Cynthia. Cynthia. Cynthia.

Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

I see that we have three differenct Cynthia's posting regularly on the message board. 

Just thought that was very interesting, and maybe I should change my name.

I know people are reluctant (including me) to post their real names, but with some posters here, I'm not sure if they are male or female, so a name would be helpful.

So, my name is Sue and I have colorectal cancer stage 3A.  

Anyone else want to share their real name, feel free. 



  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Winter Marie

    Is my honest to goodness name, female, LOL.

    Pleased to meet you Sue.

    Winter Marie

  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886

    My real name is Jeff.

  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member


    Hi Sue,

    As one of the three Cynthia's, it's very nice to finally "meet" you!    :)  

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    And I...

    really am Ann Alexandria!  It was painful being named Ann (at its height of popularity in 1941...I was born in the 60s), when everyone else was called Kerry and Stacy.  But I've learned to live with it.  If I was going to make up a new name for myself, I would pick something more interesting!  Ann Alexandria aka..Ann Alexandria.  Boring!

  • devotion10
    devotion10 Member Posts: 623 Member
    Hello Sue from one of the Cynthias who actually

    grew up in the south in the 50's as a Cynthi Lou, went through a period of what I thought was great creativity fueled by some recreational drug use in the sixties telling people to call me Thia, and my husband of thirty-five years has always called me Cyn ... nice to meet you Sue.

  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member

    Hello Sue from one of the Cynthias who actually

    grew up in the south in the 50's as a Cynthi Lou, went through a period of what I thought was great creativity fueled by some recreational drug use in the sixties telling people to call me Thia, and my husband of thirty-five years has always called me Cyn ... nice to meet you Sue.

    Hi Sue

    I am Karen Marie. Karen, because my mother thought it was unusual(found out later there were 7 Karens on our block,LOL) and Marie as it was her middle name also.



  • wawaju04976
    wawaju04976 Member Posts: 316 Member
    Judy here...

    Judy here...


  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member

    And I...

    really am Ann Alexandria!  It was painful being named Ann (at its height of popularity in 1941...I was born in the 60s), when everyone else was called Kerry and Stacy.  But I've learned to live with it.  If I was going to make up a new name for myself, I would pick something more interesting!  Ann Alexandria aka..Ann Alexandria.  Boring!

    I'm surprised! I thought for
    I'm surprised! I thought for sure you were using a fake name. The way it flows together, sort of like one name. Don't get me wrong though, it's a very nice name. Could have sworn it was fake!
  • Maxiecat
    Maxiecat Member Posts: 544 Member
    My real name is Alexandra but

    My real name is Alexandra but I go by Alex.



  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member



    Hi Sue,

    As one of the three Cynthia's, it's very nice to finally "meet" you!    :)  

    Hi Cynthia. Is that a real
    Hi Cynthia. Is that a real cat? If so, is it your cat? I really love cats. I have a fifteen year old orange tabby. Not cute at all and on his last legs. But, he's my baby.
  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    Marsha...Marsha....Marsha.  I

    Marsha...Marsha....Marsha.  I thought you were getting your Bradys mixed up Sue!

    I really am Jen and we joke with the chemo nurses that I need to get a job there because there are SO many Jens that work there, that it must be a prerequisite to employment.  You can turn any corner, call for Jen and will have someone answer!  


  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    wolfen said:

    Hi Sue

    I am Karen Marie. Karen, because my mother thought it was unusual(found out later there were 7 Karens on our block,LOL) and Marie as it was her middle name also.



    Karen Marie

    Do you know how long I've waited to hear what your real name was? 


  • YoVita
    YoVita Member Posts: 590 Member
    My real name is Mary

    Vita has been my nickname for 30+ years.  Vita means life in many languages.  I chose it as I was starting a new life following a divorce.    It stuck!  Other than my professional life, I'm known as Vita.  The Yo was just for fun.  

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    YoVita said:

    My real name is Mary

    Vita has been my nickname for 30+ years.  Vita means life in many languages.  I chose it as I was starting a new life following a divorce.    It stuck!  Other than my professional life, I'm known as Vita.  The Yo was just for fun.  

