Enlarged Lymph Nodes have a surgical biopsy in 2 weeks!!!

I havent been diagnosed yet with cancer but they found two enlarged lymph nodes on my left side groin. I have to get surgery on the 21 of March and all im doing is worrying cause of what the docs have been telling me that im borderline cause my lymph nodes are 2.3 cm big. Im scared and terrifed cause i dont know what is gonna happen and that my life can change in the next few weeks. I have had cancer before i found out 8 years ago i had chondrosarcoma grade 1 in my left shoulder. I was told over and over again i was fine and that more than likely it was benign and that the docs would just keep a eye on it. Well they were wrong i got a second opinion from a doctor in a different city and he wanted to do surgery that following week. So that thursday i had surgery and i remember waking up in so much pain and had to stay a few days in the hospital cause it was a big surgery. the doc came in the next day and said that the results came back and that it was cancerous grade 1 chondrosarcoma i was pretty shocked. I was never given treatment for it cause they took it out in time but i was told it could come back again. And now Im goin through it again with a lump being found but this time on my groin and its a enlarged lymph node. So yes im frigtened and the docs have concern to cause of my past. Im scared to get my surgery done to i hate surgery but hopefully we will find out soon whats going on. I have been making myself go crazy with reading about enlarged lymph nodes and lymphoma and the possibilites of it being cancer and what the docs have told me and the ultrasound. Its scary stuff and i hate playing the waiting game i just want to find out and whatever it is get it treated as soon as possible. Im glad i have my family and my fiance to support me they live far away but im able to talk to them whenever i need to and they know everything goin on. I just pray everyday its not cancer but if it is i will be strong to get through whatever is thrown my way. Anyone that has been through what im goin through right now it would be great to hear your stories and see what to expect and whats gonna go on. Your all in my thoughts and prayers xxxxxxxx
Sorta been there too !!!
I think we have all kind of been there in one way or the other. Especially the waiting game. I was diagnosed in May 2010 with Follicular stage 4,grade1 with no symtoms such as night sweats or weight loss. I am now in remission. What the Drs. are doing is removing the lymph node to check it for lymphoma. They could do a fine needle biopsy, but with you having a previous diagnosis I am sure they want to check all possibilities and cells. Hate you have to be here, but there are some very informative people on here and they will jump in soon. Just keep in mind that there are always treatments for Lymphoma if that is what they find. You will know the answer in about 2 weeks as to what is going on. I have heard that if we must have cancer that Lymphoma is the one to have. I know that does not make a lot of sense. Just try to hold it all together and one day at a time. It's hard I know. John (fnhl-4A-1grade-5/10)
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yeah they were gonna do aCOBRA666 said:Sorta been there too !!!
I think we have all kind of been there in one way or the other. Especially the waiting game. I was diagnosed in May 2010 with Follicular stage 4,grade1 with no symtoms such as night sweats or weight loss. I am now in remission. What the Drs. are doing is removing the lymph node to check it for lymphoma. They could do a fine needle biopsy, but with you having a previous diagnosis I am sure they want to check all possibilities and cells. Hate you have to be here, but there are some very informative people on here and they will jump in soon. Just keep in mind that there are always treatments for Lymphoma if that is what they find. You will know the answer in about 2 weeks as to what is going on. I have heard that if we must have cancer that Lymphoma is the one to have. I know that does not make a lot of sense. Just try to hold it all together and one day at a time. It's hard I know. John (fnhl-4A-1grade-5/10)
yeah they were gonna do a fine needle biopsy but they canceled it and want to do it surgically so they can get a better result. Im scared cause
i dont know what is gonna happen in next few weeks but thank you for giving me heads up with everything and my thoughts and prayers are
with you.
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Welcome Celestejceleste31 said:yeah they were gonna do a
yeah they were gonna do a fine needle biopsy but they canceled it and want to do it surgically so they can get a better result. Im scared cause
i dont know what is gonna happen in next few weeks but thank you for giving me heads up with everything and my thoughts and prayers are
with you.
Hi Celeste and welcome to the site. Sorry you have to be here but you'll find wonderful and supportive folks here. John is right about lymphoma - it is generally very treatable and even curable. I've been in remission now for a year and a half - only 3 1/2 years to "cured"
. Hopefully the biopsy will show no cancer - never is enough for everybody let alone, once. My story is in the "about me" section (you can click on the picture).
Please know you are not alone and feel free to come here anytime for any reason.
