Just Diagnosed

I was just diagnosed with a mass on my left kidney and was told there is an 80% chance it is cancer. Have been referred to a specialist on April 2nd for consultation. I am a very large woman and my urologist said this would make things harder to handle. Anyone out there in the same situation. I am terrified.
Welcome Sable
So sorry you had to join us here. We understand how a 'probable' diagnosis of cancer can rock your world. Hopefully, you've read the posts of the many inspiring people on this site. A kidney diagnosis isn't a death sentence. Even if you do have a cancerous tumor remember there's still lots of hope and a good life ahead. Look at all these Stage IV guys riding their bikes and RUNNING. Goodness.
They'll probably recommend surgery, which isn't great, but it's definitely doable. Too bad you have to wait for that consultation appt. The waiting is always the most difficult--maybe you can whine/sob on the phone and try to get your appt moved up. Seriously, if you're like me I just wanted the mass OUT ASAP.
Hang in there and try to read/post often here as we understand what you're going through!
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Sable, any indication of theDogRescuer said:Welcome Sable
So sorry you had to join us here. We understand how a 'probable' diagnosis of cancer can rock your world. Hopefully, you've read the posts of the many inspiring people on this site. A kidney diagnosis isn't a death sentence. Even if you do have a cancerous tumor remember there's still lots of hope and a good life ahead. Look at all these Stage IV guys riding their bikes and RUNNING. Goodness.
They'll probably recommend surgery, which isn't great, but it's definitely doable. Too bad you have to wait for that consultation appt. The waiting is always the most difficult--maybe you can whine/sob on the phone and try to get your appt moved up. Seriously, if you're like me I just wanted the mass OUT ASAP.
Hang in there and try to read/post often here as we understand what you're going through!
Sable, any indication of the size of the mass?
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Sable, any indication of theDogRescuer said:Welcome Sable
So sorry you had to join us here. We understand how a 'probable' diagnosis of cancer can rock your world. Hopefully, you've read the posts of the many inspiring people on this site. A kidney diagnosis isn't a death sentence. Even if you do have a cancerous tumor remember there's still lots of hope and a good life ahead. Look at all these Stage IV guys riding their bikes and RUNNING. Goodness.
They'll probably recommend surgery, which isn't great, but it's definitely doable. Too bad you have to wait for that consultation appt. The waiting is always the most difficult--maybe you can whine/sob on the phone and try to get your appt moved up. Seriously, if you're like me I just wanted the mass OUT ASAP.
Hang in there and try to read/post often here as we understand what you're going through!
Sable, any indication of the size of the mass?
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SableRaine22 said:Sable, any indication of the
Sable, any indication of the size of the mass?
Sable, I know what you are going through. I had kidney cancer back in 2001 and still staying strong. My cancer was a 5cm mast. THe doctor at Mass General Hospital Boston removed the whole kidney with no chemo or radation needed. You can lead a very normal life with just one kidney. i have had reoccuring cancer but have also survided them. Saw my doctor today and received the happy news that my cancer cells in my stomack have all decreaded in size after 6 weeks of chemo pills.
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DiagnosisRaine22 said:Sable, any indication of the
Sable, any indication of the size of the mass?
All of us on this board have been or are in the process of being diagnosed with Kidney Cancer. My diagnosis was almost 11 years ago and to be told that you have a 90% chance of the tumor being Kidney Cancer and that you have to have major surgery right out of the gate is enough to scare the sh.. out of any one. It sure scared me. And to top it off the surgery was not fun.
The good news is that if the tumor is 4cm or less the surgery is usually a total cure. Unfortunately when the radiologist or other doctor says it is Cancer, it is the exception rather than the rule that it is not. We understand that the surgery is much less welcome when you are full size, but the alternative is that until the surgery, Kidney Cancer grows and than metasisises and over a period of time can cause a state where you no longer have to worry about it.
As much as I do not want to say this, the surgery is necessary and sooner is better than later. Even those with tumors much larger than 4cm there are remarkable recoveries on this board.
