Appointments in the AM

NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member

Finally! My two week wait is over. Tomorrow at 8am Dan sees the ENT Surgeon who manages his care, hopefully he will remove the wax in Dan's ear so he can hear! And 10 minutes later, is my appt for the thyroid removal/biopsy planning. I never ever thought the two weeks was going to pass. We have waited so many 'waiting periods' over the last 5 months you think I'd just get used to it. But finally, we are here in Philly two blocks away from the dr's office.

They gave me so much time to think, (because he was on vacation) that I have a mental plan... I hope his plan matches.. I like neat and tidy plans.

Thanks for keeping me distracted for the last two weeks.. and I hope you realize.. I'll be waiting again for something after tomorrow :)





  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    See, Kari!

    Good things come to those who wait, or so I've heard.

    Here's to hoping your plan and the doc's are a match and that Dan is taken care of.

    Take Care,



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    sounds like a plan



    Ok, my plan is to go about my everyday business, but to check the threads often for your report (and plan).


    That is good reports for each of you.





  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Smooth and gentle results for both !


    Having a mental plan of attack is good to have.  But remember to be flexiable.  Please keep us updated, and I hope they can schedual your procedure quickly.  The fear of the unknown is worse than the knowing.  Positives and prayers being sent out for good news for the both of you Kari !   Katie

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    In your corner today....

    Oh, and BTW, if your hubby is like me....

    I can always hear my wife..., just some times I don't listen to her, LOL...


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    The plans....

    You are probably like most of us that seem to be "planners". I've always been a planner all my life. EVERYTHING is done by being planned out. I don't like spontaneous, forced decisions. For that reason, many often lean on me for advice or help with an issue or problem they encountered and I've always tried to do my best to help....BUT, when "c" came along and hit my loved one...the planning seemed to go out the window...or so I thought. What I have learned, and continue to learn is PATIENCE. That has always been my fearing word...but, I swore I would not let "c" take me away from fully being me. I began researching and drawing up my plans of what to expect and what to do for the unexpected. Fortunately, I found this forum and you wonderful folks....encouraging words and advice. Now that tx is over, I'm trying to keep from thinking "everything" has to have a plan...I'm learning to be more patient with things (still hard), it's making life a little easier. So, "c" has taught me a lot and still has.....our new normal. Maybe you will find this after part of your journey is done. I pray that you will soon have peace of mind very soon with things and you can also find your new normal.  

    Prayers for you today.



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    how'd it go today?  Hopefully according to plan, but if've certainly had practice in alternative plans.


  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member


    how'd it go today?  Hopefully according to plan, but if've certainly had practice in alternative plans.


    Whew.. more waiting!

    Thank you all for the good advice and yes, I could definitely learn a little about patience. But my job for 21 years has taught me to do things quickly, you know the old saying, do more with less? It means you work fast, make the right decisions fast, and keep the world communicating. I call it project management on the fly -- so this medical thing, of waiting, time taking, is very fustrating. I wouldn't be employed if I worked this way.

    So today the Doctor did convince me to agree to the biopsy. My rationale, is if they are big enough to take out, and they make my swallow move around them, then can't you poke holes in them when they are laying on a table? Then he mentioned how it's nice to have a surgical plan before cutting! :)

    So there's a 3 week lapse til the biopsy, and another week til I see the surgeon again - a month of more waiting, and then we plan.

    We really don't know anything more than surgery is in my future. Oh, and when they do the biopsy, they will will do a full neck ultrasound, not just my thyroid.

    And he told me not to worry -- ha! I see more weeks of little sleep in the near future.




  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    NJShore said:

    Whew.. more waiting!

    Thank you all for the good advice and yes, I could definitely learn a little about patience. But my job for 21 years has taught me to do things quickly, you know the old saying, do more with less? It means you work fast, make the right decisions fast, and keep the world communicating. I call it project management on the fly -- so this medical thing, of waiting, time taking, is very fustrating. I wouldn't be employed if I worked this way.

    So today the Doctor did convince me to agree to the biopsy. My rationale, is if they are big enough to take out, and they make my swallow move around them, then can't you poke holes in them when they are laying on a table? Then he mentioned how it's nice to have a surgical plan before cutting! :)

    So there's a 3 week lapse til the biopsy, and another week til I see the surgeon again - a month of more waiting, and then we plan.

    We really don't know anything more than surgery is in my future. Oh, and when they do the biopsy, they will will do a full neck ultrasound, not just my thyroid.

    And he told me not to worry -- ha! I see more weeks of little sleep in the near future.




    Learn from Dan's journey

    Hi Kerri,

    Try not to worry and get little sleep. Since you are very close to how a cancer journey goes, reach deep and replay a number of those periods of waiting and unkown Dan endured to assimilate and gain some internal strength to weather the unkown periods of those dark, stormy and bewildering times. I do not recollect how you two dealt with those times of unknowing but I assume you minimally experienced it all first hand and maybe grew to endure and maybe even accept and be at peace during those times. If not, use this time around to jump start your learning to accept the unknown by starting with a lot of experience that you did not have the first time around. You can do this, many do, including me who spent a few decades years as a PM and also running PMO in enterprise IT, so I do get the shift that is required. It can be done with a concerted effort to make the paradigm shift. don