Hugs and positive thoughts,
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Hi Celeste,
My Lymphoma was diagnosed after surgical removal of a large swollen node in my groin. The node removal was fairly painless...it's waiting for the resutls that drive you crazy! I have Follicular NHL-stage3(no bone involvement)-grade2-typeA-Dx June 2010 and I'm 62 years old. As John and Jim have already said, Lymphoma is totally treatable. Try to stay as peaceful as possible while waiting for all of the testing to be completed...I know, easier said than done, but looking back with my own situation, all the worrying and stress I created for myself was such a waste of time! We are here for you and understand 100% what you are going through, so please keep coming back for support. Others will join in shortly, I'm sure. Best wishes...Sue
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Hi Jimjimwins said:Welcome Celeste
Hi Celeste and welcome to the site. Sorry you have to be here but you'll find wonderful and supportive folks here. John is right about lymphoma - it is generally very treatable and even curable. I've been in remission now for a year and a half - only 3 1/2 years to "cured"
. Hopefully the biopsy will show no cancer - never is enough for everybody let alone, once. My story is in the "about me" section (you can click on the picture).
Please know you are not alone and feel free to come here anytime for any reason.
Hugs and positive thoughts,
thank you so much Jim for replying back and sharing you story with me im sorry to hear that you been going through a hard time and wish
to you that you will get better soon. Im terrified and playing the waiting game its scary and i really hope its not cancer but if it is at least i have the support from all of you wonderful ppl thank you.
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Hi Sueallmost60 said:Welcome..
Hi Celeste,
My Lymphoma was diagnosed after surgical removal of a large swollen node in my groin. The node removal was fairly painless...it's waiting for the resutls that drive you crazy! I have Follicular NHL-stage3(no bone involvement)-grade2-typeA-Dx June 2010 and I'm 62 years old. As John and Jim have already said, Lymphoma is totally treatable. Try to stay as peaceful as possible while waiting for all of the testing to be completed...I know, easier said than done, but looking back with my own situation, all the worrying and stress I created for myself was such a waste of time! We are here for you and understand 100% what you are going through, so please keep coming back for support. Others will join in shortly, I'm sure. Best wishes...Sue
thank you so much Sue for replying back and sharing your story with me. Thats what im pretty much going through is the waiting game
and im worried sick about it all i just want to get the surgery done and find out u know. Glad to know theres ppl out there like you guys to
be there for support and help me through this journey. thank you Sue
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Biopsyjceleste31 said:Hi Sue
thank you so much Sue for replying back and sharing your story with me. Thats what im pretty much going through is the waiting game
and im worried sick about it all i just want to get the surgery done and find out u know. Glad to know theres ppl out there like you guys to
be there for support and help me through this journey. thank you Sue
As Tom Petty notes in his old hit, "The waiting is the hardest part." I hope all comes back negative, but as you can read in many places here, lymphoma is one of, if not THE, most successfully fought of all cancer types. You will encounter a lot of supportive survivors here, whith a lot of both emotional-spiritual, and technical insight.
Bless your results,
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Hi MaxBiopsy
As Tom Petty notes in his old hit, "The waiting is the hardest part." I hope all comes back negative, but as you can read in many places here, lymphoma is one of, if not THE, most successfully fought of all cancer types. You will encounter a lot of supportive survivors here, whith a lot of both emotional-spiritual, and technical insight.
Bless your results,
Thank you for replying back and taking the time to help me feel better i appreciate that.
thank you for your thoughts Max take care and your in my thoughts and prayers xxxx
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Celestejceleste31 said:Hi Max
Thank you for replying back and taking the time to help me feel better i appreciate that.
thank you for your thoughts Max take care and your in my thoughts and prayers xxxx
I'm new to the site too. I wrote a brief history of my diagnosis/history in the about me section too. I was diagnosed in July 2011 with Nodular Sclerosing Hodgkins Lymphoma stage 3 A finally after about a month after getting to an Onc they did all the tests including the bone marrow biopsy and ran out of tissue and ended up taking a golf ball sized lymphnode out of my neck to get the staging. My grade of Lymphoma was 1 step away from being in my bone marrow and organs. Every lymphnode just about in my body were big the largest were under my breasts and near my heart. I know exactly how you feel. My world came to a screeching halt but my husband was amazing and he told me to start a journal so I wouldn't go nuts or anymore than I already am.
I know that with my type of cancer they said was "curable" but it is totally different having it versus someone who hasn't telling you its gunna be alright. Any how I'm gunna be praying for you and crossing my fingers
. Keep your chin up and keep going. That's all any of us can do. We are all here for ya.
