Scanxiety; it sneaks up on you

D Lewis
D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member

I have a chest CT with contrast on Monday, the 4th. So, of course, I woke up this morning unable to swallow, with throat edema, tight neck muscles, a suspicious new 'lump' under my ear, jerky tongue, dry eyes, and various other worrisome aches and pains...  Darn that scanxiety. 

Had to wait over three months for the insurance to okay the scan.  As I haven't had any serious symptoms, they won't allow a three-year PET-CT, either full body or head/neck area, even though I had some lung nodules.  It was a fight a year ago to get the two-year scan.

Enough whining.  Off to work.




  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    I know exactly what you're

    I know exactly what you're feeling.  Went to the Doc on Tuesday and I he was telling me what great progress I'm making (I'm three weeks post treatment) then he said well, we will schedule your first CT for three weeks from today and we'll see where we are.  Well, naturally that nigh, I felt bumps, bulges, and pain in all the right places.  It's amazing what the mind will do.

    Hang in there, everything will be fine.

    Joe Cortney

    Dallas, TX

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    I was totally the same way  for a long time....

    I usually feel pretty good, but for a long time just before a scan I'd start having all of these stupid aches, pains and mystery spots...associated with high anxiety. So far knock on wood, all has been fine..., but I can definitely relate.

    JT, at six weeks out, that's a little early. So just as a prep..., it's not uncommon to have some residual show on first scans. Hopefully taht won't be the case with you, but just sayin...

    Best ~ John

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Oh Deb.....I feel for ya....

    it IS amazing how much power our minds have, isn't it?  Lumps, bumps, pains....aches and swellings at the mention of a scan....


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    You can do it!

    I know you can.  We all get through it.  It seems to be the one 'new normal' thing that we all experience, scanziety.

    BTW, thank you for the heads up on the insurance.  I think I have the same one you have and I remember the fight that I had to go through for previous scans.  So wish that they didn't put that agony into the mix.

  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member

    All will be well, girl- you were treated by the best of C teams on the west coast. Last two years I've done the 6-month CT, thanks to it being suggested on this forum, and all has been okay (though arthritis did show on the last one). If you get a copy of your report, you might wanna let me/us know some particulars.  "Loss of fat planes likely related to prior external beam radiation," was one thing noted on my last CT report. I had wanted an upper body, like they do moments after the PS, but they only did my above-shoulder. Mentioned this, but the CT gals ignored me (gals tend to ignore me a lot!).

    Deb, you'll be bringing the good results on home with you...



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member



    I guess even old timers get scanxiety.  I know I do better when I don’t think about it (easily said).


    I hope you have a nice clean scan.



  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Happy thoughts

    for a clean scan! You'll do fine.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    CT vs PET?CT

    Hi Deb !

    A CT w/contrast is a very good test.  Not understanding why they aren't doing it from head to knees.  Insurance companies and onc's office staff communication.  grrrr !  Sorry about the stress, but I'm sure everything will turn out fine !  I also have many noduals that are stable (not growing) in both lungs.  Keep us posted, got ya in my pocket for Monday !  No worries !   Katie   Wink

  • HobbsDoggy
    HobbsDoggy Member Posts: 276
    Don't I know It

    Went for my first scan after radiation and chemo and surgery.  In short my first scan after all the treatment.  Now I don't have a doctor's appointment until the 14th.  He will have the results by Wed, I am almost tempted to call and say what did it show, but think I will wait.  I go between hopeful and scared  and then confident that they got it.  I did the fully range to treatment and have the after shocks to show that.  I pray for all who are getting a scan this month, be it the first one or the 20th one.  They just did my neck also, did not have any show up anyplace else before so I guess it would be pointless and maybe harmfull to scan whole body.

    I wouldn't mind a payer or two either.  Being scared is part of the deal I guess.

  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660

    Don't I know It

    Went for my first scan after radiation and chemo and surgery.  In short my first scan after all the treatment.  Now I don't have a doctor's appointment until the 14th.  He will have the results by Wed, I am almost tempted to call and say what did it show, but think I will wait.  I go between hopeful and scared  and then confident that they got it.  I did the fully range to treatment and have the after shocks to show that.  I pray for all who are getting a scan this month, be it the first one or the 20th one.  They just did my neck also, did not have any show up anyplace else before so I guess it would be pointless and maybe harmfull to scan whole body.

    I wouldn't mind a payer or two either.  Being scared is part of the deal I guess.

    I agree

    after my Pet scan I believe back in Oct or Nov they saw a hot spot, from this site that is normal but it seemed my voice was different and other pain in the neck and left ear, same ear as before tumor found when I was origiinally dx, so they did a biobsy under anestesia in Jan 13, yeck new deductible, anyway it was nothing which may me feel great, just wonder if I should have stuck with the Hot spot and waited it out but the anxiety would have been awfully tough. 

  • Greg53
    Greg53 Member Posts: 849
    ditto1 said:

    I agree

    after my Pet scan I believe back in Oct or Nov they saw a hot spot, from this site that is normal but it seemed my voice was different and other pain in the neck and left ear, same ear as before tumor found when I was origiinally dx, so they did a biobsy under anestesia in Jan 13, yeck new deductible, anyway it was nothing which may me feel great, just wonder if I should have stuck with the Hot spot and waited it out but the anxiety would have been awfully tough. 

    Hey Deb!

