day 5 of Xeloda



  • renw
    renw Member Posts: 282 Member


    My mom was taking Folic Acid before until this week that I read that Folic Acid should not be taken with Xeloda?

    5fu is given together with
    5fu is given together with leucovorin. Leucovorin facilitates the transport of 5fu into the cells. It is structurally almost identical to folic acid. If you take folic acid at the same time, this increases the 5fu toxicity.

    5fu is a metabolite of xeloda. I have not been on xeloda yet so have not researched this in detail, but considering it is converted to 5fu, folic acid is likely to also increase its toxicity.
  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Xeloda Side Effects

    Hi dmj,

    My onc put me on Xeloda back in December as maintenance chemo. 

    When I received my first bottle of the drug, I was also given a goodie bag from the manufacturer Genetech.  The company sponsors a FREE program to assist patients taking the drug that includes a help line you can call 24 hours a day and speak with a registered nurse trsined in Xeloda and its side effects.  You can find out more and register for the FREE program at  

    As far as side effects are concerned, in addition to the resources provided by the Xeloda help line, you can get more information from  You can find specific Xeloda information including a list of side effects at

    As far as side effects I've personally experienced, the worst is the Hand and Foot Syndrome.  It produces peeling and sores (not open wound type) on your hands and feet that includes numbness in the fingers and toes and the bottoms of the feet.  While it started during my second two-week "on" cycle, it didn't get bad until my third two-week "on" cycle.  It has gotten bad enough now that my onc has changed me to one-week on and one-week off cycle.  It's very important to get ahead of the Hand & Foot Syndrome.  There are various creams and ointments you can use, but among the most popular and from what I've learned from other patients on various message boards are:

    1. Uddery Smooth Udder Cream - yes it was developed for cows to reduce the irritation from repeated machine milkings.  The "goodie bag" I received from Genetech included a small tube of it.  You might be able to buy it from a local pharmacy although I wound up buying a supply from

    2.  Zim's Crack Creme is also good. I bought a supply from

    3. In addition, an onco nurse passed the following along to another patient, although I haven't tried these myself.

       a.  Any lotion with Dimethicone is "great" for cracked skin.

       b.  You can try a homemade concoction of:

          (1) 16 oz. baby lotion

          (2) 8 oz. Vitamin E cream

          (3) 8 oz. Vaseline

       c. Finally, you could try something called Aquaphor (sic) which was also recommended by another patient.  Supposedly it is very healing but messy. 

    Typically, I lotion up my feet with Udderly Smooth before bed, wrap them in Saran Wrap and put on socks.  I also apply Udderly Smooth liberally to my hands four or five times a day.  Some wear white gloves, especially at night over the Udderly Smooth. 

    The only other side effects I've experienced are some abdominal discomfort and some loose bowel movements.  Oh, and of course the ubiquitous low blood counts it seems accompany any chemotherapy. 

    If you want to know more about my experience with Xeloda, drop me a note. 

    Good luck and fair winds and following seas.


    Thank you!

    That was a full on informative post which has now been saved to my cancer file. 

    I do believe I will be on some form of pill when I do my radiation, so your information is going to be very helpful indeed.

  • Trubrit said:

    Thank you!

    That was a full on informative post which has now been saved to my cancer file. 

    I do believe I will be on some form of pill when I do my radiation, so your information is going to be very helpful indeed.

    Hope You Don't Need to Use It

    You are welcome and I'm glad you found the post informative.  At the same time, I do hope you won't need to find it useful, by "missing out" on the side effects these treatments are intended to mitigate. 

    Fair winds and following seas


  • smokeyjoe
    smokeyjoe Member Posts: 1,425 Member

    Hope You Don't Need to Use It

    You are welcome and I'm glad you found the post informative.  At the same time, I do hope you won't need to find it useful, by "missing out" on the side effects these treatments are intended to mitigate. 

    Fair winds and following seas


    I'm in Ontario too,  and was

    I'm in Ontario too,  and was on xeloda only for three months, but it was not effective for me.    I would love to have been able to do xeloda and avastin but was told no funding for that in Ontario .....  I may have to be switched to folfox,  I asked if I would still get avastin  and was told that  No  avastin is only available with folfiri regimine.       