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bamalady1bamalady1 said:Celeste
I'm new to the site too. I wrote a brief history of my diagnosis/history in the about me section too. I was diagnosed in July 2011 with Nodular Sclerosing Hodgkins Lymphoma stage 3 A finally after about a month after getting to an Onc they did all the tests including the bone marrow biopsy and ran out of tissue and ended up taking a golf ball sized lymphnode out of my neck to get the staging. My grade of Lymphoma was 1 step away from being in my bone marrow and organs. Every lymphnode just about in my body were big the largest were under my breasts and near my heart. I know exactly how you feel. My world came to a screeching halt but my husband was amazing and he told me to start a journal so I wouldn't go nuts or anymore than I already am.
I know that with my type of cancer they said was "curable" but it is totally different having it versus someone who hasn't telling you its gunna be alright. Any how I'm gunna be praying for you and crossing my fingers
. Keep your chin up and keep going. That's all any of us can do. We are all here for ya.
i appreciate you replying back and sharing what ur going through and i will go read about you here in a bout a min after i write u back.
Im so sorry to hear your going through a hard time and my prayers and thoughts are with you. Yeah im worrying a lot and it sucks
having to wait till the 21 for surgery and then another week after the surgery to find out if i have cancer. Its very scary to not
knowing if my life is gonna change and how it will. Thank u for your support and for taking your time to care about me and i will let you all know
as soon as i find out. Thanks for all your support my prayers are with you xxxxxx
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Hi Celestejceleste31 said:bamalady1
i appreciate you replying back and sharing what ur going through and i will go read about you here in a bout a min after i write u back.
Im so sorry to hear your going through a hard time and my prayers and thoughts are with you. Yeah im worrying a lot and it sucks
having to wait till the 21 for surgery and then another week after the surgery to find out if i have cancer. Its very scary to not
knowing if my life is gonna change and how it will. Thank u for your support and for taking your time to care about me and i will let you all know
as soon as i find out. Thanks for all your support my prayers are with you xxxxxx
Hi Celeste,
I hate the waiting game for me that is the hardest part. No matter what it is all you want is to know what it is and get it treated as soon as possiable to get on with your life. I hope your surgery goes well and that you have results very soon.
I had stage IIIA lymphoma back in 1987, and follicular carcinoma of the thyroid gland in 1999. I just had a CT and see the surgon on the 15th to determine what and if we will remove some new lumps that we have found. So I am with you one harded percent in the waiting game. I am raising my 5 year old granddaughter, I have 2 biological children one 18 the other 21 that both have severe mental health issues. I also raised two step-children from the time they where 5 and 6 and now they are 22 and 23 and they have issues of there own. My granddaughter is my step-grandaughter and she will be 6 in June. I worry what will happen to my kids if I am sick I have always been the constant they can rely on.
Oh sorry I am ranting about myself. I just wanted to share that their are many of us that get what you are going through. I am fairly new to this group and glad that there is so much support here. Please let us know when you know.
Praying for you that you have answers soon, and that it is simply a reactive gland. Meaning no cancer just reacting to an infection and has not gone back to normal yet.
Hugs Nicole
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Thanks NicoleCole74 said:Hi Celeste
Hi Celeste,
I hate the waiting game for me that is the hardest part. No matter what it is all you want is to know what it is and get it treated as soon as possiable to get on with your life. I hope your surgery goes well and that you have results very soon.
I had stage IIIA lymphoma back in 1987, and follicular carcinoma of the thyroid gland in 1999. I just had a CT and see the surgon on the 15th to determine what and if we will remove some new lumps that we have found. So I am with you one harded percent in the waiting game. I am raising my 5 year old granddaughter, I have 2 biological children one 18 the other 21 that both have severe mental health issues. I also raised two step-children from the time they where 5 and 6 and now they are 22 and 23 and they have issues of there own. My granddaughter is my step-grandaughter and she will be 6 in June. I worry what will happen to my kids if I am sick I have always been the constant they can rely on.
Oh sorry I am ranting about myself. I just wanted to share that their are many of us that get what you are going through. I am fairly new to this group and glad that there is so much support here. Please let us know when you know.
Praying for you that you have answers soon, and that it is simply a reactive gland. Meaning no cancer just reacting to an infection and has not gone back to normal yet.