There are exceptions to the surgical option and that is where you may have heart issues or you may be older AND where the tumor is very small. Lets hope your doctor tells you I am wrong.
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Diagnosisicemantoo said:Diagnosis
All of us on this board have been or are in the process of being diagnosed with Kidney Cancer. My diagnosis was almost 11 years ago and to be told that you have a 90% chance of the tumor being Kidney Cancer and that you have to have major surgery right out of the gate is enough to scare the sh.. out of any one. It sure scared me. And to top it off the surgery was not fun.
The good news is that if the tumor is 4cm or less the surgery is usually a total cure. Unfortunately when the radiologist or other doctor says it is Cancer, it is the exception rather than the rule that it is not. We understand that the surgery is much less welcome when you are full size, but the alternative is that until the surgery, Kidney Cancer grows and than metasisises and over a period of time can cause a state where you no longer have to worry about it.
As much as I do not want to say this, the surgery is necessary and sooner is better than later. Even those with tumors much larger than 4cm there are remarkable recoveries on this board.
There are exceptions to the surgical option and that is where you may have heart issues or you may be older AND where the tumor is very small. Lets hope your doctor tells you I am wrong.
Sable, you say you're a very large woman and you've been told that that might make things more difficult.
Whatever you're able to do to get as fit as you can before surgery will help in your recovery. If you haven't had any advice already, can you see an expert to work out how you could do what you can to make it easier on yourself?
When it comes to the surgery, remember we all got through it and you're given plenty of pain relief, so that after a couple of days you get to feel steadily better each day.
There's not really a choice. As iceman often says, it sure beats the alternative (and I take this opportunity to doff my hat to iceman for that brilliant tongue-in-cheek lawyer's circumlocution - that cancer "over a period of time can cause a state where you no longer have to worry about it").
Stick around here Sable, ask all the questions you want to, and we'll all help you get through this.
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Just Diagnosedicemantoo said:Diagnosis
All of us on this board have been or are in the process of being diagnosed with Kidney Cancer. My diagnosis was almost 11 years ago and to be told that you have a 90% chance of the tumor being Kidney Cancer and that you have to have major surgery right out of the gate is enough to scare the sh.. out of any one. It sure scared me. And to top it off the surgery was not fun.
The good news is that if the tumor is 4cm or less the surgery is usually a total cure. Unfortunately when the radiologist or other doctor says it is Cancer, it is the exception rather than the rule that it is not. We understand that the surgery is much less welcome when you are full size, but the alternative is that until the surgery, Kidney Cancer grows and than metasisises and over a period of time can cause a state where you no longer have to worry about it.
As much as I do not want to say this, the surgery is necessary and sooner is better than later. Even those with tumors much larger than 4cm there are remarkable recoveries on this board.
There are exceptions to the surgical option and that is where you may have heart issues or you may be older AND where the tumor is very small. Lets hope your doctor tells you I am wrong.
Thank all of you for responding. I think I am still in shock. I have been in the hospital 5 times since last April - once for Pulmonary Embolisms, Hip Replacement and 3 times for cellulitis. I feel like it just doesn't stop. I am horrible with pain and just dread the surgery but pray they can. Like I said I am very large and the doctor I went to said he would not operate on me and is sending me to someone else. The mass is 4.5 cm in my left kidney.
I was also told there are several types of surgery but that the robotic one thru the stomach probably woldn't work for me as to my size. Has anyone had the proceedure where they freeze it?
I can't wait until April 2nd for my appt. with doctor but in the same breath I want to run away and hide.
Thanks all!
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The surgerySable2900 said:Just Diagnosed
Thank all of you for responding. I think I am still in shock. I have been in the hospital 5 times since last April - once for Pulmonary Embolisms, Hip Replacement and 3 times for cellulitis. I feel like it just doesn't stop. I am horrible with pain and just dread the surgery but pray they can. Like I said I am very large and the doctor I went to said he would not operate on me and is sending me to someone else. The mass is 4.5 cm in my left kidney.
I was also told there are several types of surgery but that the robotic one thru the stomach probably woldn't work for me as to my size. Has anyone had the proceedure where they freeze it?