  • renw
    renw Member Posts: 282 Member
    smokeyjoe said:

    I'm in Ontario too,  and was

    I'm in Ontario too,  and was on xeloda only for three months, but it was not effective for me.    I would love to have been able to do xeloda and avastin but was told no funding for that in Ontario .....  I may have to be switched to folfox,  I asked if I would still get avastin  and was told that  No  avastin is only available with folfiri regimine.       

    Both folfox or folfiri can be
    Both folfox or folfiri can be used as first line chemo. I personally liked folfiri more side effect wise. I would use avastin sooner than later if i had a choice.
  • dmj101
    dmj101 Member Posts: 527 Member
    smokeyjoe said:

    I'm in Ontario too,  and was

    I'm in Ontario too,  and was on xeloda only for three months, but it was not effective for me.    I would love to have been able to do xeloda and avastin but was told no funding for that in Ontario .....  I may have to be switched to folfox,  I asked if I would still get avastin  and was told that  No  avastin is only available with folfiri regimine.       

    Hi Joe,
    My dr has mentioned

    Hi Joe,

    My dr has mentioned using Avastin with Xeloda but we also discussed it wth Folfiri and Folfox.. I wonder if it is a canadian thing..

    I am presently on the Xeloda with Vectibix.

    Please be aware that FolFox will cause Neuropathy.. different in every person to different degree's. While Folfox is effective just be sure to keep the dr informed so they will adjust the dosage as the effects occurr.



  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member
    dmj101 said:

    Hi Joe,
    My dr has mentioned

    Hi Joe,

    My dr has mentioned using Avastin with Xeloda but we also discussed it wth Folfiri and Folfox.. I wonder if it is a canadian thing..

    I am presently on the Xeloda with Vectibix.

    Please be aware that FolFox will cause Neuropathy.. different in every person to different degree's. While Folfox is effective just be sure to keep the dr informed so they will adjust the dosage as the effects occurr.



    It's definitely a Canadian
    It's definitely a Canadian thing.
  • lilacbrroller
    lilacbrroller Member Posts: 412 Member
    Chelsea71 said:

    It's definitely a Canadian
    It's definitely a Canadian thing.


    Donna and fellow cancer comrades -  How is the xeloda going?  I just started today, and I didn't keel over immediately. This is good. 

    Did you get the special seven day pill box with compartments from Genentech? I was thinking that this would be impossible to open with hand and foot syndrome, you know?   I have residual oxaliplatin issues in my fingers anyway. Clearly someone not actually taking the drug designed this box!

    It's probably too early to tell  for me re: the side effects.  I can't imagine doing anything that doesn't involve friction - driving a car, typing, using a mouse or touchpad.  Sigh. I"ll find some workarounds. Probably a steering wheel cover would be good in the car, and if it gets bad and I can't type, I'll shake down my employers for ADA gear. 

    hope your course is going well. I'm taking it alone, not with anything.  My onc talked about adding avastin (I'm American, not Canadian) but so my far my CEA levels are stable so he sees no need yet.




  • dmj101
    dmj101 Member Posts: 527 Member


    Donna and fellow cancer comrades -  How is the xeloda going?  I just started today, and I didn't keel over immediately. This is good. 

    Did you get the special seven day pill box with compartments from Genentech? I was thinking that this would be impossible to open with hand and foot syndrome, you know?   I have residual oxaliplatin issues in my fingers anyway. Clearly someone not actually taking the drug designed this box!

    It's probably too early to tell  for me re: the side effects.  I can't imagine doing anything that doesn't involve friction - driving a car, typing, using a mouse or touchpad.  Sigh. I"ll find some workarounds. Probably a steering wheel cover would be good in the car, and if it gets bad and I can't type, I'll shake down my employers for ADA gear. 

    hope your course is going well. I'm taking it alone, not with anything.  My onc talked about adding avastin (I'm American, not Canadian) but so my far my CEA levels are stable so he sees no need yet.




