Update on KayeKay

KayeKay Member Posts: 122

Sorry I haven't been on here lately. I have been home since last Thursday. Really in a lot of pain and feeling like crap. I was feeling pretty good the first few days home. Since yesterday I have felt pretty bad. y painkillers just seemed to stop working wtf?? They had to remove more than they planned they found more cancer than they expected so I do have a liver pump. Anyways I told you guys I would keep you updated so ya. Noy doing so well gonna get back to bed. Talk to you guys later and thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. They were greatly appreciated and definitely needed. Thank u all!  



  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    Get better soon

    This crazy cancer...one day feeling good the next like crap.  When I feel bad I just jump in bed and try to ride it out.  Pray the bad feeling doesn't last very long.  Jeff

  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member
    Nice to hear from you. I'm
    Nice to hear from you. I'm happy you made it through okay. Hopefully the pain will subside soon. At least it's all over.

  • Varmint5
    Varmint5 Member Posts: 384 Member
    Glad to hear from you

    KayeKay - take care and just rest and heal. I hope you get something that helps with that pain.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Dear friend

    I am sorry that its a hard recovery. But considering what you have been through, its not surprising.

    You have been in my prayers and wiil continue to be so. 

    You really have the battle to fight, you are so young and that shuold give you strengh.

    Thank you for giving us an update, especially knowing that you are feeling so bad. 

    May your recovery continue and fast. 

  • tachilders
    tachilders Member Posts: 313
    Hoping you feel and get

    Hoping you feel and get better soon...

  • devotion10
    devotion10 Member Posts: 623 Member
    Best thoughts to you as you heal

    it sounds like it has been a rough road for you.  I cannot imagine your pain as I have not had this surgery, but I will be continuing to keep you in my thoughts and sending some strength your way. -- Cynthia

  • Semira
    Semira Member Posts: 381 Member
    Feel better soon

    Hope you will feel better soon!

    A hug from germany



  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Thanks for checking in with us.

    I found when I had the big surgeries it took several weeks to start to feel a little more normal, and it sounds like you've had a very big one.  Just rest, and stay hydrated, and give yourself plenty of time to heal.  Big (gentle) hugs~Ann Alexandria

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Thanks for checking in with

    Thanks for checking in with us. I had a similar experience on my last surgery. They ended up taking all of my right lobe part of my left lobe and part of my diaphram but I got through it. You have youth on your side which is a big asset although I am sorry you have to deal with this at such a young age.

  • dmj101
    dmj101 Member Posts: 527 Member
    Well a slow recovery is not a

    Well a slow recovery is not a bad thing.. take the rest.. your body is telling you it needs it to repair.  The fact that you made it to the computer to post is a good sign..

    sending to peace and <huggss> to help you thru it..

  • Dyanclark
    Dyanclark Member Posts: 296
    Get Better

    Get your rest and we will wait to hear from you.   So sorry you are having a bad time.   We will have you in our thoughts.

    Hugs George & Dyan SurprisedKiss 

  • AnnLouise
    AnnLouise Member Posts: 276 Member
    Been thinking of you......

    Thanks for checking in but I am sorry you are in such pain.....take care of yourself .....sending positive thoughts your way! ~Ann

  • KayeKay
    KayeKay Member Posts: 122
    AnnLouise said:

    Been thinking of you......

    Thanks for checking in but I am sorry you are in such pain.....take care of yourself .....sending positive thoughts your way! ~Ann

    Great Thanks

    Great thanks to all of you for your support. I think one the reasons my pain gets so bad is onmy good days I try to do wayyy too much cause in the hospital they say " the more u do the faster u recover,"but apparently that's not true for after u get home, just when you wake up from surgery. So often I feel like I'm being punished but why soo much??? There has been so much bad in my life that it really outweighs the good and seems to have always had.                                                  But anyways I need some suggestions on a tattoo about hope. But not "Keeping the Hope" because I already have "Keeping the Faith." So some suggestions would be great since I just can't seem to find anything that really stands out to me and I'm getting ready to get my next one that says "Never give up." But I want to add either "Fight Like Hell" or Fight Like a Girl." I was leaning more towards fight like a girl because they say colon cancer is more common in men than in women and definetly in someone of my age. Shall we take votes for anyone that wants to have a say? Vote 1 for "Fight Like Hell" and vote 2 for "Fight Like A Girl. Okay thanks guys! I should be in touch more often...

  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member
    KayeKay said:

    Great Thanks

    Great thanks to all of you for your support. I think one the reasons my pain gets so bad is onmy good days I try to do wayyy too much cause in the hospital they say " the more u do the faster u recover,"but apparently that's not true for after u get home, just when you wake up from surgery. So often I feel like I'm being punished but why soo much??? There has been so much bad in my life that it really outweighs the good and seems to have always had.                                                  But anyways I need some suggestions on a tattoo about hope. But not "Keeping the Hope" because I already have "Keeping the Faith." So some suggestions would be great since I just can't seem to find anything that really stands out to me and I'm getting ready to get my next one that says "Never give up." But I want to add either "Fight Like Hell" or Fight Like a Girl." I was leaning more towards fight like a girl because they say colon cancer is more common in men than in women and definetly in someone of my age. Shall we take votes for anyone that wants to have a say? Vote 1 for "Fight Like Hell" and vote 2 for "Fight Like A Girl. Okay thanks guys! I should be in touch more often...

