mind, body, spirit

Hello guys and gals,

I'm bringing up a subject that for me as a survivor needs to be addressed.  Physical activity, and how to incorporate into our life styles after dx's and tx's.  As most of you know my lungs are pretty banged up.  The weather in Minnesota is not cooperating for walks outside.  Ice, and more ice.  Push ups, sit ups, toe touches ummmm probably not.  I am researching on foods that build the immune system up, and my poor hubby isn't really impressed with some of the ideas I've come up with.  LOL !  I use music therapy, and scents to bring my inner self some peace.  I'm thinking back on a post, (can't remember who...crs kicking in) on yoga or middle eastern  practices with movement that helps build endurance.  I know alot of you are very active and almost back to a pre-dx/tx state.  But there are alot of us that could use suggestions on this subject.  I will never physically be were I was 2 years ago.  And I've accepted it.  (not saying I like it)  Any suggestions, or direction on this one would be much appreciated !  Wishing you all a fantastic day !    Katie 


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    A total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind.

    Tai Chi has been mentioned by a few on here, Greg and RatFace I believe among others.

    But just having a positive mental attitiuse, and for me maintining a sense of humor (though mine is a bit on the Abi-Normal side, LOL)... is huge during all phases of treatment and recovery.

    And I believe that you already understand that, as your postings demonstrate...



  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    local community options

    Hi Katie,

    Not sure how large your community is but usually there are community options for getting exercise. Anything from public open swim times, aerobicise classes to other community/adult education classes including the various mediation arts and such. What about the Y in your town, they often offer exercise options at pretty little cost. And there are local gyms I am sure that offer exercise options. You can also ask around the local school district about what goes on at the school gyms or the community center. I know there are "pickup" nights for various adults to meet and play basketball and other such things. Look around and you should likely find something in the community.


  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    Various things I do, free

    As you all know, I babysit my youngest Grandson and on the days  have him, usually 4 a week...I play. Old fashion, get down on the floor, crawling around playing...we go to a near-by enclosed mall that has a playground and he plays there, the other parents look at me kinda funny when I join in..heehee, we walk around the mall as fast as  we can, or stroll and talk. We go to the park when it's nice, pack a lunch and find all sorts of things to investigate. The park has a lake with a walking path, so that's good to take our "magic-fying "glasses ( Win's word) and hunt bugs.The pool is our favorite spot when it's hot, ours has a lazy river you float around on a tube..keeping up with him is tiring somedays. At home, we play badmitton,t-ball,kick ball..see the pattern:)   I have an exercise bike I try to ride about half hour a day.,while he zooms around the basement on a tricycle.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    When I was in my 20's...

    a couple girlfriends and I used to take Yoga at the "Y"....at first we did it as sort of a girl's night out, but we loved how we felt so much, we took the beginner's class over and over and over.  That was 40 years ago, and I still do Yoga....it is so relaxing, yet it builds and keeps muscles, improves balance, keeps me limber......the type of breathing you do is slow but because you conciously use your diaphram to inhale and exhale....you take in more oxygen than normal breathing, and it takes that to your muscles....and more importantly to your brain....the side effect of that is a deep relaxation.  I still use yoga to relax with since I seem to be a high anxiety type person.  I think you'd like it, Katie....visualization is also a part of yoga....it's not hard on the body, either....none of that sweating, catch your breath type exercise....just stretching and holding in unison with the breathing.

    As far as food...gawd, I am a horrible eater, and have been for years.  I don't necessarily eat junk, but I can get on a kick, and eat the same thing over and over for weeks or months Embarassed....The last 2 months I've been on a homemade vegitable beef soup kick....and I can tell I'm not over it yet.  I want to eat, but dont want to have to think it up.


  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    The 'body' part of the equation

    As far as physical activity, I walked after treatment.  When the weather got lousy, I got an elliptical, and I work out on that daily.  I like it.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Skiffin16 said:


    A total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind.

    Tai Chi has been mentioned by a few on here, Greg and RatFace I believe among others.

