Ct-pet scan reports are in....

sdp Member Posts: 181
I had made a brief mention of my increasing cancer markers in another topic .." RFA to tumour scars?.."

The tumor markers had an increasing trend which had me worried. Got my Ct-pet scans done as I was concerned and worried. Last scan was in November 2012. Then I was in maintenance chemo of erbitux for 12 cycles which completed on 19th february 2013.

The latest scan report reads like NED to me. Have yet to discuss with the oncologist in detail but on the telephone he said all is good and we have nothing further to do at the moment. The scan report synopsis reads as follows ,

Finally scan reports are in. The three spots On the liver which were there in the last scan seem to have resolved and the synopsis of the report says as follows,

The whole body PET scan shows
No demonstrable metabolically active focus/lesion in the liver. There is resolution of metabolic activity within previously described metabolically active lesions with calcifications in segments II, IV A and V. Further decrease in size of segment hypodense lesion with calcification from 2.1 x 2.7 to current 1.9 x 2 cm
No abnormal FDG uptake at the hepatic resection margin
No size significant or FDG avid adenopathy within abdomen
No evidence of FDG avid active disease elsewhere within the body

I hope it stays that way.......



  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good morning, Shitul.
    Good morning, Shitul. Congratulations on a clear scan. Wonderful news. You must be relieved. Have a good weekend.

  • rogina2336
    rogina2336 Member Posts: 188
    Awesome news !! Kim

    Awesome news Laughing!! Kim

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Happy Dance

    Great news indeed.

    I'd be dancing in the street right now if that were me.

    May it all continue on the good path.

    Thank you for posting your good news. 

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I am happy to hear your good

    I am happy to hear your good news.

  • Yvonne2011
    Yvonne2011 Member Posts: 4
    So happy for you.  It's so

    So happy for you.  It's so scary waiting for the results.

  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    wonderful Shitul



  • fatbob2010
    fatbob2010 Member Posts: 467 Member
    Great News Thank You for Sharing

    Congratulations on the scan results Shitul.....

  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    Sounds good

    From what you're seeing it sounds good. Pray after all your scans are complete you are NED.  Jeff

  • Ceceb04
    Ceceb04 Member Posts: 4

    Hello Shitul,

    I would first like to start off by say congradulations, it is trully a blessing. That is great to hear and makes me extremely happy to read stories just like yours. It gives me a sense of hope for others who have to go through so much. 

    About 6 months ago I lost my uncle to colon cancer. He was diagnosed four months before the disease took his life. As a family we are trying to help save the lives of others. We need 100,000 people to sign this petition for our voices to be heard. There are about 102,480 new cases in 2013 that can result in as many as 50,830 deaths. One in twenty people are at risk for developing colon cancer because we are not educated on this issue. Incidence rates in adults younger than 50 have increased over the years resulting in a number of people losing their lives so young. PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW !

    Petition Link wh.gov/wtuJ

    Early screening can save a life.

    Thank you for your time and support,