    I think it's a very good sign
    I think it's a very good sign that you're thinking about tattoos. You must be feeling better and ready to get on with life. I have no ideas but I will put some thought into it.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    KayeKay said:

    Great Thanks

    Great thanks to all of you for your support. I think one the reasons my pain gets so bad is onmy good days I try to do wayyy too much cause in the hospital they say " the more u do the faster u recover,"but apparently that's not true for after u get home, just when you wake up from surgery. So often I feel like I'm being punished but why soo much??? There has been so much bad in my life that it really outweighs the good and seems to have always had.                                                  But anyways I need some suggestions on a tattoo about hope. But not "Keeping the Hope" because I already have "Keeping the Faith." So some suggestions would be great since I just can't seem to find anything that really stands out to me and I'm getting ready to get my next one that says "Never give up." But I want to add either "Fight Like Hell" or Fight Like a Girl." I was leaning more towards fight like a girl because they say colon cancer is more common in men than in women and definetly in someone of my age. Shall we take votes for anyone that wants to have a say? Vote 1 for "Fight Like Hell" and vote 2 for "Fight Like A Girl. Okay thanks guys! I should be in touch more often...

    Hope Rises

    Just an idea. I'm not good at this kind of stuff.

    I visualize a rising sun with Hope Rising in script below. 

    I too think its a good thing that you are thinking ahead. You are obviously a strong woman.

    I know what its like having crappy time in life. In fact, when the Oncologist told me I had stage 3, at first I was shocked then I was angry. I had an awful childhood, I mean horrific for a child (as many do). I told God that it was unfair that I had such a terrible choldhood, and that I deserved to go out of this life happy. 

    Chin up and muster on. We're with you every step of the way. 

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    KayeKay said:

    Great Thanks

    Great thanks to all of you for your support. I think one the reasons my pain gets so bad is onmy good days I try to do wayyy too much cause in the hospital they say " the more u do the faster u recover,"but apparently that's not true for after u get home, just when you wake up from surgery. So often I feel like I'm being punished but why soo much??? There has been so much bad in my life that it really outweighs the good and seems to have always had.                                                  But anyways I need some suggestions on a tattoo about hope. But not "Keeping the Hope" because I already have "Keeping the Faith." So some suggestions would be great since I just can't seem to find anything that really stands out to me and I'm getting ready to get my next one that says "Never give up." But I want to add either "Fight Like Hell" or Fight Like a Girl." I was leaning more towards fight like a girl because they say colon cancer is more common in men than in women and definetly in someone of my age. Shall we take votes for anyone that wants to have a say? Vote 1 for "Fight Like Hell" and vote 2 for "Fight Like A Girl. Okay thanks guys! I should be in touch more often...

    What about "Never say die".

    What about "Never say die". It is probobly too many words but what I like to say is "What doesnt kill me will only make me stronger". This is referring to the fact that I have had cancer 3 times and 3 times it did NOT kill me and I am stronger after each time.

  • Deena11
    Deena11 Member Posts: 199 Member
    Glad you are starting to recover

    I know you had a rough time.  Rest and know these fine people here on this forum are sending strong, healing energy your way!!

  • karguy
    karguy Member Posts: 1,020 Member
    Get well soon

    Get well soon,and do things at your own speed,try not to push too hard.I vote for #2.I hate cancer.

  • YoVita
    YoVita Member Posts: 590 Member
    KayeKay said:

    Great Thanks

    Great thanks to all of you for your support. I think one the reasons my pain gets so bad is onmy good days I try to do wayyy too much cause in the hospital they say " the more u do the faster u recover,"but apparently that's not true for after u get home, just when you wake up from surgery. So often I feel like I'm being punished but why soo much??? There has been so much bad in my life that it really outweighs the good and seems to have always had.                                                  But anyways I need some suggestions on a tattoo about hope. But not "Keeping the Hope" because I already have "Keeping the Faith." So some suggestions would be great since I just can't seem to find anything that really stands out to me and I'm getting ready to get my next one that says "Never give up." But I want to add either "Fight Like Hell" or Fight Like a Girl." I was leaning more towards fight like a girl because they say colon cancer is more common in men than in women and definetly in someone of my age. Shall we take votes for anyone that wants to have a say? Vote 1 for "Fight Like Hell" and vote 2 for "Fight Like A Girl. Okay thanks guys! I should be in touch more often...

    I vote for number 2

    Fight like a girl.  Love it.  Let your body help you recover - listen to its signs. 

    Best, Vita

  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member
    Wishing you comfort during

    Wishing you comfort during your recovery.  It sounds like you are up and moving which is great! But, over doing it will only set you back...that I have learned.  As for your new tattoo ... what do you think of the song lyrics "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"?  Maybe even putting its musical notes as the tattoo on a staff .... sorta would be cool ... with the cancer ribbon maybe?

    Hope you are feeling better soon!!