Liquid diet formulation

donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
edited March 2013 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hi all,

With all the recent talk about swallowing and "eating" of any form orally and the need to keep swallowing during treatment, I accellerated my experimentation with liquid nutrition so I am not going to be "eating" anything, only swallowing water and liquid nutrition. Personally, the Ensure type stuff is a bunch of crap if you look at the labels closely. As you are finding out by now I am a hard core DIY sort of personality and willing to take all the time to research until a proper solution is found.

The current formula I just started is as follows:


100% Whey Gold Standard (24g/0g,1g,120cal)

Serious Mass (24g/125g,2g,625cal)

Whole Milk 16oz (15.6g/22g/16g,292)


This formula packs a total of 64.6g of protein, 147g of carbo, 19.3g of fat, and a whopping 1037 calories.

And it tastes damn good. If taste buds freak then there are a number of other flavors to choose and also many flavor supplements to customize flavor to dial in something palatable.

All these products are powerized so all it takes is to scoop into a shaker cup with a wire ball and shake a way. My son also adds some ice chips so it tastes like a milkshake. Once the Vita-mix comes, I'll try various blenderized versions using ice and other frozen fruits such as strawberries and blueberries to give various alternative flavoring and texture. If cold does Adding nuts and seeds can also be used to alter the texture as desired.

Lastly, a bag of Animal vitamin pack rounds out the full compliment of needed stuff.

Here is the links to the nutritional contents, I did not ennumerate the many other supplemental vitmins and minerals in the core ingredients. They are listed in detail via the links.





  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    a diet to live by



    It all sounds real good, being prepared is half the battle. 


    I lived on smoothies for 7 months, but never got that into it.  A scoop of protein powder, a hand full of almonds, a cup of whole milk (half-n-half when I needed calories), a cup of (homegrown) blueberries or Marion berries and a tablespoon of canola oil for calories.


    I did not start taking a low-dose multi-vitamin until after the cancer was gone.  I read the play book for cancer and cancer loves vitamins (still debatable, but no vitamins).


    The flavor of things did not matter to me because I both could not taste things and hated the taste of things (analyze that) at the same time.  Furthermore I hated the feel of 99% of all food.  My parents could not understand my situation so I placed a can of Crisco shortening on their table and said this is what food feels and tastes like to me.  I am thankful for those in the H&N forum who retain taste, flavor and feel of food I just was not one of them.  We have all heard the lack of taste being like a bad cold, well I can guarantee it is nothing like a bad cold.


    The most important thing I learned from the H&N crew is about the importance of hydration and swallowing.  I started drinking lots of water before treatments started and never stopped.  It is 8pm west coast time and I will more than likely have 2 to 3 more glasses tonight.


    Good luck,



  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    a diet to live by



    It all sounds real good, being prepared is half the battle. 


    I lived on smoothies for 7 months, but never got that into it.  A scoop of protein powder, a hand full of almonds, a cup of whole milk (half-n-half when I needed calories), a cup of (homegrown) blueberries or Marion berries and a tablespoon of canola oil for calories.


    I did not start taking a low-dose multi-vitamin until after the cancer was gone.  I read the play book for cancer and cancer loves vitamins (still debatable, but no vitamins).


    The flavor of things did not matter to me because I both could not taste things and hated the taste of things (analyze that) at the same time.  Furthermore I hated the feel of 99% of all food.  My parents could not understand my situation so I placed a can of Crisco shortening on their table and said this is what food feels and tastes like to me.  I am thankful for those in the H&N forum who retain taste, flavor and feel of food I just was not one of them.  We have all heard the lack of taste being like a bad cold, well I can guarantee it is nothing like a bad cold.


    The most important thing I learned from the H&N crew is about the importance of hydration and swallowing.  I started drinking lots of water before treatments started and never stopped.  It is 8pm west coast time and I will more than likely have 2 to 3 more glasses tonight.


    Good luck,





    I knew you were the smoothie king around here so felt the post close to your heart. I forgot to add that there is an amino supplement that enables better processing of the proteins, at least that is what I think they do. Maybe they are some form of building block, I forgot what the nutritionist said when I asked her about the role of amino acids.



