Our New Journey

30 Rads Down 3 to go!!!!!!! Taking a day off tomorrw to have PEG placed. Nutrition is way down, throat and mouth very sore, can't seem to drink anything thicker than water. Going to get fluids everyday now. Not to sure about chemo. There is a possibility of continuing on for a few weeks post rad treatment. I should know more on Thursday. 

On a brighter side, my wife and I celebrated our 41st anniversery yesterday. We spent the entire day together. It was quite nice!

Here's hoping all is progressing well with you and a wish for successful outcomes for treatments. I mention each of you daily in my prayers. Thanks for being on this forum!



  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Happy Anniverary !

    Hey you two congrads !  41 yrs. together is awesome.  I hear such love in both of your posts !  And count down to 3...great job !  I never had a peg placed, but others will pop in shortly.  My thoughts and prayers continue for you !   Katie   

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    BLAST OFF!!  Well, ok...not blast off....but you don't have to go THERE anymore....what a relief that will be!! Laughing  Now time to kick back and heal up.  It's good to get the hydration everyday....it will make you feel better, and heal faster....and now that things aren't going down very easy, you at least know you're getting what you need.

    Congrats on the anniversary....that is a very long time....and in this day and age, a huge accomplishment.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    I can feel the bell trembling in your area, just waiting for you to ring it....



  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    Happy Anniverary

    Happy Anniversary. Always good to remember there is life beyond cancer. Your anniversary is something we can all virtually join. And great getting to near the end of treatments. Soon (in a couple of weeks), everything will be healing. It does take a little longer to heal than expected; so be patient. Rick.

  • ILMM13
    ILMM13 Member Posts: 28

    41 years, wow!  Congratulations!  So glad to hear you're almost done with rads.  

  • rachel12yrsuv
    rachel12yrsuv Member Posts: 435
    Hang in


    Hang in there, peg not so bad, you'll feel better when you get some food in you!

    Prayers coming your way!

    God Bless,

  • Jennfer39
    Jennfer39 Member Posts: 23 Member

    Here is to 41 years of marriage, and to all of the anniversaries you will soon celebrate post treatment!!




  • PapaPaul
    PapaPaul Member Posts: 33
    Looking forward to starting the Healing Process

    Only 1 more radiation treatment left. Tomorrow is my last one. Not sure what I will do with my mask, I have considered target practice, however, it does have some symbolic value. I got my PEG this past Wednesday. Hopefully this will help with the nutrition issues I've been dealing with. In the last 6 weeks I've lost almost 40 pounds and feel very weak. Using the tube is still a bit awkward and I feel like I Fill up quickly. Then the heartburn sets it....Not pleasant!  Hope things are going well with you all and I continue to make mention of each of you in my prayers daily!

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    PapaPaul said:

    Looking forward to starting the Healing Process

    Only 1 more radiation treatment left. Tomorrow is my last one. Not sure what I will do with my mask, I have considered target practice, however, it does have some symbolic value. I got my PEG this past Wednesday. Hopefully this will help with the nutrition issues I've been dealing with. In the last 6 weeks I've lost almost 40 pounds and feel very weak. Using the tube is still a bit awkward and I feel like I Fill up quickly. Then the heartburn sets it....Not pleasant!  Hope things are going well with you all and I continue to make mention of each of you in my prayers daily!

    PEG suggestion


    good for you !  only 1 more left...cause to celebrate for sure.

    One thing that might help with the PEG feeding is to slow it down some...take your time and it will be easier on your system.

    Also, make sure you are sitting up (maybe in a recliner) during feedings and maybe for 2 hours afterwards.

    It will lessen the reflux/heartburn issues.

    Good Luck today....and if there is a bell at your rad center make sure to ring it.