"T" Day



  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Just a Drill...

    That was just a drill....

    They wanted to check your stress level right up front... You know, just in case you're an a-hole, LOL...

    Since you didn't get phased, they said hmmmm, this guy is OK... We're gonna have to boot that other guy that's been a PITA for the last two days...

    Ring, Ring, Wink, Wink, Nudge, Nudge.... "T, we have a room that just opened up...., are you available"?, LOL

    Kick butt, but be cool..., or your room will suddenly become unavailable, LOL...



    It was close!

    ~LOL~ John,

    Honestly, it was close. When that girl called about the 45 night reservation at $60 a night I nearly lost it! Fortunately, I know about using "softening" statements like... "Please excuse me if I sound a little stressed but..." and "I apologize if I'm a little upset but I hope you can understand under the circumstances...." Or... "Let me say that everyone and everything I've experienced thus far  at Johns Hopkins has been above and beyond superior but....." ;) 

    I have to say, our social worker is awesome! She was so cool and down to earth. She was all over this. Unfortunately the housing coordinator will probably get an earful from the director for not documenting things in a way that others could figure it out. Our social worker was looking through her notes and couldn't make heads or tails of them. (She was out Monday back Tuesday and didn't return my calls and was out today as well). 

    Anyway... it's all cool. Ready and rarin' to go!


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    ILMM13 said:

    Wishing you nothing but the

    Wishing you nothing but the best as you head into radiation and chemo.  I have to agree with the others, you have an amazing attitude and that will get you through.  Glad to hear you got the free housing.  One less thing to worry about.


    Hi Ilm...

    I appreciate your kind words and well wishes. I fully intend on winning the war :)



  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    staceya said:

    We are with you in spirit...

    Cheering you on!

    Will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers as you begin the journey



    Thanks Stacey :)

    I was shown yet again today how powerful prayer can be and knowing you and others have us in yours is comforting.



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    fishmanpa said:


    Hi Ilm...

    I appreciate your kind words and well wishes. I fully intend on winning the war :)



    good results



    I would have to say “your glass is half full”.


    Best of luck.



  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    CivilMatt said:

    good results



    I would have to say “your glass is half full”.


    Best of luck.



    When ever there is a bump


    One foot in front of the other and pretty soon you'll be on the outside looking in !  You have a fantastic attitude and will get through tx's well.  We are all here to hold you and your lady up if needed.  Katie

  • michdjp
    michdjp Member Posts: 220
    Best of luck to you on this

    Best of luck to you on this journey.  It is good you have your wife with you to lean on and keep you positive.  My dad was 70 years old when he started treatment.  He just celebrated his 71st birthday and ate pizza and any desert you can think of!  stay positive have faith and believe.  Stay connected..it definitely got me through 

    all my best, michelle

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    michdjp said:

    Best of luck to you on this

    Best of luck to you on this journey.  It is good you have your wife with you to lean on and keep you positive.  My dad was 70 years old when he started treatment.  He just celebrated his 71st birthday and ate pizza and any desert you can think of!  stay positive have faith and believe.  Stay connected..it definitely got me through 

    all my best, michelle

    One Down!

    Thanks Michelle and Kate :)

    I'll be Ok. I have a great team 1st Rad treatment down! I met with my RO, RO resident and Nurse Pratitionaer/manager afterwards, They're all over it and will quell any issues before they arise. 


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    The Brady Bunch

    My Radiology Oncology team's names are Greg and Marsha. I've nicknamed them the "Brady Bunch" ~lol~ 

    I just found that struck a funny bone in me... 


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    fishmanpa said:

    It was close!

    ~LOL~ John,

    Honestly, it was close. When that girl called about the 45 night reservation at $60 a night I nearly lost it! Fortunately, I know about using "softening" statements like... "Please excuse me if I sound a little stressed but..." and "I apologize if I'm a little upset but I hope you can understand under the circumstances...." Or... "Let me say that everyone and everything I've experienced thus far  at Johns Hopkins has been above and beyond superior but....." ;) 

    I have to say, our social worker is awesome! She was so cool and down to earth. She was all over this. Unfortunately the housing coordinator will probably get an earful from the director for not documenting things in a way that others could figure it out. Our social worker was looking through her notes and couldn't make heads or tails of them. (She was out Monday back Tuesday and didn't return my calls and was out today as well). 

    Anyway... it's all cool. Ready and rarin' to go!


    Getting there private T

    Private T,

    Glad to hear you passed the first skirmish, an easy test up front. Hang in there and as has been said "one foot in front of the other". No need to lose it over something so trivial. You KNOW better days ahead to sort out such miscommunications and trust me this is not the last. Just take each day, each hour and don't take no for an answer. When you hit a pothole, just look for the next step out of it and keep going forward as best you can. Maybe there is detour so take it, it will lead back to the main trail, just be creative and patient; it all works out in the end. Glad you two settled into your new digs, place sounds very livable.