    But just having a positive mental attitiuse, and for me maintining a sense of humor (though mine is a bit on the Abi-Normal side, LOL)... is huge during all phases of treatment and recovery.

    And I believe that you already understand that, as your postings demonstrate...





    I knew there was somethings posted on this.  Thank you, and yes frame of mind w/humor are very helpful to stay upbeat and positive !  Thanks John !   Katie

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    donfoo said:

    local community options

    Hi Katie,

    Not sure how large your community is but usually there are community options for getting exercise. Anything from public open swim times, aerobicise classes to other community/adult education classes including the various mediation arts and such. What about the Y in your town, they often offer exercise options at pretty little cost. And there are local gyms I am sure that offer exercise options. You can also ask around the local school district about what goes on at the school gyms or the community center. I know there are "pickup" nights for various adults to meet and play basketball and other such things. Look around and you should likely find something in the community.


    Very rural...tiny community


    These are all very good ideas !  We live in a tiny community, with not many options.  I did try to get the doc's to refer me for pulmonary re-hab, but that was a no go.  Worried it wouldn't work ?  Would love to swim too, and regardless of what they say I will.  Was worned this could be dangerous with my lung function.  But I think with some kind of floatation vest on I'd do fine.  I will check with the community ed. program through our county to see what they offer.  Thanks Don !   Katie

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Grandmax4 said:

    Various things I do, free

    As you all know, I babysit my youngest Grandson and on the days  have him, usually 4 a week...I play. Old fashion, get down on the floor, crawling around playing...we go to a near-by enclosed mall that has a playground and he plays there, the other parents look at me kinda funny when I join in..heehee, we walk around the mall as fast as  we can, or stroll and talk. We go to the park when it's nice, pack a lunch and find all sorts of things to investigate. The park has a lake with a walking path, so that's good to take our "magic-fying "glasses ( Win's word) and hunt bugs.The pool is our favorite spot when it's hot, ours has a lazy river you float around on a tube..keeping up with him is tiring somedays. At home, we play badmitton,t-ball,kick ball..see the pattern:)   I have an exercise bike I try to ride about half hour a day.,while he zooms around the basement on a tricycle.

    Me too !


    I love my grandbabies and try very hard to spend as much time with them as possible.  In fact we just had our 4 yr. old grandson, and 5 mo. old granddaughter over for the wk. end.  But I had to call my daughter and tell her to come pick them up early as grannie pettered out.  This makes me angry with myself, which is silly.  I can't control the weakness or pain yet.  Thanks for the wonderful advice, and as I regain some of my energy I will continue to have grandchildren time.  It's priceless, and so needed !   Katie

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912

    When I was in my 20's...

    a couple girlfriends and I used to take Yoga at the "Y"....at first we did it as sort of a girl's night out, but we loved how we felt so much, we took the beginner's class over and over and over.  That was 40 years ago, and I still do Yoga....it is so relaxing, yet it builds and keeps muscles, improves balance, keeps me limber......the type of breathing you do is slow but because you conciously use your diaphram to inhale and exhale....you take in more oxygen than normal breathing, and it takes that to your muscles....and more importantly to your brain....the side effect of that is a deep relaxation.  I still use yoga to relax with since I seem to be a high anxiety type person.  I think you'd like it, Katie....visualization is also a part of yoga....it's not hard on the body, either....none of that sweating, catch your breath type exercise....just stretching and holding in unison with the breathing.

    As far as food...gawd, I am a horrible eater, and have been for years.  I don't necessarily eat junk, but I can get on a kick, and eat the same thing over and over for weeks or months Embarassed....The last 2 months I've been on a homemade vegitable beef soup kick....and I can tell I'm not over it yet.  I want to eat, but dont want to have to think it up.


    Wonderful suggestion !


