What a difference two months make

cinreag Member Posts: 154

The last time I posted was in January, after my abdominal scan, and I had the happy news of "no sign of cancer". Yesterday I saw the Gyn whom my Onc wanted me to see due to fibroid cysts in my uterus. The Gyn gave me the news that the fibroid tumor (one time they call it cysts the next time its tumor) has doubled in size 2010.My uterus is twice the size it should be. My liver is enlarged. The Gyn wants surgery to remove the female parts, wants my colon sorgeon there in case of any colon complications and also wants someone else there to have a look at my liver. Supposedly I will be opened up in the same place as I was opened the last two times. My belly up and down. My head is spinning and Im thinking ...not again...


  • wawaju04976
    wawaju04976 Member Posts: 316 Member
    I'm very sorry to hear this.

    I'm very sorry to hear this. It's like you never know what's around the corner from one day to the next...


  • YoVita
    YoVita Member Posts: 590 Member
    So sorry about your news

    Hope the surgery goes well and the surgery team is able to resolve your new issues.  

  • Varmint5
    Varmint5 Member Posts: 384 Member
    Sorry about you facing surgery

    That is just rotten. Hopefully, the uterine tumors will just be fibroid tumors - just get them out of there. And hopefully your liver will be just fine. Maybe he's just being cautious, covering his butt. Will pray this is the case for you. Hang in there! It's going to be okay.


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    I'm sorry you have to go through more surgery!

    I've done five big ones, and they aren't fun.  My hysterectomy was, however, one of the easiest, so hopefully yours will be too.  Also hoping the cyst/tumor will turn out to be benign...I have a couple of friends who had big ones like that and they weren't cancerous in either case.  Keep us posted on how it goes~Ann Alexandria

  • cinreag
    cinreag Member Posts: 154
    I am just disappointed about

    I am just disappointed about having to be opened up again. I figured the Gyn would recommend hysterectomy but I thougbt it would be done through the small little holes(know that has a name but cant think of it). But maybe this explains why Ive been feeling so draggy. It just feels like my internal organs are suffering from exhaustion all the time. I dont know if people can understand that or not but its the only way I can explain how I feel. Thank you guys for the encouragement. I really need it.

  • k44454445
    k44454445 Member Posts: 494

    you will need another surgery. hopefully it will not be too bad.



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    cinreag said:

    I am just disappointed about

    I am just disappointed about having to be opened up again. I figured the Gyn would recommend hysterectomy but I thougbt it would be done through the small little holes(know that has a name but cant think of it). But maybe this explains why Ive been feeling so draggy. It just feels like my internal organs are suffering from exhaustion all the time. I dont know if people can understand that or not but its the only way I can explain how I feel. Thank you guys for the encouragement. I really need it.

    Laparoscopic surgery

    i believe they take the uterus out via the vagina. I'm sure they don't want to do this so they can have a good root around. 

    I too have had multiple surgeries through the same incision, and healed well after each one.

    this must be a terribly stressful time, and want to know you'll be in my thoughts and prayers. 


  • fighting_ big_c
    fighting_ big_c Member Posts: 64
    k44454445 said:


    you will need another surgery. hopefully it will not be too bad.



    Hard to hear

    It is hard to hear anything that would make us worry esp hearing that you are free of cancer. At the same time, it is better detected early. I will be praying for you and your "team" would call for a good decision on how to target this. Keep the faith. We are all here for you.

  • PatchAdams
    PatchAdams Member Posts: 271
    Small intestine cancer

    A man I know well had cancer of his small intestine about 16 years ago. He's had some spread over the years followed by many years of being clear.  Last time I saw his wife, she said his 'numbers were rising' so they were doing some scans.   Don't, please don't, just assume this is the end.  

    My thoughts are......  if the liver was clear in Jan., there is very little chance this is greatly advanced in 2 months.  Let's cross our fingers that the 'enlarged liver' isn't enlarged at all. 

    Can you have someone let us know? 

  • Momof2plusteentwins
    Momof2plusteentwins Member Posts: 509 Member
    Sounds like I have the same or similar as you. I am seeing the gyn tomorrow. I did have a clear CT in Dec. Hoping the best for both of us.
    Sandy :)
  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member
    Just to put a positive spin
    Just to put a positive spin on the situation. Maybe its good that they are opening you up again. The surgeon will take a good look around. Possibly find something in an early stage (small) that would not have shown up on a scan. I realize it was not what you were hoping for. You are tough and you will get through it.

  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member
    So sorry to hear you are also

    So sorry to hear you are also going through this! Man! That is two on the board and I just finished!!! Whew...seems to me maybe us women should just have a hysterectomy during the first surgery! I went down this road just this past summer.  I am very thankful I had another open surgery, as it gave my gyn surgeon and colorectal surgeon an excellent opportunity to check everything out while in there.  I wish you the best ... it is not so bad having a hysterectomy ... just the "hot flashes"!

  • cinreag
    cinreag Member Posts: 154

    So sorry to hear you are also

    So sorry to hear you are also going through this! Man! That is two on the board and I just finished!!! Whew...seems to me maybe us women should just have a hysterectomy during the first surgery! I went down this road just this past summer.  I am very thankful I had another open surgery, as it gave my gyn surgeon and colorectal surgeon an excellent opportunity to check everything out while in there.  I wish you the best ... it is not so bad having a hysterectomy ... just the "hot flashes"!

    Oh well it sounds like this

    Oh well it sounds like this isnt so unusual then. :) I mentioned to the Gyn that it would have been nice if it had all been taken out first surgery but he sais it wasnt possible then. My tumor was hidden somewhere behind my pube((?) bone and it wouldnt show up in a colonoscopy or an endoscopy. So the first surgery was purely exploratory. And I have never heard my cancer staged so Im pretty sure it was just that one little tumor and a couple of lympnodes. I will surely start feeling better again if we get this taken care of. Whats the chance I might get some "happy pills" out of the deal? I have gone through menopause alrwady((several years) So my body may already be used to the hormonal interrruptance.

  • cinreag
    cinreag Member Posts: 154

    Sounds like I have the same or similar as you. I am seeing the gyn tomorrow. I did have a clear CT in Dec. Hoping the best for both of us.
    Sandy :)

    Good luck to you also Sandy.
  • cinreag
    cinreag Member Posts: 154

    Small intestine cancer

    A man I know well had cancer of his small intestine about 16 years ago. He's had some spread over the years followed by many years of being clear.  Last time I saw his wife, she said his 'numbers were rising' so they were doing some scans.   Don't, please don't, just assume this is the end.  

    My thoughts are......  if the liver was clear in Jan., there is very little chance this is greatly advanced in 2 months.  Let's cross our fingers that the 'enlarged liver' isn't enlarged at all. 

    Can you have someone let us know? 

    Yeah PatchAdams I will let
    Yeah PatchAdams I will let you guys know. I already know nothing is gonna be done until after June. So this isnt going to be a rushed, emergency thing. I still have to see my gastro doc and get a "clearance to even have the surgery. I guess that is the way it is done. I really know nothing about this stuff. I am the first person in my family who has had cancer. We were definately shield Ed from the "beast". for many many years , until it chose,me. So this stuff is new to us. My information I ,I get from this board. People who have been there, done that.

    Wow.....now that was a rambling response!!