I can't wait until April 2nd for my appt. with doctor but in the same breath I want to run away and hide.
Thanks all!
I wish I could sugar coat the surgery, but than I woukd lose all credability. Not fun, but necessary and having it while the tumor is fairly small your chances for a full recovery without any Cancer issues down the road are very, very good. Follow Tex's advise and try to be more fit and maybe lose a few pounds
As far as the Cyber (freezing) procedure first I must explain to the newbies that it was not named after me. Both my father and grandfather were in the retail ice business and therefore I am an Iceman too. My understanding is that it is done on much smaller tumors, but there is no harm in asking the Doctor if it is appropriate for you. I do know for a fact though that neither ice tongs or ice picks are currently used in RCC surgery.
Unfortunately the surgery is something you have to do to get rid of that little bugger. We all went thru the not so fun pain at the time.
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Fearicemantoo said:The surgery
I wish I could sugar coat the surgery, but than I woukd lose all credability. Not fun, but necessary and having it while the tumor is fairly small your chances for a full recovery without any Cancer issues down the road are very, very good. Follow Tex's advise and try to be more fit and maybe lose a few pounds
As far as the Cyber (freezing) procedure first I must explain to the newbies that it was not named after me. Both my father and grandfather were in the retail ice business and therefore I am an Iceman too. My understanding is that it is done on much smaller tumors, but there is no harm in asking the Doctor if it is appropriate for you. I do know for a fact though that neither ice tongs or ice picks are currently used in RCC surgery.
Unfortunately the surgery is something you have to do to get rid of that little bugger. We all went thru the not so fun pain at the time.
In my case the fear of the sugery was worse than the reality... Heck I slept through it all..! OK, sure I was in pain when I finally woke up, but they quickly helped me through it all... I was up and standing on the 2nd day... walked a little bit on the third day.. and never looked back... And I had a very complicated surgery... Yours should be a lot easier...
Good Luck..!
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I can't get over how nice you
I can't get over how nice you all are for answering my posts. Your responses make me feel a little more calm about the proceedure. I just keep remembering when I came out of hip surgery in the recovery room the pain was so horrible - I never, ever believed there could be pain like that. However once they got me comfortable the next two days are completely gone from my memory. I wonder if they will take out the mass or the entire kidney and if so what happens if I get it in the other one? I am a total worry wart. Thanks for putting up with me.
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Hi Sable,Sable2900 said:I can't get over how nice you
I can't get over how nice you all are for answering my posts. Your responses make me feel a little more calm about the proceedure. I just keep remembering when I came out of hip surgery in the recovery room the pain was so horrible - I never, ever believed there could be pain like that. However once they got me comfortable the next two days are completely gone from my memory. I wonder if they will take out the mass or the entire kidney and if so what happens if I get it in the other one? I am a total worry wart. Thanks for putting up with me.
First of all letHi Sable,
First of all let me tell you everyone here knows exactly how you are feeling. I was you almost 3 months ago now. The guys on here really helped me more than they will ever know and I am sooooooo glad you found them too!!!
What can I say but I had a 4cm mass on my left kidney like you and they decided to do open surgery as they thought they could do a partial nephrectomy but they changed their mind because of the roots of my tumor. The hardest thing for me was the wait and I wanted it done like yesterday......BUT.....you can take the wait as a positive to prepare yourself for the big day. Eat as healthy as you can and trust me it will help in the recovery phase. Go out and have nice walks and plenty of fresh air....it really does help I promise you even just for some head space!!! Just try to concentrate on getting through this and you can you know.
I can honestly say I never really suffered pain because I had plenty of painkillers. I would have preferred the epidural pain relief but they couldn't get one in so I had the morphine. Discuss pain relief with your doctor and he/she will put your mind at rest.
I totally agree with icemantoo......and his comment is sooooo true. I know its difficult at the moment because of the shock but you are one of the lucky ones in te grand scheme of things.....i say that to myself all the time!! Remember we are all here for you across many time zones!!! You mind yourself and stay strong.
