Injured during Da Vinci

I have been gone a few years but my troubles still continue.  I had RP in June of 2009.  I have had about 15 surgeries since then.  Like the old Hee Ha song, if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all.  I have had the RP nightmare.  What I want to know is there any other souls out there besides me who have been injured during the Da Vanci procedure.  When I had my RP it took the doctor 6 1/2 hours to get the job done.  He did not realize that he had preferated my colon.  I almost died.  Had emergency surgery for sepsis, in ICU for two weeks, came home with a colostomy, a wound vac and foley catather for nine months.  After that I ended up with a ileostomy for a year and a half.  I just had surgery a little over a month a go to repair 3 hernia's that were in my abdominal area as a result of the two other surgeries.  I've had a pace maker installed since then also.  I know RP does not affect the heart but since I could not do anything and now I wanted to try to get back to normal, my heart would not let me.  I had a cardio miopothy, a weak heart.  I have spent almost 2 months in the hospital becaue of all that has went wrong.  I have been tethered to my house for the last 3 and a 1/2 years.  I could go, but not for very long or not very far.  If you want to talk to some one who has been  thru it all conserning RP,  I'm the guy for you.  Don't feel sorry for me.  I'm a tough old goat.  I am  68 years old and a ex-Marine.  I'm going to whip this thing.  I've come a long way baby.  I'm not done yet but I am getting closer.  I know I can't be the only one who has been injured during RP using the Da Vinci robot.  If your out ther let me hear from you.  If you are wondering if I filled suit against this doctor, you bet I have.  Can you blame me.




  • mrspjd
    mrspjd Member Posts: 694 Member
    Salesmen in the Surgical Suite
    Thought this related article "Salesmen in the Surgical Suite" (or the RT Suite) about the lawsuit against daVinci's manufacturer, "Intuitve Surgical Systems," might be of interest, especially since Intuitive just lost its bid to have the lawsuit thrown out:


  • injuredbyDaVinci
    injuredbyDaVinci Member Posts: 35
    Thanks- Class Action

    I see you like me have been on this site a long time.  There is a class action suit against Intuitive.  It's being handled by some firm out of Ms.  I can't think of the name right now.  I did not hire some ambulance chasers to handle my case.  They informed me of this about two weeks ago.  There's alot more to it than the article you noted.  Thanks again.

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member

    Thanks- Class Action

    I see you like me have been on this site a long time.  There is a class action suit against Intuitive.  It's being handled by some firm out of Ms.  I can't think of the name right now.  I did not hire some ambulance chasers to handle my case.  They informed me of this about two weeks ago.  There's alot more to it than the article you noted.  Thanks again.

    DaVinci’s case

    Mrs PJD

    Thanks for posting the link (news) about DaVinci’s case. I hope that newbies contemplating robot assisted surgery read research and get pleased with their findings when choosing such type of operation.

    We know of many doing well after DaVinci performance but nobody is free from the risks it entails. Many of the comrades here continuously advice others on the importance of checking about the surgeon’s ability in regards to years of experience and substantial number of performed surgeries.
    Clinics offering treatments should be obliged of furnishing the patient with the details (CV) of the team (surgeon, doctors and nurses) caring for him, before the treatment.

    I like this forum for its clean image free of “sharks” salesmen. I hope that the frequent participants comment firmly against any one they think being part of a sales. It is not our duty of doing so but for the good shake of the ones confronting PCa (patients, family, and friends) we all should participate when advising the others.
    Surely all our posts regard lived experiences for the good or for the bad, like the survivor InjuredbyDaVinci in this thread. Many just do not know how important and significant their comments may be.

    The best to all.


  • yankeefan
    yankeefan Member Posts: 69

    i'm sorry to hear your could happen to anyone. i hope you are finally getting out of the woods. my sense from talking to my urologist and others is that the robotic approach can work as well as the traditional method if, and it's a big if, the surgeon is really experienced and knows what he's doing. of course this goes for the traditional approach too. every urologist i've spoken to admits that the robotic method has been over over sold, i mean it really doesn't provide any better outcome than the traditional sense is that the hope was that it would be a game just hasn't turned out that way. bottom line....either procedure can work well, but only when the surgeon really knows what he's doing. for example, if one decides to go the robotic route you want a surgeon whose done hundreds, if not thousands of these procedures before he does yours. that is generally true for the traditional procedure too....prostate surgery is complex and don't want a newbie doing want some one with a good reputation and at least 15-20 years experience. btw, i'm scheduled for prostate surgery next week....i'm having the traditional method...primarily because the surgeon (who does both procedures) said it would be easier for him, given that my prostate is so large. going it to that consultation i was figuring why not go the robotic approach, since i'd heard about the less blood loss, less incision, etc. he said that the blood loss is not an issue either way...i.e. no prior blood donations and so i'll just live with a bigger scar...

    this brings up another fact that neither approach necessarily fits all circumstances. my large prostate ruled out the robot for me....i want my surgeon to the have the easiest time he other words, i didn't want to complicate his job by demanding he do it robotically.

    like everyone else, i'm hoping my surgery goes well and that he doesn't find any surprises once he gets in there. keep your fingures crossed.