly how you feel, it was such an amazing moment when I was able to have real food after so much time simply swallowing liquids or pouring them into my PEG.

    I spent a lot of time watching DVD's while I was in treatment, and watched Disney's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame".  One of the earlier songs was "Out There", where Quasimodo sings about how much he'd like to be out among the regular 'normal' people.  I could so relate when it got to the part where he sang "...heedless of the gift it is to be them."

    I would watch the food shows, longing to be able to eat again.  I see tv shows, movies and just every day life where people pop something into their mouths, chewing with simple satisfaction.  I get so jealous at times, they simply don't know how lucky they are that they can eat just about anything they want whenever they want, no need to make sure they have some water to sip with it so they can actually chew it and swallow.  I am making progress, I can handle many more and different foods, still haven't been able to get to some of my favorites, but they'll come someday.

    I'm glad that you're making great progress, it won't be long before we're all eating potato chips with salsa, without need of any extra liquid!

    Growing Resentment


    The very first time I sat in an Exam Room here at Johns Hopkins, there was a survey I was asked to fill out. It had to do with eating. 99% of the questions were N/A to me at that time.

    Questions like: Do you feel embarrassed to go to dinner with friends? Do other people eating annoy you? 

    At that time I was eating normally after having recovered from a palatine tonsillectomy, biopsies and a laryngoscopy. I had no clue what was coming! Now? As I battle to get the effects of steroids out of my system (they are turning me into a beast!), I find myself wanting to grab that crinkly bag of chips out of that open mouth chomping idiot in the chemo waiting room, crumple them into crumbs and pour it over his head! Wish they had THAT question on the survey! ~lol~  I already long for solid foods. My swallowing is doing Ok despite the pain and my Speech/Language Pathologist is pleased with where things are at. The team is more focused on my mood swings and body weight.


    Eggs! Mmm Mmm... now.. combine some scrambled eggs with some mashed potatoes and gravy and you have a balanced protein/carb meal ;) It's been one of my favorites since my 1st surgery :)  All I can say is WAY TO GO!!!  Each time you post, you're making progress! Keep up the good work!




  • rachel12yrsuv
    rachel12yrsuv Member Posts: 435
    fishmanpa said:

    Growing Resentment


    The very first time I sat in an Exam Room here at Johns Hopkins, there was a survey I was asked to fill out. It had to do with eating. 99% of the questions were N/A to me at that time.

    Questions like: Do you feel embarrassed to go to dinner with friends? Do other people eating annoy you? 

    At that time I was eating normally after having recovered from a palatine tonsillectomy, biopsies and a laryngoscopy. I had no clue what was coming! Now? As I battle to get the effects of steroids out of my system (they are turning me into a beast!), I find myself wanting to grab that crinkly bag of chips out of that open mouth chomping idiot in the chemo waiting room, crumple them into crumbs and pour it over his head! Wish they had THAT question on the survey! ~lol~  I already long for solid foods. My swallowing is doing Ok despite the pain and my Speech/Language Pathologist is pleased with where things are at. The team is more focused on my mood swings and body weight.


    Eggs! Mmm Mmm... now.. combine some scrambled eggs with some mashed potatoes and gravy and you have a balanced protein/carb meal ;) It's been one of my favorites since my 1st surgery :)  All I can say is WAY TO GO!!!  Each time you post, you're making progress! Keep up the good work!




    You think by now that they


    You think by now that they would realize that the steriods cause more issues than they solve! I was quick to anger and lik I said literally crawling out of my skin. I would pick up one thing do it for a second, put it down and pick up something else. Then that day in hospital(2000) I mustve did that 100 times and couldn't stop moving, I called the nurse and said stop it, I can't stand it anymore, its a sad day when you are receiving 24hr chemo and vomitting like there is no end and that was better than steriods?!

    Good luck getting rid of them, and as far as wanting to beat up people with chips, they have their own issues, you know that I know. But I don't think enough time is spent in the media on the strife of head/neck cancer and its awful side effects, maybe then others would be more symphthic. Take care my friend, you are appraoching the runway and yu should get clearance for landing soon!

    God bless and prayers everyday for you,

  • rachel12yrsuv
    rachel12yrsuv Member Posts: 435
    Oh guys could it get
    Oh guys could it get better...you bet it can! Today I was surprised with pureed pancakes and custard. Its a strange day to realize I am running to be electricfied so I can eat! Gotta love side effects!

    Not for nothing(philly thing), driving to therapy I see a woman, at a gas station no less, light up a cigerette and smoke. Every core of my being wanted to beat her upside the head and say look at this scar, and rattle off every other thing cancer gave me(and mine had nothing to do with being a 2000 reformed smoker without the knowledge of today) and then say how is it in this economy I can't get SS disability (yet) but you can afford $9.00 a pack to yourself and those around you. Now I ask you was my reaction wrong? Lol. Aww the ignorance of not facing your mortality and still saying, "well something is gonna kill me". Those are he same people crying on their knees when it does come knocking... I just wish people would wake up and take care of themselves, that's all!

    Rachel's thought for the day...hmmm?
  • lorig01
    lorig01 Member Posts: 83
    I am so happy for you!!!

    It is so encouraging seeing that even if you have a set back that things can turn around. You are a true inspiration!!! I hope you are eating whatever you want whenever you want soon! Keep us informed on your progress.  I have recently started eating and my attitude has changed 100%. Prior to eating I was really depressed. When I read that you were having eating issues 12 years after, (and other folks as well),  I felt like well I guess I better enjoy this while I can and I felt pretty pessimistic about the future.  Reading that you are making progress makes me feel very hopeful about the future!!!  Thanks again for keeping us informed and hopeful!

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Oh guys could it get
    Oh guys could it get better...you bet it can! Today I was surprised with pureed pancakes and custard. Its a strange day to realize I am running to be electricfied so I can eat! Gotta love side effects!

    Not for nothing(philly thing), driving to therapy I see a woman, at a gas station no less, light up a cigerette and smoke. Every core of my being wanted to beat her upside the head and say look at this scar, and rattle off every other thing cancer gave me(and mine had nothing to do with being a 2000 reformed smoker without the knowledge of today) and then say how is it in this economy I can't get SS disability (yet) but you can afford $9.00 a pack to yourself and those around you. Now I ask you was my reaction wrong? Lol. Aww the ignorance of not facing your mortality and still saying, "well something is gonna kill me". Those are he same people crying on their knees when it does come knocking... I just wish people would wake up and take care of themselves, that's all!

    Rachel's thought for the day...hmmm?


    I had a good friend (GlennaM) from the past on here who liked to say;

    When I die, if it's something other than cancer, am I considered cured..., LOL.

    She definitely had my sense of humor...
