Tumor profile done


Well I received word that my profile was done.  I was in to our primary w/Rolie yesterday and asked if they had received it.  And I just giggled at our doctor.  He looked at me dumb founded and said oh, that's what that was.  I wasn't sure how to take that at first.  And when he said it's just a bunch of #'s and codes I did start laughing.  Yes that's exactly how it looks.  It breaks down my DNA and many other things to show what my initial tumor was made up of.  My oncologist received a copy also.  So what does this mean.  I'm put on a National registry, and if and when a break through with new drugs come through my medical team will know of it and will be able to direct my cares accordingly.  Alot of trials going on, (specific for ADCC) some have had success (for tumor shrinkage) where others haven't.  If nothing else, and this doesn't help me (individually) I'm continuing the hope that with my added information it will help with research for an eventual tx that will prove successful, and fingers crossed a cure.   I hope my post finds you all in good spirits this wk. end, and doing well !   Katie


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Hi Katie ...

    So it looks like your tumor is profiled and registered and on borrowed time :)  Way to show that tumor who is boss!!!  ;)

    On a serious note, I still get amazed at your stamina and attitude in all you have faced ...always in my prayers.