    Yes, yoga sounds like the ticket for me.  Though I have watched late nite programs with crazy fast paced yoga positions and even in my 20's .....yeah right !  I will be checking into this and try maybe to pull my sister or daughters into this with me.  Thanks P !   Katie

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    D Lewis said:

    The 'body' part of the equation

    As far as physical activity, I walked after treatment.  When the weather got lousy, I got an elliptical, and I work out on that daily.  I like it.


    Like a stepper ?


    I do well with weights, push....pull.  I've tried treadmills and cannot make it very long at a (what they call) normal walking pace.  My daughter has a combo machine that I can put at a slow speed, and do well with.  It's got handles on it and foot peddles.  It's kinda like cross country skiing, only at a pace I can do.  Slow and steady.  It's small enough and portable....maybe I'll borrow it for awhile.  Yes, walking will be great once winter lets up.  I still use a cane due to my hip repair back in '11.  Thanks Deb !   Katie

  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723

    Me too !


    I love my grandbabies and try very hard to spend as much time with them as possible.  In fact we just had our 4 yr. old grandson, and 5 mo. old granddaughter over for the wk. end.  But I had to call my daughter and tell her to come pick them up early as grannie pettered out.  This makes me angry with myself, which is silly.  I can't control the weakness or pain yet.  Thanks for the wonderful advice, and as I regain some of my energy I will continue to have grandchildren time.  It's priceless, and so needed !   Katie

    Don't be mad

    at yourself, a 4 year old can wear you out, let alone adding a 5 month old to the mix~~~you'll get some energy back, takes time

  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    Fitness ideas

    I can say without a doubt that returning to the gym has done wonders for me both physically and mentally. It does not matter where you start as doing something is better than nothing. If you have stairs in your walking that would be a great start, even incorporate some deep knee bends, lunges etc. you can even do a standing push-up against a wall. With your cold weather a tread mill would be ideal. A physical therapy center can sell you some resistance bands that can aid in stretching and some muscle toning. 

    I would guess just having some warmer weather will do a ton of good so you can then get outside to walk, ride a bike etc.



  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    I'm with John here


    I agree with John, laughter and positive thinking is the best medicine. However, I do agree that some type of excercise is also important and like our reactions to different treatments we have to find something that works for us as an individual. On the lighter side I did start jogging, I get home from work and sit on the sofa, my wife yells supper's ready and I get up and jog to the kitchen.(I had to get that in)                     Life is good.


  • Greg53
    Greg53 Member Posts: 849

    Fitness ideas

    I can say without a doubt that returning to the gym has done wonders for me both physically and mentally. It does not matter where you start as doing something is better than nothing. If you have stairs in your walking that would be a great start, even incorporate some deep knee bends, lunges etc. you can even do a standing push-up against a wall. With your cold weather a tread mill would be ideal. A physical therapy center can sell you some resistance bands that can aid in stretching and some muscle toning. 

    I would guess just having some warmer weather will do a ton of good so you can then get outside to walk, ride a bike etc.






    Love the title of your post, because that's exactly why I got into TaiChi.  Lots of good regimes out there, but I think yoga (Ratface, where are you?) or TaiChi could benefit you.  I've been at TaiChi for 2 years now and personally have gotten a lot out of it - mentally (lower stress), physically (no neck spasms!!) and spiritually (not a religious person, but this helped me immensely in this area).  It helps to have a good instructor to get you started but there are tons of websites and books on both of these also.  (I'll pm you with some).   I practice TaiChi every day along with some aerobics (hiking, kayaking) and a couple of days of weight lifting thrown in also.


    Hope this helps - you have certainly lifted me with your posts!  (Also love seeing your pic  - you look great!).




  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Eat right too!



    I thought with all the snow shoveling and wood splitting you would be in great shape.  It just shows how wrong I can be.  Well, if moving to a different climate is out of the question, then I have to agree with everyone else.  A little something for your mind (Zen, yoga, humor) and a little something for your body (swimming, exercise equipment, a club).


    The weather will be in your favor soon and you can walk about.  I like the music therapy and scents, makes you feel happy and you don’t even know it.


    Keep thinking,