Hugs Nicole
i appreciate you writing to me and sharing your experience with me and what you have been through. I have a son with aspergers and its been
a struggle everyday since his diagnosis but im so blessed to have him in my life hes my angel and is keeping me strong through all of
this i dont think he really understands but he knows mommy is not well right now. I have been through alot in my life but i have to say that is has
to be the hardest thing to go through is waiting to find out if your life is gonna change. I have had multiple tests done for signs of infection and
nothing came back showing infection so thats why their concerned its cancer and want to do a biopsy because my lymph node is large and they said
it shouldnt be that big. It scares me everyday that this could be cancer but its nice to know that its curable its just terrifying. The waiting game is not
easy and everyone keeps telling me im gonna be fine but why woud they find the lump now and not a few months ago when i was in the hopsital i was so happy i went to
england in november and met the love of my life that i have known for 3 years now. I was so happy and doing so much fun things saw london for the first time
and then i come home in january. Then a month later i find out i have lump and it could be cancer. Why now i dont get it. My prayers and thoughts are with you
and thanks again for caring xxxx take care xxxx
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Celeste I'm sorry you are
Celeste I'm sorry you are going through this. I'm on this site today because I'm struggling with the waiting game myself. Six months ago I found out I had relapsed with Follicular NHL. This Friday I will be scanned and next week I'll find out if the treatment for this go around is working (I was in remission seven years after the first round of treatments). I'm scared and I know you are too. I can tell you that the surgury to remove my lymphnode, which was a node in my left groin, wasn't all that troublesome. Not a lot of pain. The only issue I struggled with was the swelling at the incision site. My surgon made it clear that it would swell with lymphatic fluid and when it did I should go back in and have it drained. (who knew there was such a thing as lymphatic fluid?....wait maybe by making that statement I'm invalidating any claim to knowing something about this stuff!) I went in once and the draining was painless and took only a couple minutes. Recovery is fairly easy. I had the surgery and a week later went on a ten day vacation without any real issues. Hang in there. I will say prayers for you. God bless.
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Hi MachirMachir said:Celeste I'm sorry you are
Celeste I'm sorry you are going through this. I'm on this site today because I'm struggling with the waiting game myself. Six months ago I found out I had relapsed with Follicular NHL. This Friday I will be scanned and next week I'll find out if the treatment for this go around is working (I was in remission seven years after the first round of treatments). I'm scared and I know you are too. I can tell you that the surgury to remove my lymphnode, which was a node in my left groin, wasn't all that troublesome. Not a lot of pain. The only issue I struggled with was the swelling at the incision site. My surgon made it clear that it would swell with lymphatic fluid and when it did I should go back in and have it drained. (who knew there was such a thing as lymphatic fluid?....wait maybe by making that statement I'm invalidating any claim to knowing something about this stuff!) I went in once and the draining was painless and took only a couple minutes. Recovery is fairly easy. I had the surgery and a week later went on a ten day vacation without any real issues. Hang in there. I will say prayers for you. God bless.
thank you for replying back and sharing your story with me i appreciate it. Yea im terrified and worried about the outcome and whats gonna happen in the next few weeks. My lump is on my left side groin to and i have surgery next week. Do they put you to sleep so u dont feel it not all the way asleep but on meds so you dont feel it and are knocked out i hate surgery and im scared to get this done and dont want to feel it. Im worried its cancer but hopefully i can find out soon and get this taken care of soon. Thank you for your support it means alot to have support here and talk to others your in my prayers and thoughts and i hope you the have the best outcome and its negative hang in there to hugsssss xxxxxxxx
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surgeryjceleste31 said:Hi Machir
thank you for replying back and sharing your story with me i appreciate it. Yea im terrified and worried about the outcome and whats gonna happen in the next few weeks. My lump is on my left side groin to and i have surgery next week. Do they put you to sleep so u dont feel it not all the way asleep but on meds so you dont feel it and are knocked out i hate surgery and im scared to get this done and dont want to feel it. Im worried its cancer but hopefully i can find out soon and get this taken care of soon. Thank you for your support it means alot to have support here and talk to others your in my prayers and thoughts and i hope you the have the best outcome and its negative hang in there to hugsssss xxxxxxxx
Mine was done outpatient at a surgical clinic using twilight sleep. It took about an hour from the time they took me into the surgical room until I woke up in recovery. it was another hour or so before they let me go home. It was pretty quick and easy. The 21st is a big day. Your surgery and my scan results. I'll be thinking about you. Hang in there. Hugs back your way.
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MachirMachir said:surgery
Mine was done outpatient at a surgical clinic using twilight sleep. It took about an hour from the time they took me into the surgical room until I woke up in recovery. it was another hour or so before they let me go home. It was pretty quick and easy. The 21st is a big day. Your surgery and my scan results. I'll be thinking about you. Hang in there. Hugs back your way.
