I have a choice on Taxol treatments

Snowkitty Member Posts: 295

I start taxol in 2 weeks.  I have a choice of doing it in 12 once a week treatments, or 4 (1 every other week) if I can tolerate that.  Of course the four would be stronger, but I would finish in 2 months rather than 3.

And doc is gonna try me without nulasta shot.

If you had a choice, would you do 4 stronger, or 12 weeker taxols?


Thanks, Cindy


  • McMarty
    McMarty Member Posts: 212 Member
    It would be nice to finish a

    It would be nice to finish a month earlier if you can handle it.  A lot of people don't have much trouble with Taxol.  The good news is, if it turns out to be too hard you can change to weekly right!?!

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I did 12 weekly Taxol

    After 4 A/C and mast. when talking with Dr the first option I was given was 12 weekly Taxol as he said it was the most aggressive.  I knew immediately that being IBC I wanted the most aggressive TX.  It was hard but I've never regretted it at all because at 3 yrs post TX (well - will alway be on Femara), I'm still NED.  As it was explained to me - weekly maintains a more constitant/even level.  I had Neulasta while on A/C but not on Taxol - not needed.

    Remember - we are each unique as is our cancer.  No "One Size Fits All"!

    Winyan - The Power Within 


    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Just Started Taxol

    I had my first Taxol treatment on Wednesday.  I have not had any issues with it.  Doing great, no vomiting, no nausea as most anti nausea drugs don't work on me.  What they gave me seems to work.  I am very tired (fatigue) have shortness of breath which I understand is a side effect of the drug but it is also part of my diesease (stage IV lungs, lining, ribs).  I was to be 6 weeks on 2 weeks off then back to 6 weeks on  and 2 weeks off.  My oncologist decided that it would now be 4 weeks on, 2 weeks off, 4 weeks on, 2 weeks off then a scan to see how it is working, then we start the 2nd session of 4 weeks on, 2 weeks off, 4 weeks on, 2 weeks on and scan again.  Depends what we find and how I tolerate it.  I also do another chemo drug for my uveitis and have a lot of meds due to my other medical issues.

    Don't know if this helps you at all.  Had a port put in that made me tired before starting and my mother is in a bad way which add to the stressing, my dad isn't to good either so more stressing.  Could be why the fatigue is overwhelming.

    Wishing you the best and let us know what you decided,


    PS:  I had chemotherapy at diagose but for 18 years my cance was maintained by hormonal drug therapies which now don't work any more.  First chemo since I ended in March 1995.


  • jamiegww
    jamiegww Member Posts: 384 Member
    Might not be an issue for you.......

    ......but I'll mention it just in case it is and you haven't thought about it yet.  I don't know if your insurance company works that way but my insurance requires I pay my co-pay every time I get an infusion so for me it would mean either paying my co-pay times twelve or times four.  Depending on the amount of the co-pay, that could be a lot of money.  I'll probably get some negative comments for thinking about it from a money standpoint but I worry about running out of money to fight this disease and so I can't help but think that way.  In 2010 I had 4 dose dense A/C treatments followed by 4 dose dense Taxol treatments.  My cancer came back after two years.  I don't know if it would have come back with 12 weekly treatments or not but we are always left with those "what if's" and at that time my onc did not give me an option of one or the other so at least I'm not trying to blame myself for making the wrong choice.  I hope you can figure out what is best for you without driving yourself crazy in the process. 



  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    I have a very aggressive

    I have a very aggressive cancer, so I would choose the more aggressive treatment.  I would also want to get it done and over.

    I doubt this helps you, but I do hope the taxol works for you. 