    Q: What is in XTEND?
    A:  XTEND is commonly thought of as simply a branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) supplement, but that is like saying a Navy SEAL is a sailor who can swim really well. There’s so much more to the story.  XTEND contains:

    1. BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, and valine,) in a research validated 2:1:1 ratio to stimulate and support muscle protein synthesis and provide metabolic energy while you train.†

    2. Glutamine to promote muscle intracellular BCAA metabolism down the correct energy and protein synthesis pathways via the BCAA aminotransferase enzyme.†

    3. Vitamin B6 to ensure optimal BCAA aminotransferase reactions.†

    4. Bonded Citrulline Malate to help facilitate rapid ATP turnover and lactate re-absorption to support higher training volumes at a given exercise intensity.†

    5. Electrolytes  (potassium, chloride and sodium) to optimize cell hydration and muscle contractile function while you train even under the most brutal of conditions.†

    Link to the amino supplement: XTEND

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    donfoo said:



    I knew you were the smoothie king around here so felt the post close to your heart. I forgot to add that there is an amino supplement that enables better processing of the proteins, at least that is what I think they do. Maybe they are some form of building block, I forgot what the nutritionist said when I asked her about the role of amino acids.



    Q: What is in XTEND?
    A:  XTEND is commonly thought of as simply a branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) supplement, but that is like saying a Navy SEAL is a sailor who can swim really well. There’s so much more to the story.  XTEND contains:

    1. BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, and valine,) in a research validated 2:1:1 ratio to stimulate and support muscle protein synthesis and provide metabolic energy while you train.†

    2. Glutamine to promote muscle intracellular BCAA metabolism down the correct energy and protein synthesis pathways via the BCAA aminotransferase enzyme.†

    3. Vitamin B6 to ensure optimal BCAA aminotransferase reactions.†

    4. Bonded Citrulline Malate to help facilitate rapid ATP turnover and lactate re-absorption to support higher training volumes at a given exercise intensity.†

    5. Electrolytes  (potassium, chloride and sodium) to optimize cell hydration and muscle contractile function while you train even under the most brutal of conditions.†

    Link to the amino supplement: XTEND


    I was into body building many years ago. Smoothies/protien shakes were a staple in my diet. I'm all stocked up on smoothie/protien shake ingredients. My shake consists of ice, whole milk, a serving (or a little more) of vanilla protein powder (EAS tastes great), glutamine, BCAAs , a teaspoon of linseed oil and some kind fruit for added carbs. The vanilla protein is great for adding flavors. While flavor won't matter when treatment begins, for now it's wonderful. A little bit of cinnamon in a banana shake is delicious. They're also pretty easy on the throat and I imagine pegging it would be easy should I have to go that route.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    donfoo said:



    I knew you were the smoothie king around here so felt the post close to your heart. I forgot to add that there is an amino supplement that enables better processing of the proteins, at least that is what I think they do. Maybe they are some form of building block, I forgot what the nutritionist said when I asked her about the role of amino acids.



    Q: What is in XTEND?
    A:  XTEND is commonly thought of as simply a branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) supplement, but that is like saying a Navy SEAL is a sailor who can swim really well. There’s so much more to the story.  XTEND contains:

    1. BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, and valine,) in a research validated 2:1:1 ratio to stimulate and support muscle protein synthesis and provide metabolic energy while you train.†

    2. Glutamine to promote muscle intracellular BCAA metabolism down the correct energy and protein synthesis pathways via the BCAA aminotransferase enzyme.†

    3. Vitamin B6 to ensure optimal BCAA aminotransferase reactions.†

    4. Bonded Citrulline Malate to help facilitate rapid ATP turnover and lactate re-absorption to support higher training volumes at a given exercise intensity.†

    5. Electrolytes  (potassium, chloride and sodium) to optimize cell hydration and muscle contractile function while you train even under the most brutal of conditions.†

    Link to the amino supplement: XTEND


    Sorry... happy trigger finger ;)



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I started out using the whey protein...

    plus a host of other things to whip with it....usually half 'n' half.....and since avacado is so healthy, but basically tasteless, it mixed good with other things.  Once I was on the tube, tho....even the Boost was more thick than I wanted to wait (takes a long time to get down the tube)....not to mention I was SO tired....the smoothies went out the window, and I poured Boost mixed with milk down the tube, and drank milk during the day. 