Yeah it has written down MAC anethesia so i wasnt sure what that was but it sounds the same im getting mine done at the hospital outpatient surgeical clinic, good luck to you and i will be thinkin of ya to and praying for ya ill let you know how things go hugssss xxxxx
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He Celestejceleste31 said:Thanks Nicole
i appreciate you writing to me and sharing your experience with me and what you have been through. I have a son with aspergers and its been
a struggle everyday since his diagnosis but im so blessed to have him in my life hes my angel and is keeping me strong through all of
this i dont think he really understands but he knows mommy is not well right now. I have been through alot in my life but i have to say that is has
to be the hardest thing to go through is waiting to find out if your life is gonna change. I have had multiple tests done for signs of infection and
nothing came back showing infection so thats why their concerned its cancer and want to do a biopsy because my lymph node is large and they said
it shouldnt be that big. It scares me everyday that this could be cancer but its nice to know that its curable its just terrifying. The waiting game is not
easy and everyone keeps telling me im gonna be fine but why woud they find the lump now and not a few months ago when i was in the hopsital i was so happy i went to
england in november and met the love of my life that i have known for 3 years now. I was so happy and doing so much fun things saw london for the first time
and then i come home in january. Then a month later i find out i have lump and it could be cancer. Why now i dont get it. My prayers and thoughts are with you
and thanks again for caring xxxx take care xxxx
I compeletly understand the Struggle with you son, and the angel that he is. I am sure I could not continue with the struggles and the tests with out my kids and my granddaughter. They really are the reason for my being.
I am happy that you found a love in England, and hope that you both have many happy years together.
The worry is not helpful I know, I find it fustrating to listen to those who say don't worry it will be ok, especially if they have not been in those shoes. However, I do also understand that people don't even know how to react to you. Have you had the biopsy? Or still waiting?
Thinking of you and wishing you the best. Hugs
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Cole74Cole74 said:He Celeste
I compeletly understand the Struggle with you son, and the angel that he is. I am sure I could not continue with the struggles and the tests with out my kids and my granddaughter. They really are the reason for my being.
I am happy that you found a love in England, and hope that you both have many happy years together.
The worry is not helpful I know, I find it fustrating to listen to those who say don't worry it will be ok, especially if they have not been in those shoes. However, I do also understand that people don't even know how to react to you. Have you had the biopsy? Or still waiting?
Thinking of you and wishing you the best. Hugs
hi cole no i havent had the biopsy yet i have surgery next thursday and getting scared caused i hate surgery. the waiting really sucks and its very stressful at the same time its hard to sleep lately, but im thankful to have my son with me that helps. my prayers n thoughts are with you to hugsssss
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Celestejceleste31 said:Cole74
hi cole no i havent had the biopsy yet i have surgery next thursday and getting scared caused i hate surgery. the waiting really sucks and its very stressful at the same time its hard to sleep lately, but im thankful to have my son with me that helps. my prayers n thoughts are with you to hugsssss
I will be thinking of you next when you go for your surgery. Every time they have removed one of my glands they completly knocked me out. I see the surgon Friday and keep thinking 2 more sleeps. I agree waiting sucks and is stressful, yet I am told by my DR's reduce your stress it is not good for you, like I don't know that, really lol. I really hope your gland is just a reactive gland that for some reason remains swollen. I have had a few of those no cancer just a gland that is abnormally large.
When I think I can't do this again, I look at my granddaughter and see her smile, hear her say I love you Mama and then I find the strength to endure whatever may come my way. Your son is you greatest gift that will give you the courage endure whatever comes your way.
Prayers and thoughs and giant <<<<<<<<<hugs>>>>>>> your way.
Take care!!
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thank you nicoleCole74 said:Celeste
I will be thinking of you next when you go for your surgery. Every time they have removed one of my glands they completly knocked me out. I see the surgon Friday and keep thinking 2 more sleeps. I agree waiting sucks and is stressful, yet I am told by my DR's reduce your stress it is not good for you, like I don't know that, really lol. I really hope your gland is just a reactive gland that for some reason remains swollen. I have had a few of those no cancer just a gland that is abnormally large.
When I think I can't do this again, I look at my granddaughter and see her smile, hear her say I love you Mama and then I find the strength to endure whatever may come my way. Your son is you greatest gift that will give you the courage endure whatever comes your way.
Prayers and thoughs and giant <<<<<<<<<hugs>>>>>>> your way.
Take care!!
i appreciate your kinds words it really puts a smile on my face and makes me feel much better. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers always and i will let you know as soon as i find out my results. I really hope i get knocked out i was told its not general but its sedation so hopefully im asleep. take care hun and big huggggs to you thank you for being so caring and your kind words xxxxxxx
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