Eims x
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Cancer in the other KidneySable2900 said:I can't get over how nice you
I can't get over how nice you all are for answering my posts. Your responses make me feel a little more calm about the proceedure. I just keep remembering when I came out of hip surgery in the recovery room the pain was so horrible - I never, ever believed there could be pain like that. However once they got me comfortable the next two days are completely gone from my memory. I wonder if they will take out the mass or the entire kidney and if so what happens if I get it in the other one? I am a total worry wart. Thanks for putting up with me.
The chance you will have Cancer in the other Kidney is very low, like 2% or less. One of the reasons for scans after the surgery is to nip Kidney Cancer in the other Kidney in the bud.
If it does happen with a very small tumor they can use the cyber or RFA procedure.
As it stands now at 4.5 cm you are very lucky and the surgery alone should result in no Kidney Cancer issues in your future. Mine was 4.2 cm. Do not overdue it after the surgery. One young mother went on a roller coaster 90 days after surgery. She should have waited longer. One member went to Vegas 2 weeks after and regretted not reading my post before hand that that was pushing it. I went water skiing 11 months after for my 60 th birthday and that turned ou to be OK.
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I Too Was Just DiagnosedSable2900 said:Just Diagnosed
Thank all of you for responding. I think I am still in shock. I have been in the hospital 5 times since last April - once for Pulmonary Embolisms, Hip Replacement and 3 times for cellulitis. I feel like it just doesn't stop. I am horrible with pain and just dread the surgery but pray they can. Like I said I am very large and the doctor I went to said he would not operate on me and is sending me to someone else. The mass is 4.5 cm in my left kidney.
I was also told there are several types of surgery but that the robotic one thru the stomach probably woldn't work for me as to my size. Has anyone had the proceedure where they freeze it?
I can't wait until April 2nd for my appt. with doctor but in the same breath I want to run away and hide.
Thanks all!
Sable I was diagnosed seven weeks ago and I had the surgery 24 ours later. Like everyone said it is frightning but once you get in the operating room you will be fine. I would reccomend you do some walking over the next couple of weeks to help your body. I know you are scared don't that is normal, I am still scared but I can tell you there are a lot of good people on this site and they have given me confidence and inspired me stay in touch with us and know you will be fine.
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I Too Was Just DiagnosedSable2900 said:Just Diagnosed
Thank all of you for responding. I think I am still in shock. I have been in the hospital 5 times since last April - once for Pulmonary Embolisms, Hip Replacement and 3 times for cellulitis. I feel like it just doesn't stop. I am horrible with pain and just dread the surgery but pray they can. Like I said I am very large and the doctor I went to said he would not operate on me and is sending me to someone else. The mass is 4.5 cm in my left kidney.
I was also told there are several types of surgery but that the robotic one thru the stomach probably woldn't work for me as to my size. Has anyone had the proceedure where they freeze it?
I can't wait until April 2nd for my appt. with doctor but in the same breath I want to run away and hide.
Thanks all!
Sable I was diagnosed seven weeks ago and I had the surgery 24 ours later. Like everyone said it is frightning but once you get in the operating room you will be fine. I would reccomend you do some walking over the next couple of weeks to help your body. I know you are scared don't that is normal, I am still scared but I can tell you there are a lot of good people on this site and they have given me confidence and inspired me stay in touch with us and know you will be fine.
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Same here healthy 35 male
Same here healthy 35 male with a wiff and 2 great kids. Thought i was a tough guy and then they found a 1.6 by 1.6 renal mass on my left kidney. Not so tough anymore haha. I love my kids and wanna see em grow also dont wanna be a burden on my wife. Have an appt on April 5th with the surgeon...Not scared about the surgery just scared for my kids i guess.....
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Us OLD survivorscran1 said:Same here healthy 35 male
Same here healthy 35 male with a wiff and 2 great kids. Thought i was a tough guy and then they found a 1.6 by 1.6 renal mass on my left kidney. Not so tough anymore haha. I love my kids and wanna see em grow also dont wanna be a burden on my wife. Have an appt on April 5th with the surgeon...Not scared about the surgery just scared for my kids i guess.....