    Just a bit of fun

    I'm glad you didn't pick Rye for the fun part of your name. 

    Rye-Vita. A nice healthy crisp bread in England.

    I think Vita/life is a WONDEFUL nickname.

  • manwithnoname
    manwithnoname Member Posts: 402
    Trubrit said:

    Just a bit of fun

    I'm glad you didn't pick Rye for the fun part of your name. 

    Rye-Vita. A nice healthy crisp bread in England.

    I think Vita/life is a WONDEFUL nickname.

    This is the PERFECT thread

    to bow out on, my name is Tony as some of you know, BUT what none of you know is that on my 21st birthday I changed my name by deed poll, (in the UK you are allowed) to Bugs Bunny,

    but the funniest thing (to me) is ....I never changed it back, I still have a driving licence (somewhere) with the name Bugs Bunny on it.

    My mother refused to call me 'Bugs' my nephews and uncle loved it.

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Chelsea71 said:

    I'm surprised! I thought for
    I'm surprised! I thought for sure you were using a fake name. The way it flows together, sort of like one name. Don't get me wrong though, it's a very nice name. Could have sworn it was fake!


    it's authentic!  My mom was old when I was born (40) sho she gave me an old fashioned first name, and then the name of a city for my middle name because they went well together.   Never mind the actual name is "Alexandra".  Little details like that never stopped my mom.  I have siblings with middle names like Lance and Bliss, so I guess I got off easy being named after an Egyptian city.

  • AnnLouise
    AnnLouise Member Posts: 276 Member
    Nice to meet all of you.......

    My real name is Ann and middle name Louise...... ~Ann

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    This is the PERFECT thread

    to bow out on, my name is Tony as some of you know, BUT what none of you know is that on my 21st birthday I changed my name by deed poll, (in the UK you are allowed) to Bugs Bunny,

    but the funniest thing (to me) is ....I never changed it back, I still have a driving licence (somewhere) with the name Bugs Bunny on it.

    My mother refused to call me 'Bugs' my nephews and uncle loved it.

    Nope! Not going to let you

    Bow out, that is. 

    So some of us don't get along, thats life. My suggestions (and I'm always right Wink ) is if you see a post by someone who you know you have an issue with, IGNORE it. Move along, read the next post.

    We need each other.  You need us, I know you do.  I can't even imagine no wiat, I can imagine, just a tiny bit, how hard, how devestating it is to watch your child suffer. You need us, and we need you. Stay around my friend and things will settle down. 

    As for Bugs Bunny, that is just too funny, and indicative of how mad one can be when young.

    I am also from England, thuogh now living in the Nevada desert. 3 1/2 hours to my chemo every other week. Love these small mining towns (maybe NOT!). 

    So Bugs! From one English person to another, stick around. 

  • gizzyluv
    gizzyluv Member Posts: 143
    I have 2 names to add....

    First, as most of you know my name is Kris (Clarissa Renee, but everyone calls me Kris, don't know why though lol). I've had a couple of people ask me what the "gizzy" in gizzyluv is all about....gizzy is for my 15 yr. old Pekingese "Gizmo"...."Gizmo Little Buddy" is his official name. Just thought I'd add that for anyone who was wondering....I would love to hear about everyone's "furbabies"!.....also, how can we put pictures on here? or are we allowed to?....

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    gizzyluv said:

    I have 2 names to add....

    First, as most of you know my name is Kris (Clarissa Renee, but everyone calls me Kris, don't know why though lol). I've had a couple of people ask me what the "gizzy" in gizzyluv is all about....gizzy is for my 15 yr. old Pekingese "Gizmo"...."Gizmo Little Buddy" is his official name. Just thought I'd add that for anyone who was wondering....I would love to hear about everyone's "furbabies"!.....also, how can we put pictures on here? or are we allowed to?....

    Hi Kris!

    How is Jason doing?  And yes, you can add pictures...if you look at the thread "Show Ourselves", there is both a video tutorial that Phil put up, and written instructions by me, your friendly neighborhood librarian.