    Please run any suppliments you take by your Oncologist or DO.....cancer cells like a number of things that are "healthy" for us when we are presumably healthy....but when we're getting rads and or chemo, they can be counter productive.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Good info. everyone !


    This is a subject that's good even for after tx's  and effects are done.  I had all my teeth pulled (ick !) in prep. for tx's.  And with continuing issues my dentures won't fit properly.  Somedays tight fit....somedays fall out.  I miss the nutrician that I could be receiving from many things !  And the textures.  Nuts....meaning the kind you eat.  Lol !  I've been using a smoothie maker, (cheap one) that will liquify anything !  Will be writing all and any info. down to try !  I use alot of yogurt.  My issues aren't to keep weight on, not a problem !  Mine is to maintain and not gain too much from the wrong foods....that aren't helping my immune system stay top notch !  Thanks for this link.....wonderful !    Katie 

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    fishmanpa said:


    I was into body building many years ago. Smoothies/protien shakes were a staple in my diet. I'm all stocked up on smoothie/protien shake ingredients. My shake consists of ice, whole milk, a serving (or a little more) of vanilla protein powder (EAS tastes great), glutamine, BCAAs , a teaspoon of linseed oil and some kind fruit for added carbs. The vanilla protein is great for adding flavors. While flavor won't matter when treatment begins, for now it's wonderful. A little bit of cinnamon in a banana shake is delicious. They're also pretty easy on the throat and I imagine pegging it would be easy should I have to go that route.


    Dude, we are the smoothie clubber

    Glad to hear. We'll need to stick together and keep Matt looking over our shoulders as he is the "Smoothie King". lol

    personal blog open invite

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    I started out using the whey protein...

    plus a host of other things to whip with it....usually half 'n' half.....and since avacado is so healthy, but basically tasteless, it mixed good with other things.  Once I was on the tube, tho....even the Boost was more thick than I wanted to wait (takes a long time to get down the tube)....not to mention I was SO tired....the smoothies went out the window, and I poured Boost mixed with milk down the tube, and drank milk during the day. 

    Please run any suppliments you take by your Oncologist or DO.....cancer cells like a number of things that are "healthy" for us when we are presumably healthy....but when we're getting rads and or chemo, they can be counter productive.


    good idea

    Hi p,

    Awhile ago, I sent the nutrition labels to my nutritionist and she cleared them and stated that excess of this stuff gets flushed out in urine. I will inquire to being assigned a cancer specific nutritionist as the first one seemed to be more general.

    Also, I have a couple pharmacist cousins who I think I will send the whole list of chemicals I am dosed with to have them have a look and maybe join my "team".


    Thanks for the suggestion,


    personal blog open invite


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    taste takes a vacation

    Don & T


    I wish you both the very best of luck maintaining your ability to taste.  Taste became secondary or of no concern for me.


    Living off of smoothies did not stop me from sampling foods (all kinds, all the time).  There were always hints of flavor, salty, sweet, spicy, etc.   I now enjoy food with the “normal people” and I am extremely thankful for where this journey has led (so far).


    Student of Smoothies (if I were a King I would have a crown, I have no crown).



  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    One of my grandaughters use to spend weekends with us and she and I use to make what we called garbage eggs for breakfast. We searched the refrigerator for any leftovers and added them to our eggs and hade a feast. After my sugery, during radiation, and for some time after I got into garbage smoothies and just about tried everything. I even looked for places in public who made them and occasionally tried to gross them out with a smoothie ingredient request. I did favorite places to smoothy out in my journey. Back then I lost so much weight I didn't care how many calories were in any concoction I came up with. Let you imagination run wild, you have that right.

    Enjoy the day


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Amino acids

    I saw some posts about L-glutamine, one of the common amino acids. This is part of the protein power combo. The amino acids help synthesis the absorption of protein, something like that. 

    Link to product