Just so you guys all know, Us experienced survivors have been here awhile. But we speak the truth. Making up stories would be way too hard to remember what we have said. So......having a chance to hear EIMS take on things is "fresh" and encouraging and accurate. It is all NTI. Nothing to it! Absorb all you can from our posts. It is gonna help. Good luck!
By the way, BEAUTIFUL picture Eims. Stay well for your family.
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Kidney cancer
I too was just diagnosed with kidney cancer, mine was found by accident thank god, I am scheduled for a kidney removal on April 30th, I am overweight also, but my drs seem to think all will be fine. Good Luck to you!!! Any comments are appreciated!!! I had a hysterectomy on Feb 26th, after two weeks I was experiencing some pain that I thought was unusual, called the Dr after hours and was told to go to the ER. Upon going to the ER a ct scan was ordered to check for infection from the hysterectomy, it was there that they found a 2.8 cm mass on my left kidney, I had a biopsy 2 days later, and was told I had renal clear cell carcinoma. I then went to our local Karmanos cancer center, where I was given the utmost caring and kind treatment, blood work was done and my options were given to me, I was told the cancer I have does not respond to chemo or radiation, so the only option was surgical removal, I am a lil bit scared as the Dr informed me that the tumor even though it is small it is laying on top of the main artery to my kidney, so he wont know until he gets in there how much they will have to remove. Any suggestions or opinions are greatly appreciated. Thank you
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Chemo/radiationlconno said:Kidney cancer
I too was just diagnosed with kidney cancer, mine was found by accident thank god, I am scheduled for a kidney removal on April 30th, I am overweight also, but my drs seem to think all will be fine. Good Luck to you!!! Any comments are appreciated!!! I had a hysterectomy on Feb 26th, after two weeks I was experiencing some pain that I thought was unusual, called the Dr after hours and was told to go to the ER. Upon going to the ER a ct scan was ordered to check for infection from the hysterectomy, it was there that they found a 2.8 cm mass on my left kidney, I had a biopsy 2 days later, and was told I had renal clear cell carcinoma. I then went to our local Karmanos cancer center, where I was given the utmost caring and kind treatment, blood work was done and my options were given to me, I was told the cancer I have does not respond to chemo or radiation, so the only option was surgical removal, I am a lil bit scared as the Dr informed me that the tumor even though it is small it is laying on top of the main artery to my kidney, so he wont know until he gets in there how much they will have to remove. Any suggestions or opinions are greatly appreciated. Thank you
Well, the kidney cancer you have does not respond to chemo or radiation in the conventional sense. So yes, get it out. But it is considered small. Having pain from it is unusual. Don't concern yourself one bit about how much has to be removed. Once removed, most of us would bet that you have amazing odds at remaining cancer free. If not, there are many new drugs, clinical trials and procedures available to keep you well. Try to get some good exercise and trim down a little. It makes tolerating the procedure and your recovery easier. Good luck.
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Just Diagnosed
Thought of another question I would appreciate your answering -- after surgery do you go to Intensive Care? Oh more questions - do you have something going through your nose? I understand you only get ice chips for a few days - don't care but just heard that. Anything you can tell me about after the surgery will be appreciated.
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Hi Sable, Like yourself and
Hi Sable, Like yourself and a great many others on this site, I too was petrified about the surgery. I had a total nephrectomy for the right kidney in November 2012. I was in surgery for about 4 - 5 hours then in recovery for a further 3. No intensive care, straight onto the general ward. No tubes in the nose, only a catheter, a drainage tube from the kidney area and an epidural. I felt only minimal pain for the first few days. They had me out of bed the second day and walking a little on the third day. The rest they say is history. My diagnosis now? the specialist has told me that he is not worried about anything at this stage,and I have my next scan in May. I managed to get through this ordeal with the help of all the good people on this site. Between them all, there is no aspect of this condition that they have not encountered and their advice is sooooo valuable. Please take heart from what is said on here and good luck on your journey.
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