
jceleste31 Member Posts: 36

so i just wanted to let you all know thank you all for the kind words and the best support possible i really needed it it helped me so much. You really are all great ppl and i wish you all the best in the world your all in my thoughts and prayers. And to the ppl that are going through the biopsy process and waiting your in my thoughts and to stay strong maybe you will get a good outcome as well dont think negative it will just make you feel worse just think positive and support is important. I found out i dodged a bullet with getting the surgery and that i have a immune dificiency and have to build my system bk up or i wont be lucky next time. I have to have check ups every few months to check and see how iam and they are gonna keep tabs on me. I truly appreciate everything everyone did for me and i hope you all the best thank you big hugggggggssssss to you all xxxxxxx much respect xxxx


  • DadysGirl
    DadysGirl Member Posts: 346
    Very.... Happy for you and

    Very.... Happy for you and your loved ones... I'm assuming yOu had clean results... Wishing you to build up your immune system the best way possible...take care.. Lots of luv...

  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    Awesome News!!!

    Hi Celeste,

    That is really awesome news! Thank God that your ok, please just take care of yourself ((((many Hugs)))) to you sweetie and enjoy your  life with your sweet boy!!! 



  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member

    Awesome News!!!

    Hi Celeste,

    That is really awesome news! Thank God that your ok, please just take care of yourself ((((many Hugs)))) to you sweetie and enjoy your  life with your sweet boy!!! 



    Great news!

    I'm so happy for you. Now take this wonderful news and your sweet baby boy and celebrate! Best wishes...Sue (FNHL-2-3a-6/10-age62)

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    This is what we hope for!

    And thank you for remembering us in your prayers. Not that we need them. OK,  we need them! All the best to you and yours.

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hi Celeste

    That is wonderful news Celeste and we love to hear it!  As many have said, celebrate! You are always welcome here.

    Happy hugs,


  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Wonderful news

    Yes Celeste we are so happy.  We love to hear that kind of news.  Know it gave you a few weeks of terrible worry but now you can celebrate as Sue says.  Concentrate on your immune system, there is some good stuff out there!  The very best to you always.  You're always welcome to be a part of the club when you want to just not the Lymphoma branch Laughing  Kiss

    Our best to you, Bill and Becky