End of Radiation

Well folks, Monday was my last radiation treatment, lets hope it did its job. Now for the remaining Erbitux and beginning Cisplantin whatever that will be like. The doc said the lump hasn't shrunk as much as he liked but feels chemo will knock it out. I probably won't be able to speak well but I am hoping to be able to lose the trach and get back to some kind of normal.



  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Making progress.....

    Sounds like your making progress. Glad the radiation part is over! The bus ride is almost over and soon you will be back to your "new normal".

    Thanks for sharing your update.

    God Bless,


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    One down

    Hi Michael,


    Congratulations on the rads completion.  I will ring my bell in celebration  for you.



  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    One down

    Hi Michael,


    Congratulations on the rads completion.  I will ring my bell in celebration  for you.




    Congrats on finishing the rads..a big hurdle. I had cisplatin, got dehydrated with my 1st session so they cut my dose and I did it more frequently, that worked for me. I took the meds they suggested and never had any nausea. Stay hydrated! 

    Prayers that the trach will soon be a thing of the past for you.



    St. Louis, MO 

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member


    Congratulations on passing this major milestone. I am doing chemo first as induction  TPF rather than most concurrent chemo-radiation like you. My BOT is p-16+ and there was noticable reduction in the neck mass after cycle one of TPF, cycle two say even further reduction, so this treatment regimen is WORKING very well for me. My MO is guarded but pretty happy so far.

    Good luck,


    http://beatdown.cognacom.com (personal bog -please join)

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    donfoo said:



    Congratulations on passing this major milestone. I am doing chemo first as induction  TPF rather than most concurrent chemo-radiation like you. My BOT is p-16+ and there was noticable reduction in the neck mass after cycle one of TPF, cycle two say even further reduction, so this treatment regimen is WORKING very well for me. My MO is guarded but pretty happy so far.

    Good luck,


    http://beatdown.cognacom.com (personal bog -please join)

    TPF Upfront..

    Don, like you, I had the the TPF induction upfront, three cycles, nine weeks total, then seven weeks of concurrent with weekly carboplation and daily rads.

    My tonsils came out first, before anything... But I had a tumor also that was left depending on what the chemo or chemo rads would do...

    Like you mention, my tumor actually inflamed the first few days after the first round of TPF..., after the second cycle it was noticeably reduced...after the third cycle, the tumor completely dissolved away...


  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Hey Michael, congratulations on getting past the radiation dungeon master.  You will be thru with the chemo, and losing the trach in the closer forseeable future now, which is great to be getting to.  Keep it movin forwarad............* 


  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member
    So happy you are done!


    So glad you are done with radiation! Don't worry about the lump, the rads are still working! Stay hydrated and you get to sleep in now!

    Soon you'll be done with treatments and start the recovery process, you've done so well so far, Keep up the good work!

    Praying for a quick recovery for you,


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    It's one small step for man, one giant leap.....


    Way to go getting over that hurdle! That's one giant leap to getting through treatment. Here's to gettin through the next one and being one step closer to NED!


  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Keep up the good fight!

    Atta boy!  Just keep taking those slow steps forward, every step in the direction of healing and health.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    TPF Upfront..

    Don, like you, I had the the TPF induction upfront, three cycles, nine weeks total, then seven weeks of concurrent with weekly carboplation and daily rads.

    My tonsils came out first, before anything... But I had a tumor also that was left depending on what the chemo or chemo rads would do...

    Like you mention, my tumor actually inflamed the first few days after the first round of TPF..., after the second cycle it was noticeably reduced...after the third cycle, the tumor completely dissolved away...


    hope I follow your steps

    I believe that you were able to skirt the PEG ordeal and so far it seems our paths are similar enough to give me encouragement to go the distance without the need to PEG up. I am stubborn but not stupid, so if my body tells me to PEG I will without hestitation but it will be only after one hell of a fight on my end to choke down in any manner or fashion liquified nutrition sufficient to sustain my health during the chemo-rad regimen. 


    personal blog at http:beatdown.cognacom.com - please join


  • AJW1966
    AJW1966 Member Posts: 68

    I remember my last rad day! What a relief. I know the "suffering" didn't end there but at least i knew i was on the path to healing up from it.


  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    Keep on Keeping ON

    michael, congrats on ringing the rad bell. always specail to complete something durning that fighting mode of kicking butt. 

    keep it going and soon you will be enjoying your new normal and years of survivalship. 




  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813


    CONGRATS ...the end of radiation is a huge milestone.  I remember thinking that day would never come...but YOU DID IT.....Keep putting one foot in front of the other and you will soon be done with the rest of your treatment plan and start to recover.

    Sending prayers that the chemo will zap the crap out of what's remaining of the cancer cells.


  • ausrebel53
    ausrebel53 Member Posts: 74

    Thank all of you very much for your encouraging words, you have all been a blessing and although I haven't posted as much as I would like I always follow you closely. Having fellow battlers on my side is more than one could hope for....what a great site. May all of you be well and healthy and beat this beast....c

    regards Michael

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    donfoo said:

    hope I follow your steps

    I believe that you were able to skirt the PEG ordeal and so far it seems our paths are similar enough to give me encouragement to go the distance without the need to PEG up. I am stubborn but not stupid, so if my body tells me to PEG I will without hestitation but it will be only after one hell of a fight on my end to choke down in any manner or fashion liquified nutrition sufficient to sustain my health during the chemo-rad regimen. 


    personal blog at http:beatdown.cognacom.com - please join


    Each are Different...

    Yep, no PEG, and like you, if it was needed, they would have had no problem sticking one in me...

    I was lucky compared to a lot..., not sure if it's just a high tolerance to pain, or just body chemistry. But I really didn't have it that bad, liquid meds worked enough to take the edge off of any pain, followed by a crushed up percocet is some water for a chaser.

    But I did go for around 7 weeks or so on just liquid meds, Ensures, water and for me a few sliced peaches, LOL...follwed with more water and the crushed perc.... 3- 4 times a day, 2 cans or so of Ensure each time.

    In reality, the tonsils coming out was more painful, or at least more intense, the rads pain was just longer, but less inrense.

    Best wishes that you follow a similar recovery...


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member



    Way to go, keep fighting the fight it will be well worth it. The progress helps in continuing the battle.

    Enjoy the day


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Each are Different...

    Yep, no PEG, and like you, if it was needed, they would have had no problem sticking one in me...

    I was lucky compared to a lot..., not sure if it's just a high tolerance to pain, or just body chemistry. But I really didn't have it that bad, liquid meds worked enough to take the edge off of any pain, followed by a crushed up percocet is some water for a chaser.

    But I did go for around 7 weeks or so on just liquid meds, Ensures, water and for me a few sliced peaches, LOL...follwed with more water and the crushed perc.... 3- 4 times a day, 2 cans or so of Ensure each time.

    In reality, the tonsils coming out was more painful, or at least more intense, the rads pain was just longer, but less inrense.

    Best wishes that you follow a similar recovery...


    The answer I've been looking for!


    This statement: "tonsils coming out was more painful, or at least more intense, the rads pain was just longer, but less inrense." was the one I was looking for. I want to be mentally prepared for the side effects of rads and the pain associated with it. I know from experience (TWICE) what tonsil surgery is like. If rads are akin to that, then dang! I'm not looking forward to it but at least it's tolerable with pain meds ~sigh~

    Phlegm, fatigue and pain..Oh My... ;)~
