Arts and Crafts

staceya Member Posts: 720

Take a peek at what my daughter's friend made from my radiation mask.

Way to GO Marie!



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Best looking mask I've seen..., or smelt.


  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Oh my

    Beautiful.  And so creative. Thanks for sharing.


  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006

    Very creative.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    now that's the best looking "after mask" that I've ever seen.....truly!  Amazing how she took something that so damned ugly, and made it into something you can actually hang on your wall and not scare people.

    I like it!!


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member

    Fitting end to the scary one.  I still get anxious when I see one and I know that is one.


    35 Lorazapams Later I can say, nice job!



  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196

    To take the repugnant, and create beauty

  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    Pam M said:


    To take the repugnant, and create beauty

    Who knew?!
    What nice way to make something so ugly look so beautiful! That truly is an extreme makeover! If I'd been that creative maybe I'd have been more open to keeping my mask. I couldn't wait to say goodbye to that hunk of junk! But what you have is beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing.
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    A bit of sunshine !

    This is very inventive.  It's like taking a frown and turning it upside down to make a smile !  Thanks for sharing !    Katie 

  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344

    A bit of sunshine !

    This is very inventive.  It's like taking a frown and turning it upside down to make a smile !  Thanks for sharing !    Katie 

    Makes me smile.  John has his

    Makes me smile.  John has his mask in his man cave in the basement and everytime I see it I cringe. It just scares me for some reason. Plus it makes me feel bad knowing what all he has gone through.

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Very Pretty

    I wouldn't have know it was a mask by looking at it. My mask will have a less than beautiful ending after all is said and done ;)


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Very lovely

    I like how it has been adorned and reflects a positive image. Many other comments seem to reflect the darker and negative. Of course, running the rad "gaunlet, is for most, the worst part of the journey, I have created mental imagery more reflective of the bouquet. This is the treatment that is KILLING the caner. That is a GOOD thing. Maybe it will make getting through the rads and post tx rough road a more pleasant journey. don

  • staceya
    staceya Member Posts: 720
    donfoo said:

    Very lovely

    I like how it has been adorned and reflects a positive image. Many other comments seem to reflect the darker and negative. Of course, running the rad "gaunlet, is for most, the worst part of the journey, I have created mental imagery more reflective of the bouquet. This is the treatment that is KILLING the caner. That is a GOOD thing. Maybe it will make getting through the rads and post tx rough road a more pleasant journey. don

    Marie did a great job!

    I can't take any of the credit. Marie is a great artist.
    And..even after all the work she did, I STILL wanted her to keep the mask, not ready to have it close...

    Here is another sample of her work.


  • Greg53
    Greg53 Member Posts: 849
    staceya said:

    Marie did a great job!

    I can't take any of the credit. Marie is a great artist.
    And..even after all the work she did, I STILL wanted her to keep the mask, not ready to have it close...

    Here is another sample of her work.



    I certainly admire (or is it jealous??) people with talent.


    My only question.......where's the goat on the mask???



  • peggylulu
    peggylulu Member Posts: 375
    Billie67 said:

    Who knew?!
    What nice way to make something so ugly look so beautiful! That truly is an extreme makeover! If I'd been that creative maybe I'd have been more open to keeping my mask. I couldn't wait to say goodbye to that hunk of junk! But what you have is beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Who knew

    I feel/felt the same way Billie . I showed it to my Husband and my Daughter and then got rid of it . Every time I saw it I had to remember that I might still have the big C.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Greg53 said:


    I certainly admire (or is it jealous??) people with talent.


    My only question.......where's the goat on the mask???




    A goat mask....excellent idea.

    BTW Greg, I hear you are planning on some upconing trout fishing.....


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Nice idea....

    Glad she put it to some use in some way. She's creative. Ours went in the DUMPSTER! Garbage truck couldn't get here fast enough!!!Laughing

  • staceya
    staceya Member Posts: 720
    Greg53 said:


    I certainly admire (or is it jealous??) people with talent.


    My only question.......where's the goat on the mask???


    Greg the goat mask. PS It is kind of creepy.

    imageDon't say you weren't warned.......

  • Jennfer39
    Jennfer39 Member Posts: 23 Member
    Couldn't do it...

    I left mine behind.  For what it cost, I guess I should have taken it......My mom wanted me to send it to her in GA, to paint up and "artsify"... but I just didn't want it "following me" home.   What strength it takes for your daughter to work on something that represents your family's painful journey.  I hope it was cathartic for all of you! 



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    staceya said: the goat mask. PS It is kind of creepy.

    imageDon't say you weren't warned.......


    At least it has a smile goin on, LOL...