Finally a desicion from Social Security

I have been waiting patiently since mid January for Social Security to make a decision, I expected that they would request that I be seen by their doctors(but no request came). I could log in everyday and check status and it always said "No decision, processing your medical information", well yesterday it changed to "no decision determuned as of today" and today "sorry can't process your request". So I called contact in Harrisburg and she said a decision has been made and I will be notified by mail from the local office. I ask for any info and she said she was not permitted to say..UGH! So close and nowhere at the same time. Trust me no income since December makes you really desprerate for response and then if God willing they approved, its still a 5 month wait from approval before first payment. Not meaning to get political or anyhting, but its because of all those people who don't need it and play the game that people in need are forced to wait. Sometimes the system just really seems backwards and unforunatelly you don't realize till you need it.
Anyone have experience with this. I worked the last 12 yrs, and feel sad I am here but with my career being sales and my serious speech impairment, my hearing, my dysphagia and eating schedule my doctors felt it was time to throw in the towel.
Let me know if you have experience in this matter!
I've never been down this road,
Rachel.....but I have seen others trying to muddle down it, and it's not easy to deal with a goverment agency. I always heard they automatically deny the first request.....that could be a rumor, how would one know if it was automatic, since it seems that's the way most cases roll? First denial.....then appeals.
The fact that so many people get away with cheating SSD, does play a big part in how they process claims. I've known at least 10 people in my life who.......had they put the same energy and know-how into a job that they put into faking their inability to work......would have been rich.
There's got to be a couple people at least on here, who have been down this road....who can give you some tips. (I always wondered how the fakers learned all the stuff on playing the system......I've never seen a class on it
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Phrannie,phrannie51 said:I've never been down this road,
Rachel.....but I have seen others trying to muddle down it, and it's not easy to deal with a goverment agency. I always heard they automatically deny the first request.....that could be a rumor, how would one know if it was automatic, since it seems that's the way most cases roll? First denial.....then appeals.
The fact that so many people get away with cheating SSD, does play a big part in how they process claims. I've known at least 10 people in my life who.......had they put the same energy and know-how into a job that they put into faking their inability to work......would have been rich.
There's got to be a couple people at least on here, who have been down this road....who can give you some tips. (I always wondered how the fakers learned all the stuff on playing the system......I've never seen a class on it
I think crimials
I think crimials are the smartest people in the country, if only they could use their minds for good Cancer probably would be gone!
Think of the stuff they pull off, then us poor people who don't break rules can't fix it just by being good. I always joke and say when the next presidential election comes by, let me see their crimial records and ill base my vote on that!
Just my haha moment of the day. Don't want to say much, I don't want to offend anyone!
Rachel0 -
Rachelrachel12yrsuv said:Phrannie,
I think crimials
I think crimials are the smartest people in the country, if only they could use their minds for good Cancer probably would be gone!
Think of the stuff they pull off, then us poor people who don't break rules can't fix it just by being good. I always joke and say when the next presidential election comes by, let me see their crimial records and ill base my vote on that!
Just my haha moment of the day. Don't want to say much, I don't want to offend anyone!
RachelI'm hoping that you are approved. I know every situation is different and sometimes it just depends on whoever reviews your case. My hubby was approved in 1998 for Social Security Disability. At the time, his was not cancer related, but all we did was make an appt. at the local office & take all his medical records along. He was approved not long thereafter with no problem. As you say, there was a waiting period before payments started.
In my daughter's case, hers is Stage IV Colon Cancer related. I believe she actually enlisted the help of a SS Disability advocate(lawyer ?) who was able to help her and she was approved. It took a little longer as things have changed a lot between 1998 & 2012.
Best Of Luck,
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Wolfen,wolfen said:Rachel
I'm hoping that you are approved. I know every situation is different and sometimes it just depends on whoever reviews your case. My hubby was approved in 1998 for Social Security Disability. At the time, his was not cancer related, but all we did was make an appt. at the local office & take all his medical records along. He was approved not long thereafter with no problem. As you say, there was a waiting period before payments started.
In my daughter's case, hers is Stage IV Colon Cancer related. I believe she actually enlisted the help of a SS Disability advocate(lawyer ?) who was able to help her and she was approved. It took a little longer as things have changed a lot between 1998 & 2012.
Best Of Luck,
Thank you for your
Thank you for your response now and before and forgive me my ignorance, I think I was ware you were the care giver, but I did not know it was for your daughter. I persoanlly don't know what you are going through, but I can guess having watch my parents when it happened to me at 28. Being a Mom now, I can't imagine how they did what they did. My mom drove me every day, was @ every chemo, surgery, and hospital stay and never once cried in front of me, I call her my rock, my Dad had to work harder cause my mom quit working to care for me, but ever night( he was a truck driver) whatever time he got home he came into my room, knelt on the floor, kissed me and asked about my day,he knew I was waiting for him. Cancer fighters are strong, but the parents at any age that stand beside their child while fighting this demon are a SPECIAL GIFT FROM GOD!