    Yo Deb

    Right there with you on this one.  I haven’t stressed on the last couple of scans, but I have a CT coming up next month and already I’m asking – what’s that sore on my tongue?  Why’s my back so dang sore?  Who’s that good-lookin’ guy in the mirror ( ok –someone was standing next to me). 

    Sending positive thoughts your way today classmate!


  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    Greg53 said:

    Hey Deb!

    Yo Deb

    Right there with you on this one.  I haven’t stressed on the last couple of scans, but I have a CT coming up next month and already I’m asking – what’s that sore on my tongue?  Why’s my back so dang sore?  Who’s that good-lookin’ guy in the mirror ( ok –someone was standing next to me). 

    Sending positive thoughts your way today classmate!


    And I'm right there with both of you

    Tomorrow I have a swallow study to see if I'm swallowing properly (i.e.: not aspirating) and that it's all getting to my stomach.  Not something I knew I needed to worry about until yesterday and the ONC dropped this on me.  Now I'm examining every little feeling I have in my stomach and lungs.  Hopefully I can even swallow barium.  eeeshh.

    Joe Cortney

    Dallas, TX

  • Fire34
    Fire34 Member Posts: 365
    jcortney said:

    And I'm right there with both of you

    Tomorrow I have a swallow study to see if I'm swallowing properly (i.e.: not aspirating) and that it's all getting to my stomach.  Not something I knew I needed to worry about until yesterday and the ONC dropped this on me.  Now I'm examining every little feeling I have in my stomach and lungs.  Hopefully I can even swallow barium.  eeeshh.

    Joe Cortney

    Dallas, TX

    Does Everyone else have to wait ?

    When my six month checkup comes along I am scheduled for head/neck chest/abdomen. Have scans early AM and by the time the med onc appointment rolls around the pictures are on her computer. The radiologist report is not complete yet but the pictures are there.

    Scanxiety, that is my wifes problemWink I take life one day at a time, whatever will be will be.

    Wsihes & Prayers for everyone


  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member

    Scope was clean, neck squeezing didn't show any lumps, finger down the throat didn't find anything, and the Head/Neck specialist said it was his opinion that the Chest CT was clear.  My lung  nodules haven't changed in a year.  If they remain unchanged for another year, they will be dismissed as an issue.  I look forward to the actual review of the Chest CT by a Chest Doc, and I remain optimistic that all will be well.  A great day!  A really long drive, in traffic, but a great day! Thanks for all the well-wishes.  It helped.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Fire34 said:

    Does Everyone else have to wait ?

    When my six month checkup comes along I am scheduled for head/neck chest/abdomen. Have scans early AM and by the time the med onc appointment rolls around the pictures are on her computer. The radiologist report is not complete yet but the pictures are there.

    Scanxiety, that is my wifes problemWink I take life one day at a time, whatever will be will be.

    Wsihes & Prayers for everyone


    Next Day

    They can do them the same day, at least the CT..., my initial was available within a few minutes.

    My annuals I can request a desk copy, and the report and DVD are ready the next day...

    Depends on how brave you are to pick them up and read them a few days before the follow-up office visit for the "official" reading.


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    D Lewis said:


    Scope was clean, neck squeezing didn't show any lumps, finger down the throat didn't find anything, and the Head/Neck specialist said it was his opinion that the Chest CT was clear.  My lung  nodules haven't changed in a year.  If they remain unchanged for another year, they will be dismissed as an issue.  I look forward to the actual review of the Chest CT by a Chest Doc, and I remain optimistic that all will be well.  A great day!  A really long drive, in traffic, but a great day! Thanks for all the well-wishes.  It helped.



    You did it.  Funny how we let them poke and prod us, not to mention the scope!  I always warn my sister ( she goes to appointments with me) that they will probably scope me (I have areally good gag reflex).  Sorry for the traffic but good to get to a good facility.  Hopefully you got to stop for a good meal or some retail therapy.

  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    D Lewis said:


    Scope was clean, neck squeezing didn't show any lumps, finger down the throat didn't find anything, and the Head/Neck specialist said it was his opinion that the Chest CT was clear.  My lung  nodules haven't changed in a year.  If they remain unchanged for another year, they will be dismissed as an issue.  I look forward to the actual review of the Chest CT by a Chest Doc, and I remain optimistic that all will be well.  A great day!  A really long drive, in traffic, but a great day! Thanks for all the well-wishes.  It helped.


    Great News!

    Glad to hear your news. I'm sure it's a nice relief each time we get those "all clears". So Cheers to you!!


  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member

    Great News!

    Glad to hear your news. I'm sure it's a nice relief each time we get those "all clears". So Cheers to you!!



    Made my day hearing your good news, Deb. YES!


  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    D Lewis said:


    Scope was clean, neck squeezing didn't show any lumps, finger down the throat didn't find anything, and the Head/Neck specialist said it was his opinion that the Chest CT was clear.  My lung  nodules haven't changed in a year.  If they remain unchanged for another year, they will be dismissed as an issue.  I look forward to the actual review of the Chest CT by a Chest Doc, and I remain optimistic that all will be well.  A great day!  A really long drive, in traffic, but a great day! Thanks for all the well-wishes.  It helped.


    Woo Hoo!

    Just freaking wonderful! 

    So - - - how great was that long drive home from the appointment?

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Pam M said:

    Woo Hoo!

    Just freaking wonderful! 

    So - - - how great was that long drive home from the appointment?

    Oh those long drives !


    Yes !  Fantastic news !  I always want to do the moon walk outta the clinic when I get news like this.  You just kinda float !  Thanks for letting us know !   Hugs sent !    Katie