Starting the new chemo for her 2+

camul Member Posts: 2,537

As of yesterday (appt w/onco), I am starting the new chemo drug just released for her2 +, CADCYLA.  Even with all of the black box warnings, we have decided to try it.  The upped dose of Fentanyl has not had much effect with the pain in my back, ribs, legs etc. as it continues to increase.  WE are hoping that this will tartget all of the tumors and help with the pain.

The hardest part of all of this is the risk of my compromised immune system tolerating it without developing a super infection or major allergic reaction.  I am scared, but hopeful!  Scared because being told with the last 2 that my body could no longer tolerate any chemo, but hopeful that after 3 + months off that my immune system has healed enough that this will not be an issue. 

This is a sucky disease which has caused me to walk crooked!  With this I have laughed when I walk past a long mirror and then realize it is me that is looking back!  This warped sense of humor has gotten me through this far and hoping it stays with me to the end! 

This new drug is done as an IV push over an hour and a half hour for the loading dose, preceded by herceptin, then decadron, so it will be 3 plus hours with the first one, then about 2+, but hoping the benefits outweigh the negatives! 




  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Good luck Carol

    I am very excited for you. Hopefully this new chemo will help without serious side effects.


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Good luck Carol

    I am very excited for you. Hopefully this new chemo will help without serious side effects.


  • Josie21
    Josie21 Member Posts: 382 Member
    Good luck Carol.


    I hope this new drug helps your battle against this horrible disease.  You are so brave and I hope  that this drug works for you.



  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Carol, I love, love love your

    Carol, I love, love love your sense of humor!  Good luck with the new drug.  That is so exciting!  Kick cancer's butt for all of us!!!!

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

    Carol, I love, love love your

    Carol, I love, love love your sense of humor!  Good luck with the new drug.  That is so exciting!  Kick cancer's butt for all of us!!!!

    You are "The Amazing Carol"

    You continue to amaze me with new treatment options.  Here's hoping you have great results with this new chemo and the pain lessens significantly.


  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Carol,  I have heard very

    Carol,  I have heard very good things about this new drug.  It did very well in trials.  On an IBC/mets board I visit there are people clamoring to get this drug.  (I would be too if I was HER/2+)  It is specifically designed for 'advanced' cancers.  It was called TDM-1 in trials if you want to do more research. 

    I hope this drug is the miracle for you.  You have fought so hard and so long, you deserve a 'win'.  Please let us know how you do with this.  Best wishes.




    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Wishing you Luck!

    Oh Carol,

    I wish you luck and an award for bravery should be given to you.  I hope with all my heart it works for you.  May there be no infections this time around and hopefully the immune system has been boosted to agree with this plan.

    Hugs to you,



    PS:  Keep us updated on this Carol.  We all think the world of you.

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537

    Carol,  I have heard very

    Carol,  I have heard very good things about this new drug.  It did very well in trials.  On an IBC/mets board I visit there are people clamoring to get this drug.  (I would be too if I was HER/2+)  It is specifically designed for 'advanced' cancers.  It was called TDM-1 in trials if you want to do more research. 

    I hope this drug is the miracle for you.  You have fought so hard and so long, you deserve a 'win'.  Please let us know how you do with this.  Best wishes.




    I read a portion

    of the study. I am still aprehensive about doing another one, but this one claims to be easier on the immune system and I like that it is targeting the actual tumors, and so I hope I am able to tolerate this one without any allergic reactions....  so now only 3 1/2 weeks to worry about it! (laughing)

  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
    Carol, I certainly hope that

    Carol, I certainly hope that this new chemo works and works with minimal side effects and that your immune system can still work good enough!! I am pulling for you!!

  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Sending good vibes your way dear Carol

    I am hoping right along with you, that you will benefit from your new chemo. You are

    ONE amazing lady and I love that warped sense of humour of yours.


    Big hug,


  • jamiegww
    jamiegww Member Posts: 384 Member
    Just sending you a Big, Big HUG, Carol.

    I hope your immune system tolerates the new drug and those tumors shrivel up and die!

    HUGS, HUGS, and more HUGS!!!


  • telecomjd
    telecomjd Member Posts: 66
    Hoping for the best for you

    I am crossing fingers, toes, legs, arms -- basically everything -- in hopes you experience success with this treatment.  


  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    telecomjd said:

    Hoping for the best for you

    I am crossing fingers, toes, legs, arms -- basically everything -- in hopes you experience success with this treatment.  


    Gigantic HUGS for you dear Carol ---

    You are and will always be my HERO -- I am wishing the very best for you == as well as praying that this latest combo of chemo drugs -- works magic, provides a miracle as well as provide you with pain relief.

    Take 1 step forward and begin your new journey --  we are there in spirit holding you up, and walking beside YOU.

    Strength, Courage and HOPE for a Cure.

    Vicki Sam

  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    My Dr told me about this new

    My Dr told me about this new drug, told me I would be on it if my cancer comes back again. I wish you all the luck in this world. And pray your immune system is strong. You are a true warrior.

    Prayers always Kay