First night alone

Tonight is my first night home alone.  David is in Cardinal Hill after a total hip replacement.  I am glad we had the surgery because we  found out that the hip was indeed fractured. They repaired the fracture, removed the tumor and completed a total hip replacement.  He is a little stressed being there in the evenings without me, but they want him to be more independent.  I am totally in agreement with that.  So I sit home alone and for the first time in a while I've had time to come see my CSN family.


  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    Home Alone!!!
    I picture you pulling a "Kevin" from the movie Home Alone! Not sure why I thought that but it gave me a smile :-)

    I'm so glad this surgery is behind you both and I'm glad David is gaining some independence. Gosh, this has been some road hasn't it? You are one tough lady! I hope you know that even tho I don't get on here everyday, I keep you both in my thoughts and prayers!

    Get some rest and go easy on the Home Alone business, I'm sure Kevin had quite the mess to clean up! :-)

    Take care,
  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Please get some respite


    so glad to hear about Kevin and knowing he is in good hands. Please try to get some rest and destress from the last course of significant 24/7 caregiving. Don't have any guit, just try to unwind. Best to yoiu, Don

  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    Billie67 said:

    Home Alone!!!
    I picture you pulling a "Kevin" from the movie Home Alone! Not sure why I thought that but it gave me a smile :-)

    I'm so glad this surgery is behind you both and I'm glad David is gaining some independence. Gosh, this has been some road hasn't it? You are one tough lady! I hope you know that even tho I don't get on here everyday, I keep you both in my thoughts and prayers!

    Get some rest and go easy on the Home Alone business, I'm sure Kevin had quite the mess to clean up! :-)

    Take care,


    Glad that David's surgery is behind you now. Hoping for a swift recovery.

    Yes, I'll bet "home alone" is an unusual feeling. Of course, I've been there many times.  I used to spend hours cleaning the house from top to bottom during those extended stays. LOL  You'd think we'd take the time to rest and prepare for the next battle.

    Take Care,



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    climb in Phrannie's pocket



    Sleep tight.



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Only Physically

    But in mind and thought, you have a huge crowd with you, LOL..., including David.

    Thoughts, Prayers and sleepiing in the chair next to you,


  • Pumakitty
    Pumakitty Member Posts: 652
    Hi Vivian

    I am sure you are missing him very much.  I am happy to hear about his progress.  Please know I will pray for you both.  Try to get some rest.


  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    take a well deserved rest


    Great to see your post here...have been keeping up with things on the Caring Bridge site as well. Use this bit of extra time to do something for yourself.

    SO glad that David made it through the hip surgery. That in itself is huge.  And to think he may be up and walking is incredible.

    Sending you both hugs and lots of prayers that things keep going in an upward fashion.


  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    Enjoy your

    time alone, how about getting some friends together and putting on your dancing deserve a break and should not feel guilty!

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Gotta go along with the other ladies...

    about you catching up on Vivian while you have a chance to do so....I sure do understand that not having David with you is a huge change after all these many months, and probably disconcerting....just getting into a routine sleep schedule would be doing something for yourself, just sitting and relaxing is also doing something for you....if you have a hankering to be social, don't hesitate to take in a lunch with friends, and maybe a show....getting out of the hospital scene (mentally as well as physically), even for a few hours does wonders for the psyche....

    AND.....getting more independent is good for David.....a win/win!! Smile

  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Alone time....

    I know you miss not having David by your side....but, he's being cared you get that much needed time to try and relax and catch up.

    They will have David up and going in no time, then you can get to your next planned phase.

    My thoughts and prayers are still with you two. Nice to see you on here. Laughing


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Alone time....

    I know you miss not having David by your side....but, he's being cared you get that much needed time to try and relax and catch up.

    They will have David up and going in no time, then you can get to your next planned phase.

    My thoughts and prayers are still with you two. Nice to see you on here. Laughing



    Litterally another giant step for both you and David. Treat yourself while you have a little "Vivian time"

  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695

    Being alone will be tough for both of you. But the separation will be short term, and you will be back with David. Glad he had the surgery. I'm too sick to give much support and/or advice. Rick.