Melanoma Metetastic stage 4

I was diagnosed last February with a small melanoma pre-stage 1 about the size of a freckle on my left nostril. They removed it and did no follow up. I had major back surgery in spetember and awoke to a lump in my next. The cancer had spread to my lymphnodes . They did a removal of the lymphnodes on the left side. After a month (30 straight days, day after day) of Interfuron Aplha 2-b, the cancer did not show any returns in the neck. However after a PETSCAN at the end of this February, the cancer has aready spread to my right lung, right ribcage and also my left shoulder in the bone. I sense that this has taken down from a 5+ year survival rate down to 3-7 months. I love my wife, and children and grandkiddies. I love the Lord's church, but most of all I love the Lord. I must get beyond the bitterness and anger to reach my peace once again. But after 35 years of ministry, I am at a loss to find it once again. Please pray for me. Poppy growing so down.


  • catmandu
    catmandu Member Posts: 6


    i am so sorry.  i need someone to talk to.  this cancer is horrible.  pray!  dont stop!  trust in Him!  He will see you through.