My utmost respect and prayers for your Daughter and for you!
God Bless,
Rachel0 -
SSDrachel12yrsuv said:Wolfen,
Thank you for your
Thank you for your response now and before and forgive me my ignorance, I think I was ware you were the care giver, but I did not know it was for your daughter. I persoanlly don't know what you are going through, but I can guess having watch my parents when it happened to me at 28. Being a Mom now, I can't imagine how they did what they did. My mom drove me every day, was @ every chemo, surgery, and hospital stay and never once cried in front of me, I call her my rock, my Dad had to work harder cause my mom quit working to care for me, but ever night( he was a truck driver) whatever time he got home he came into my room, knelt on the floor, kissed me and asked about my day,he knew I was waiting for him. Cancer fighters are strong, but the parents at any age that stand beside their child while fighting this demon are a SPECIAL GIFT FROM GOD!
My utmost respect and prayers for your Daughter and for you!
God Bless,
RachelWhen my Husband Bob was diagosed I made an Appt at the Local Social Security Office. I brought all his Medical Papers from the Dr's his Diagnsis and that it was Stage 4 etc..the woman looked at me and said I hope he lives til you turn 50...or you won't get his Social Security. I was astounded by her comment. I was hurt sad and angry. I would think they would be a bit more Professional. He was approved right away. We did have to wait the 6 month's. He was on STD and then LTD and the minute LTD found out he got his first check they said we owed them backpay. I know several Disabled people who get LTD and SSD I don't understand how they can get both. I am glad that you finally got an answer. I would personally go directly to the Social Security Office with all the paperwork as it made it go quicker. That is just my opinion and some can't go due to how far away the Office is or for whatever reason. It is too bad that there is the 6 month waiting period as that is a LONG time to go without money comming in. You should get extra monies due to having a child that is under 18. My Husband is having another Swallow Study done next Thursday and they are really pushing the Feeding Tube again and he won't cave in like I thought he would...he needs to rethink this and I have told him so. I am glad you are on board here as you have comtributed alot. I am so grateful for this Board of wonderful people who have made things easier for me and my Husband to understand the before during and after of Head and Neck Cancer.
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politics the game
This helped me. Each member of Congress Senate and House has a local office & staff. I stopped by the offices of both & talked to the staff. I made a paper copy of my medical records then a letter describing me & how cancer has made my life hell. Key here write like your life depends on it. Now your Congress person has no direct ability to change a thing but they can & do write letters of inquiry in which the SSA must respond. Its the squeaky wheel that get the oil. Mine was not sent to appeal and still yours may but then you have them write another. You can not sit back you have to Yell. Everything about our treatment is political one way or another. bill
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Backachedp,backachedp said:SSD
When my Husband Bob was diagosed I made an Appt at the Local Social Security Office. I brought all his Medical Papers from the Dr's his Diagnsis and that it was Stage 4 etc..the woman looked at me and said I hope he lives til you turn 50...or you won't get his Social Security. I was astounded by her comment. I was hurt sad and angry. I would think they would be a bit more Professional. He was approved right away. We did have to wait the 6 month's. He was on STD and then LTD and the minute LTD found out he got his first check they said we owed them backpay. I know several Disabled people who get LTD and SSD I don't understand how they can get both. I am glad that you finally got an answer. I would personally go directly to the Social Security Office with all the paperwork as it made it go quicker. That is just my opinion and some can't go due to how far away the Office is or for whatever reason. It is too bad that there is the 6 month waiting period as that is a LONG time to go without money comming in. You should get extra monies due to having a child that is under 18. My Husband is having another Swallow Study done next Thursday and they are really pushing the Feeding Tube again and he won't cave in like I thought he would...he needs to rethink this and I have told him so. I am glad you are on board here as you have comtributed alot. I am so grateful for this Board of wonderful people who have made things easier for me and my Husband to understand the before during and after of Head and Neck Cancer.
Thank you for
Thank you for your input, I ran for mail tonight and. UGH nothing! More waiting, oh well everyday closer to knowing if approved or need a lawyer!
I really hope your husband reconsiders, maybe have the doctor stress what WILL happen, not what could happen!
I'll keep praying for you both, if he sees the pain in your eyes he has to agree. Do you have Children? Can or have they made a plea, sometimes that's harder to say no to.
I have another swallow study next Wednesday, we will have to update each other, maybe God has improvement inmind for both me and your hubby!
Be. Hopeful!