    Oh, just another test or two and that sargeant strip will be waiting. :-)


  • rachel12yrsuv
    rachel12yrsuv Member Posts: 435
    fishmanpa said:

    It was close!

    ~LOL~ John,

    Honestly, it was close. When that girl called about the 45 night reservation at $60 a night I nearly lost it! Fortunately, I know about using "softening" statements like... "Please excuse me if I sound a little stressed but..." and "I apologize if I'm a little upset but I hope you can understand under the circumstances...." Or... "Let me say that everyone and everything I've experienced thus far  at Johns Hopkins has been above and beyond superior but....." ;) 

    I have to say, our social worker is awesome! She was so cool and down to earth. She was all over this. Unfortunately the housing coordinator will probably get an earful from the director for not documenting things in a way that others could figure it out. Our social worker was looking through her notes and couldn't make heads or tails of them. (She was out Monday back Tuesday and didn't return my calls and was out today as well). 

    Anyway... it's all cool. Ready and rarin' to go!


    Come on from what I've


    Come on from what I've read about you thus far this is just par for your course. Its simply a Griswald adventure! Lol

    So glad it all worked out and so sorry for all the times I called your wife the wrong name. GSorry Marcia!
    You fight and we will keep praying, John Hopkins, only the topp of the line for you. If someone is to find a cure for all types of this beast its coming from there! You will definitely, like Katie said, looking in the window. Before you know it!

    Stay brave Friend and Pray just as we will!

  • michdjp
    michdjp Member Posts: 220
    fishmanpa said:

    The Brady Bunch

    My Radiology Oncology team's names are Greg and Marsha. I've nicknamed them the "Brady Bunch" ~lol~ 

    I just found that struck a funny bone in me... 



    What chemo are you doing? My dads first was cisplatin but it took a toll on his kidneys.  If you are doing cisplatin on Monday try to hydrate as much as you can 

    all my best


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    michdjp said:


    What chemo are you doing? My dads first was cisplatin but it took a toll on his kidneys.  If you are doing cisplatin on Monday try to hydrate as much as you can 

    all my best



    Hi Michelle,

    Thanks for the post. I'll be getting Cisplatin. 7 weekly sessions. I'm meeting with my MO tomorrow to go over the details as well as as address my concerns about the side effects. I have a chemo class Monday morning and my first session at 10am. I've been drinking a lot of fluids because, well... it's about all I could take in the last month after surgery. And now, since I'm finally eating some solid food, I put down about 20oz of liquid with anything I eat just to wash it down. Even my morning pill ritual empties most of a 20 oz bottle :)

    The "hydrate, hydrate, hydrate" message has been drilled into me from day one here ~lol~ 



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    t, glad u r starting down the

    t, glad u r starting down the road to recovery.  i'm sure u'll do just fine.  i hope u'll be able to let us know how its going.  my thoughts and prayers r w/u.

    God bless,


  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    fishmanpa said:


    Hi Michelle,

    Thanks for the post. I'll be getting Cisplatin. 7 weekly sessions. I'm meeting with my MO tomorrow to go over the details as well as as address my concerns about the side effects. I have a chemo class Monday morning and my first session at 10am. I've been drinking a lot of fluids because, well... it's about all I could take in the last month after surgery. And now, since I'm finally eating some solid food, I put down about 20oz of liquid with anything I eat just to wash it down. Even my morning pill ritual empties most of a 20 oz bottle :)

    The "hydrate, hydrate, hydrate" message has been drilled into me from day one here ~lol~ 



    Hey T

    Glad to know everthing worked out for you for your room and board, Just wanted to let you know you are in Diane and my prayers as you continue your journey.

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    donfoo said:

    Getting there private T

    Private T,

    Glad to hear you passed the first skirmish, an easy test up front. Hang in there and as has been said "one foot in front of the other". No need to lose it over something so trivial. You KNOW better days ahead to sort out such miscommunications and trust me this is not the last. Just take each day, each hour and don't take no for an answer. When you hit a pothole, just look for the next step out of it and keep going forward as best you can. Maybe there is detour so take it, it will lead back to the main trail, just be creative and patient; it all works out in the end. Glad you two settled into your new digs, place sounds very livable.

    Oh, just another test or two and that sargeant strip will be waiting. :-)


    Private "T"?

    Hey Captain Foo,

    I've been through officers training considering my pre-treatment experiences ~lol~ I'm like the Second Lieutenant fresh out of school and thrown onto the front lines with a group of battle hardened soldiers. I'm waiting for the inevitable moment when they all turn to me for orders and I'll have to step up to the plate and lead.... one foot in front of the other.... 

    I feel I'm prepared. Each day since the surgery has been a challenge and still is. I spoke with my RO about it yesterday. He was surprised that I was still taking pain meds. Although I'm taking the nuerontin, I started after the surgery and it will only take care of future pain i.e. throat due to rads etc. The discomfort from the surgery has "set in" and it's time that will tell for that. So, I have to get used to it. Pain meds will be a staple in the pill arsenal. 

    Well... off to patrol the perimeter and my 2nd treatment.... 
