1-year, good update

CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member

H&N Gang,


Sorry about the delay, but my ENT is on vacation. He just happened to pop-in to the office today and heard I was interested in the results from my CT scan on Monday (maybe, just a little).  Anyway I just got a phone call from him.


In a nutshell, he said the enlarged area of the neck was nothing (did not elaborate on what it was) and when he combined the review from the (December) PET/CT scan with the current CT scan he said “all is clear, see you in 3-months”.


Thanks for all the support; I’ve just never gotten very good at dealing with the unknowns where cancer is concerned.  I normally see the upside of life, but this crap puts me to the test.


NEDelliciouslly yours,




Oh by the way, this Saturday, March 23rd I finish my rookie year (that has got to be worth something).  Yeah!!!



  • HelenBack
    HelenBack Member Posts: 87 Member
    Oh How Wonfderful! Enjoy!

    Oh How Wonfderful! Enjoy!


  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    Great News & Thanks, Matt

    It was getting harder & harder for me to hold my breath here for you.  LOL  Continuing NEDness for you for ever & ever.

    And on Saturday, you will become an official professional at fighting off the Devil!



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    glad to hear your good news. 

    glad to hear your good news.  praying it stays that way forever.

    God bless,



  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503

    He thought you MIGHT be interested.  That's the understatement of the year.




  • Hard12Find
    Hard12Find Member Posts: 218 Member
    Great news


    Glad this turned out to be a "nothing". I appriciate all of your support over the past months, and looking forward to being where you are in 9 more months.....


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    There's that NED guy again!

    Great News Matt! Glad to hear it! 


  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898

    I didn't want to ask again but the wait was driving ME crazy! I can only imagine what it was like for you.

    I am so happy to hear this news, I can't even tell you.

    I just got the call today from "Bob the PET scan Man", that's what he calls himself and so does everyone at the hospital, haha

    Anyway he called to say it is time to schedule my 9 month scans. I was doing ok but now I'm a ball of nerves, jeez this is crazy huh? I go next Tuesday.

    We must be about 3 months apart, I got my life changing news on 3/28/12. Started treatment in the end of April and now I'm 9 months out. 


    Well I think you should for sure celebrate this great news, I strive to be like you Cool

    Take care,


  • peggylulu
    peggylulu Member Posts: 375
    Matt I'm so happy for you !!!

    I too was starting to worry with you about you ! I was wondering why it was taking so long ? Thanks for letting us know as soon as you heard ! So glad all the worrying was for nothing.


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Billie67 said:


    I didn't want to ask again but the wait was driving ME crazy! I can only imagine what it was like for you.

    I am so happy to hear this news, I can't even tell you.

    I just got the call today from "Bob the PET scan Man", that's what he calls himself and so does everyone at the hospital, haha

    Anyway he called to say it is time to schedule my 9 month scans. I was doing ok but now I'm a ball of nerves, jeez this is crazy huh? I go next Tuesday.

    We must be about 3 months apart, I got my life changing news on 3/28/12. Started treatment in the end of April and now I'm 9 months out. 


    Well I think you should for sure celebrate this great news, I strive to be like you Cool

    Take care,


    Billie, sorry to hear you

    Billie, sorry to hear you have to wait so long.  we all know that is the hardest part.  i'm sure all will be fine and you will meet ned also.  praying for the best for you.

    God bless,


  • rachel12yrsuv
    rachel12yrsuv Member Posts: 435
    Ok 3 lashes to your ENT


    Ok 3 lashes to your ENT for making you and us wait, but time served for telling my friend:


    I am sooooo happy for you Matt, and your anniversary only days away, YAHOO!

    Celebrate, take your wife away, enjoy your inner peace!

    Thank God!

  • rachel12yrsuv
    rachel12yrsuv Member Posts: 435
    Billie67 said:


    I didn't want to ask again but the wait was driving ME crazy! I can only imagine what it was like for you.

    I am so happy to hear this news, I can't even tell you.

    I just got the call today from "Bob the PET scan Man", that's what he calls himself and so does everyone at the hospital, haha

    Anyway he called to say it is time to schedule my 9 month scans. I was doing ok but now I'm a ball of nerves, jeez this is crazy huh? I go next Tuesday.

    We must be about 3 months apart, I got my life changing news on 3/28/12. Started treatment in the end of April and now I'm 9 months out. 


    Well I think you should for sure celebrate this great news, I strive to be like you Cool

    Take care,


    Hang in there, you'll


    Hang in there, you'll get good news to, I know it! Scanxiety just plain sucks. There is no way to say that nicer. Just keep asking God to take the fear away and it will get easier. Ill be praying extra tough for you since I pray for the whole bunch of us every night!

    God be with you and may you be celebrating too. I can't wait till your turn to post all is NED!

    Love ya,

  • boardwalkgirl
    boardwalkgirl Member Posts: 269
    Matt, that is such wonderful

    Matt, that is such wonderful news. I have been worrying about you. Came on to post my good news and saw yours! Congratulations!

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    awwww, Matt, now you can

    awwww, Matt, now you can breathe again.

    GREAT NEWS !!! 

    I also was hesitant to ask again, so I am glad you posted right away.

    Now go and celebrate.



  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006

    Great news Matt , and happy healthy 1 year anniversary.



  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member
    So cool!


    Thank you so much for letting us all know. I feel like I can breathe again. We have been running around to appointments and then there is the working.. and I keep stopping at my pc and checking the thread hoping the entire time, you'd soon post, Dan was asking several times a day too! -- and you delivered! Whoo Hoo! So happy for you!

    Sorry you had to go through that but so happy you are NED again!

    Hugs, Kari (and Dan)

  • KareGiver
    KareGiver Member Posts: 301 Member
    NJShore said:

    So cool!


    Thank you so much for letting us all know. I feel like I can breathe again. We have been running around to appointments and then there is the working.. and I keep stopping at my pc and checking the thread hoping the entire time, you'd soon post, Dan was asking several times a day too! -- and you delivered! Whoo Hoo! So happy for you!

    Sorry you had to go through that but so happy you are NED again!

    Hugs, Kari (and Dan)


    Wonderful news!!!


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Whoo HOO!!!

    Doesn't get better than this, Matt!!  I think we've all been waiting on this scan report....Isn't it an amazing thing....the high ya get....after having to go thru a wait and see mode? 

    I hope this found you doing a jig in the kitchen....


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member

    Sorry I caused such angst.  That’s what happens when I sleep with my mouth open and the scanxiety escapes into the H&N world.


    Thanks for all the kind thoughts and words.


    Just one of you,



  • josh r.
    josh r. Member Posts: 264 Member
    Wonderful news

    Hi Matt,

     This is wonder news and it brings back wonderful memories of the first year of "all clear" from my ENT in 1992. As I came out of the office I had a hard time not going to my knees and giving thanks right there. I did hold on until I got inside my car before I did give up an emotional "thank You". Today I do it daily unabashedly, for myself and all of us survivors. Cheers to us all and those to come! josh r.

  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898

    Hang in there, you'll


    Hang in there, you'll get good news to, I know it! Scanxiety just plain sucks. There is no way to say that nicer. Just keep asking God to take the fear away and it will get easier. Ill be praying extra tough for you since I pray for the whole bunch of us every night!

    God be with you and may you be celebrating too. I can't wait till your turn to post all is NED!

    Love ya,


    Thank you
    Deb and Rachel,
    I appreciate the kind words and I will for sure keep you posted.