    I made it thru the first 2 week cycle..

    Starting next cycle this saturday... I am in New Jersey, USA ...

    My CEA has always been undectible.. so we never know what is really going on but we did a biopsy a year ago and found the mets to be crc... ugh..

    Latest scan showed some minimal growth while off chemo so hopefully Xeloda will be enought to kick it back..

    I know that pill case is something else.. I have neuropathy too from the oxyaliplatin and now cut on fingers from Vectibix.. but the RX company my xeloda comes from puts it in blister packs portioned out for me AM and PM by day.. can't get any easier than that..

    I didn't find any side effects while taking it for the 2 weeks.. but after the final dose some diarhea started.. but that is tolerable..

    Good Luck with your cycle..




  • fighting_ big_c
    fighting_ big_c Member Posts: 64
    dmj101 said:

    I made it thru the first 2 week cycle..

    Starting next cycle this saturday... I am in New Jersey, USA ...

    My CEA has always been undectible.. so we never know what is really going on but we did a biopsy a year ago and found the mets to be crc... ugh..

    Latest scan showed some minimal growth while off chemo so hopefully Xeloda will be enought to kick it back..

    I know that pill case is something else.. I have neuropathy too from the oxyaliplatin and now cut on fingers from Vectibix.. but the RX company my xeloda comes from puts it in blister packs portioned out for me AM and PM by day.. can't get any easier than that..

    I didn't find any side effects while taking it for the 2 weeks.. but after the final dose some diarhea started.. but that is tolerable..

    Good Luck with your cycle..




    New Jersey

    Hey Donna. Where in NJ do you live? Which hospital do you go to? My mother goes to Robert Wood Johnson in New Brunswick. She is also taking Xeloda 3,300 mg, 1,650 each day and night. She just started her chemo last Tuesday with the IV infusion of Oxylapatin. I hope you tolerate well the side effects. I am praying that too for my Mom. God Bless you.

  • lilacbrroller
    lilacbrroller Member Posts: 412 Member
    dmj101 said:

    I made it thru the first 2 week cycle..

    Starting next cycle this saturday... I am in New Jersey, USA ...

    My CEA has always been undectible.. so we never know what is really going on but we did a biopsy a year ago and found the mets to be crc... ugh..

    Latest scan showed some minimal growth while off chemo so hopefully Xeloda will be enought to kick it back..

    I know that pill case is something else.. I have neuropathy too from the oxyaliplatin and now cut on fingers from Vectibix.. but the RX company my xeloda comes from puts it in blister packs portioned out for me AM and PM by day.. can't get any easier than that..

    I didn't find any side effects while taking it for the 2 weeks.. but after the final dose some diarhea started.. but that is tolerable..

    Good Luck with your cycle..





    congrats on week two and no side effects - I hope you're in the clear.

    I'm only on day 3, so it's too early to tell. 

    am in the DC Metro area - am going to see the cherry blossoms today after work.  Mostly buds, I think, due to the late spring we're having this year.  I rode past the tidal basin today and saw some pink fuzz. Maybe this weekend they'll be at peak.

    Why are our fingers affected? I didnt' take Vectibix - only Folfox, so just have that damage to contend with. I have more mobility and flexibiilty two months out, which is good. blister packs would be nice!

    take good care


  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    I did Xeloda 7 days on, 7 off

    I had to revise my comment.  I did Xeloda 7 days on, 7 off for 12 weeks and didn't have many issues, some stomach upset, feeling a little off and funny taste after a few weeks.  The only time I had a real problem was with the oxylaplatin toward the end of the week.  If I recall it was probably the 4th or 5th week before I had the issues with cold sensitivity, jaw pain just at the start of chewing and general malaise although I was able to work the whole time.  I would start out the week just fine but then with the oxyplatin I'd have to wear socks and gloves and feel like I had the flu.  Then I took a six week break and then started taking it daily 5 days on with radiation, 2 days off and after a few weeks, had to stop working from the combo. When I skipped the Xeloda I felt better on those days (usually skipped a Monday).   Was able to go back to work 3 weeks after stopping both.  I've had no residual effects thankfully. 