Rachel0 -
Bill,wrhbounds said:politics the game
This helped me. Each member of Congress Senate and House has a local office & staff. I stopped by the offices of both & talked to the staff. I made a paper copy of my medical records then a letter describing me & how cancer has made my life hell. Key here write like your life depends on it. Now your Congress person has no direct ability to change a thing but they can & do write letters of inquiry in which the SSA must respond. Its the squeaky wheel that get the oil. Mine was not sent to appeal and still yours may but then you have them write another. You can not sit back you have to Yell. Everything about our treatment is political one way or another. bill
Thank you so much for
Thank you so much for that advice, honest to God I wouldn't have even thought about that. This is just one way this forum is so helpful, somebody has been through what your trying to attack. I think I read your info, I am correct in saying you as well are a long time survivor? How long ago did you appy for ssi?
Thank you again,
Rachel0 -
Hi Linda,osmotar said:SSID
Can your doctors write a letter or have they already done that? You mentione that Harrisburg. PA? I used to live and work in Upper Dauphin County, l small town Millersburg, before moving to the wild west in 2000.
Yes that is
Hi Linda,
Yes that is Harrisburg Pennsylvania. Not familar with where you lived, I am nowhere near Harrisburg that's just the capital as you know say all goverment is there. I live in Bucks County.
Yes, both my ENT and Primary sent letters. Hopefully the answer is yes, but if not ill just appeal and follw Bills advice and go to local goverment.
Take care Linda thank you so much for answering,
Rachel0 -
When did the doctors determine ?
SSDI is a federal program, so it should be state wide on how it is handled. I was on a disability plan through work when I had applied for socal security. Yes the regulations seem endless, but really aren't. I was considered disabled and they told me of the 6 month waiting period. But with my medical records they went back a yr. and I was receiving checks within 3 months of applying. Don't get too frustrated things will come together for you I promise. Documentation is vital in the process, having all your info. ready for them. Keep us posted, and hugs sent ! Katie
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Social Security
I did a quick search of the state of Penna and see there is a Social Security Office in Bucks County at Fairless Hills on Route 1. I don't know how far that is from your location, but just a thought. You can make an appointment if need be. But I am sure your next move will depend on what you receive in the mail soon.
My Best to You and Everyone Here
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ssirachel12yrsuv said:Bill,
Thank you so much for
Thank you so much for that advice, honest to God I wouldn't have even thought about that. This is just one way this forum is so helpful, somebody has been through what your trying to attack. I think I read your info, I am correct in saying you as well are a long time survivor? How long ago did you appy for ssi?
Thank you again,
RachelFirst time 1999 then in late 2000 I slowly went back to work the frustrating thing that 6 months you wait and can't work. As you starve go broke & max your credit cards they pay you as a transition period when you go back to work. go figure. You have 5 years to go back on disability with no wait period. In 2008 the radiation I had in 99 finally got the jaw & it had to be replaced took 2 months till they reissued claim hope this helps. I am very fortunate things have worked out so I am tube free now & cancer free 14 years +
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MarineE5,MarineE5 said:Social Security
I did a quick search of the state of Penna and see there is a Social Security Office in Bucks County at Fairless Hills on Route 1. I don't know how far that is from your location, but just a thought. You can make an appointment if need be. But I am sure your next move will depend on what you receive in the mail soon.
My Best to You and Everyone Here
Thank you, how
Thank you, how sweet of you! I do know of that office, and funny my dad and I were there to file and saw all these signs about doing it online and how much faster and easier. There was a long line in front of us and at the same time we turned and said why aren't we doing this on line, so I left..MISTAKE! I wish I did it there and may wound up there, so confusing, but hopefully they have approved it and I can start waiting the 5 month waiting period. I had to humble myself enough to even apply hope its good.
Again thank you for being so helpful,
Rachel0 -
rachel, i used bender and
rachel, i used bender and bender and they got it for me in 3 months. you have to pay them but at least they get it for you. i never had to do anything except give them the names of my doctors. they did everything else.
good luck, i wish u the best.
God bless,
debbie jeanne
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Rachel...rachel12yrsuv said:Phrannie,
I think crimials
I think crimials are the smartest people in the country, if only they could use their minds for good Cancer probably would be gone!
Think of the stuff they pull off, then us poor people who don't break rules can't fix it just by being good. I always joke and say when the next presidential election comes by, let me see their crimial records and ill base my vote on that!
Just my haha moment of the day. Don't want to say much, I don't want to offend anyone!
Its refreshing toRachel...
Its refreshing to hear from someone that won't break the rules. When I retired from the Air Force the guys at one of the final outbriefings encouraged us to
write down anything and everything on the disability list. I felt just fine and had no maladies and didn't write anything down and I was the first one out of the room. LOL
The criminals will lose in the end rachel so just how smart are they? You have to love them according to the Bible but you sure don't have to like em.
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