  • dmj101
    dmj101 Member Posts: 527 Member

    New Jersey

    Hey Donna. Where in NJ do you live? Which hospital do you go to? My mother goes to Robert Wood Johnson in New Brunswick. She is also taking Xeloda 3,300 mg, 1,650 each day and night. She just started her chemo last Tuesday with the IV infusion of Oxylapatin. I hope you tolerate well the side effects. I am praying that too for my Mom. God Bless you.

    I'm in Parsippany, I go to St

    I'm in Parsippany, I go to St Barnabas in Livingston.

    I am taking 1000 AM and 1500 PM

    did the Oxy and it wasn't to bad for me but others had it harder... the neuropathy effect is the worst part of it.. and is the gift that keeps on giving...

    RWJ is a great hospital.. I think that is the cancer institute of NJ.. but too far for me..

  • dmj101
    dmj101 Member Posts: 527 Member


    congrats on week two and no side effects - I hope you're in the clear.

    I'm only on day 3, so it's too early to tell. 

    am in the DC Metro area - am going to see the cherry blossoms today after work.  Mostly buds, I think, due to the late spring we're having this year.  I rode past the tidal basin today and saw some pink fuzz. Maybe this weekend they'll be at peak.

    Why are our fingers affected? I didnt' take Vectibix - only Folfox, so just have that damage to contend with. I have more mobility and flexibiilty two months out, which is good. blister packs would be nice!

    take good care


    Cherry Blossoms are awesome..

    Cherry Blossoms are awesome.. I never seem to get to DC to see them.. enjoy...

  • dmj101
    dmj101 Member Posts: 527 Member


    congrats on week two and no side effects - I hope you're in the clear.

    I'm only on day 3, so it's too early to tell. 

    am in the DC Metro area - am going to see the cherry blossoms today after work.  Mostly buds, I think, due to the late spring we're having this year.  I rode past the tidal basin today and saw some pink fuzz. Maybe this weekend they'll be at peak.

    Why are our fingers affected? I didnt' take Vectibix - only Folfox, so just have that damage to contend with. I have more mobility and flexibiilty two months out, which is good. blister packs would be nice!

    take good care


    Cherry Blossoms are awesome..

    Cherry Blossoms are awesome.. I never seem to get to DC to see them.. enjoy...

  • dmj101
    dmj101 Member Posts: 527 Member
    Helen321 said:

    I did Xeloda 7 days on, 7 off

    I had to revise my comment.  I did Xeloda 7 days on, 7 off for 12 weeks and didn't have many issues, some stomach upset, feeling a little off and funny taste after a few weeks.  The only time I had a real problem was with the oxylaplatin toward the end of the week.  If I recall it was probably the 4th or 5th week before I had the issues with cold sensitivity, jaw pain just at the start of chewing and general malaise although I was able to work the whole time.  I would start out the week just fine but then with the oxyplatin I'd have to wear socks and gloves and feel like I had the flu.  Then I took a six week break and then started taking it daily 5 days on with radiation, 2 days off and after a few weeks, had to stop working from the combo. When I skipped the Xeloda I felt better on those days (usually skipped a Monday).   Was able to go back to work 3 weeks after stopping both.  I've had no residual effects thankfully. 

    Sounds about right... I

    Sounds about right... I worked straight thru all my treatments so far.. never missed a beat.

    Keep the gloves around while on the Oxy...


  • lilacbrroller
    lilacbrroller Member Posts: 412 Member
    dmj101 said:

    Cherry Blossoms are awesome..

    Cherry Blossoms are awesome.. I never seem to get to DC to see them.. enjoy...

    cherry blossom (singular)

    still too cold. Spring has not sprung. That groundhog didn't know what he was talking about !  Only two trees had blossoms - hopefully in a week, if we get some warm weather this weekend, they should be blooming and pretty...  I will go back.  

    I lived in NJ twice in my life. First when I was around five in North Jersey (Morris county) and then as a teenager in Ocean County.  The pine barrens were nice. And the beaches.

